"You don't love him!"

Suman stares at Su Nuan tightly. His eyes are full of shrewdness at the moment.

Su Nuan's eyes really shrank, and her eyes were stiff for a moment.

"What's the matter? Warm, what are you thinking? "

Su man stares at Su warm to ask, looking at her such facial expression, Su man actually in the heart also how many understand what.

Women are either material or spiritual.

But even if they are greedy for material things at the beginning, then in the end, once they get along with men for a long time, once men are gentle to her, once they lose their last defense line, lose their body, lose their heart, it's not far away!

The only difference is that some women are more frustrated and more brave. Even if the feelings they experience often fail, they will not give up easily!

And some women, after a pain, never want to experience the second pain!

Is Su Nuan material oriented? As a mother, she's sure it's not!

If you have to say, she also knows that she chose to marry Xu Junyu, there is indeed a more helpless reason.

But if she really didn't feel it, then she used to get along with Xu Junyu naturally. Today, she obviously feels that the atmosphere between them is more intense. Can she deny that she doesn't feel it?

Her daughter

Even in this respect, the mouth is too tight.

My mother was right.

Love Xu Jun and not love, the premise is that what she said is true or not.


Is it?

If it is, then why does she say it's a big deal to separate, she can't help but be afraid!

I'm afraid that will happen

But there are some things that she has never been able to decide.

Once something happens, it happens. She has no way to change the choice between Xu Jun and her husband

If he really decides to give up the relationship between them, then she

It's impossible to do anything humble to recover.

At this point, it's the same idea to be a mother and daughter.

"Nuan Nuan, you can be strong and stubborn, but in front of me, you don't have to. I am your mother and your only relative in the world. If you want to do this even in front of me, you will be very tired. You don't have to be so strong in front of me, understand? "


"Don't you have any feelings for you as I just said? I can see that you treat him differently. Don't you just like it? Like a person is not wrong, it is not a shame. If you like it, open your heart to it, and don't worry about the consequences. Love is blind. What it needs most is consideration and reason. Don't exclude it for fear of being hurt or any consequence. It's unfair to you, to him and to the feelings between you. "

"Even, some feelings, pain, in order to prove that you really love. I thought too much before. I was afraid that you would go my way. But later I thought a lot about it, because I was too sensitive as a mother. The last thing I should do is to tell you this sensitivity and worry and limit your thinking. "

"Just like the first time you learned to walk when you were a child, I was always afraid of you falling down and told you to be careful countless times. But in the end, I have to let go of your hand and let you try. Be careful when you fall. If you fall, you will bleed and hurt. You have said this many times. But at that time, how could you understand what I said? You just walked your legs excitedly and kept on walking again and again. When you fell, you hurt and cried. Then you continued to fall... Which child didn't fall several somersaults when he just learned to walk, But in the end, they learned the most important thing in life. "

"There's nothing that doesn't come with giving."

Suman said, suddenly sighed, looked at Su Nuan and said softly:

"Your father and I... Qian Junfeng, and maybe it's not love at all. At that time, the matchmaker just looked at him as honest and ambitious, so he chose to follow him. In the end, it proves my vision... Old ambition is something. From a poor boy to now, to his career, to his true love, to his son, it's a complete success... But I'm not honest, and I don't rely on him in the end... "

"The reason why I hate him now is that he beat you at the beginning. As for him taking Xiaosan home and forcing me to give her a place... To tell you the truth, it seems that he didn't feel at all when I think about it now. Even at that time, he was sad for the divorce. Maybe it was a kind of shame and indignation. I felt ashamed. Man is my original choice, but I chose such a result for myself. Any woman who knows that her husband is not only cheating, but even forcing you to give way to Xiao San feels very weak. Don't look at your mother. I'm so careless. I have a strong self-esteem... "

Su Nuan nods. She understands.

Their mother and daughter, in other respects, are a little poor, and their self-esteem may have reached the point of overflowing.

"So, warm, open your heart. Don't worry about all the consequences, don't let those things limit your heart. We all need to be loved. You are, so is Junyu. We should live for love, not be dominated by hatred and disgust. People who are not worth it, really... Don't let them affect your mood. As long as you live well enough, it's the best revenge for them. Warm, past things, really past, we are all good, OK? "

Suman said, people gently sat down to the side of Su warm, holding her hand tightly.

Su Nuan bowed her head, bit her lips and was silent. She was digesting what Su man had just said to her. Obviously, she wavered. After listening to Su man's words, her first reaction was approval. So now she needs to take time to digest and compare her mother's words again and again to see if she can completely convince herself


Suman called her gently again. Suman blinked, looked up at Suman and nodded, "I'll try..." her words were ambiguous. After a pause, she continued: "as for that family... En... If they don't come to provoke me, I won't go to them. Mom, you're right. They really don't have the qualification to appear in my life. Just think about it. "

Suman held her hand tightly, and finally laughed at ease.

"Yes. If only you could figure it out. "

Su Nuan thought about it again and made sure that her decision was really right. After thinking about it, she felt a lot more relaxed in her gloomy mood.