"Xu Jun and, frankly speaking, I went to the company to fight! Are you exaggerating to make me look like this now? "

Xu Jun and pick eyebrows, holding chin, the fork in the hand gently tap in front of the white plate.

"In addition to the necessary weapons, the majestic war clothes are also necessary. Do you understand

"..." Su Nuan looked down at her clothes, which were not practical except for being more attractive. Even if she really needed to do it at that time, it might be a burden.

What's the difference between wearing high-heeled shoes and wearing high-heeled shoes in PE class?

The expression on Su Nuan's face was difficult to understand, and even had a taste of forbearance.

Xu Jun and I can see that she obviously didn't understand his meaning, or that it was completely contrary to his idea.

In this woman's head, I'm afraid the first reaction is to solve the problem with fists.

How can we know that without fists, we can solve the problem perfectly and effortlessly.

Forget it, anyway, it's all like this. He has prepared all the weapons and armor for her, and he believes that she can deal with the rest.

"I'll go to the company later. Shall I go with you?"

If necessary, he can't.

"No. I can do it myself. You've helped me a lot. I'll take care of the rest myself. What's more... It's only meaningful for me to solve this problem myself. "

Xu Jun and hook lips, the expected answer.

"Good. But... "Xu Jun and put down his fork, stood up, took out the napkin and threw it on the table.

Under Su Nuan's puzzled gaze, he reaches out his hand and pulls Su Nuan up, encircling his arms.

He leaned close to Su Nuan, his slender fingers hooked Su Nuan's chin, and whispered:

"I repeat, Su Nuan, protect yourself! If you let yourself be wronged, I will not only deal with them, but also deal with you... "

"..." Su Nuan's heart suddenly thumped violently.

I don't know whether it's because I'm afraid of his words or because I'm moved by his words.

He was always like this. What he said caught her off guard.

Generally, there are a lot of colorful tones to tease her, ordinary Wu Nong's soft words and the most common sweet words. But occasionally, some words are always his own and unique, which makes her unable to adapt and respond.

What a headache

She was moved by his overbearing.

"Don't promise me, eh?"

Chin fingers straighten, pick up Su warm chin, let has been trying to bow her head up, face him.

Su Nuan's face is very red. Now she is facing Xu Junyu, and her face turns red again.

"I'm not going to do stupid things anymore..."

Xu Jun and hook lips, fingers down her chin, stroked her neck and clavicle, "you do a lot of stupid things... What do you promise me, eh? How many times have you broken your promise? How can I believe you? "

The low voice moves people's heart, but Su Nuan has nothing to say about Xu Junyu's "distrust".

Think about it, which woman just got married and had so many things in her mother's home?

She not only promised Xu Jun and her mother, but also did not do it.

Before he said he believed her, it was just a consolation.

Now it was at this juncture that he finally told the truth.

"They're shameless enough... I'm afraid you'll give me another one..."

At this point, Xu Jun and suddenly pinched her chin!

Seems to think of her previous behavior, has been in the heart of his anger suddenly.

Su Nuan was startled. He grasped his skirt tightly and shook his head gradually.

"No, never again. I'm very clear about the purpose of today. "

After a few seconds, Su Nuan easily felt the strength on her chin gradually loosen.

Xu Jun and this just laughed again, "good."

Su Nuan's heart was relieved, but Xu Jun and Xu picked up her chin and kissed her on the lips.

"I'll go with you."

"..." Su Nuan looked at him in surprise.

After talking for a long time, what's the difference?

Xu Junyu licked her lips and said with a smile:

"I'll wait for you downstairs."

The tension in Su Nuan's eyes dissipated.


On the way to the company, Xu Jun and Su Nuan hand over the documents to you. "I've asked someone to inform Qian Junfeng to come to the company today, and you can do the rest by yourself."

"... well."

Su Nuan took the bag and put it on her lap. She knew what was inside. She had seen it before, but now she doesn't have so much curiosity.

What's more, there is no denying that she is a little nervous and uneasy.

Not because she's afraid of what's going to happen next, but because she knows the result.

An inevitable result!

She's going to destroy something herself.

It's against morality to investigate it carefully. Everyone will easily criticize her.

Push your own father into the abyss

The car finally stopped at Qian Junfeng's company downstairs. Su Nuan pursed her lips, paused for two seconds, took a breath secretly, and reached for the door.

But as soon as I put my hand on the door switch, the other hand was held.

She looked back at Xu Jun and his wife.

Xu Junyu took her hand and said softly:

"Don't be nervous, don't hesitate, don't flinch. I'm downstairs. "

Su Nuan's tight body suddenly loosened.

What to do, this man, the insight is amazing.

She thought she was good enough to cover up, but he saw it through.

She is relaxed a lot, the biggest reason is Xu Jun and the last sentence to highlight his strong existence.

Although she has no habit of relying on others, it is undeniable that he really saved her.

"Well." She nodded, and the door next to her had been opened.

There was a cold wind in the car, and Xu Junyu let go of her hand.

"Go ahead."

Su Nuan didn't get out of the car, but moved forward to Xu Junyu, and dropped a light kiss on Xu Junyu's face.

Xu Jun and her body suddenly stiff, turned his head and looked at her unexpectedly.

Su Nuan said with a smile, "thank you, because knowing that you are behind me, it seems that everything can't be easier. It's nice to have you. "

No matter how simple it is, there is no modifier, but it makes Xu Jun and his heart gush with a strong emotion.

This is undoubtedly the most touching love words they have heard since their marriage.

At the moment, Su Nuan, with her small handbag in one hand and her file bag in the other hand, bent down and got out of the car.

The camel windbreaker rose in the cold wind, and the belt outlined her slender waist.

In this cold everywhere appear bloated sky, appear so out of place slender tall.