"It's true, of course. I didn't know that before in foreign countries. I thought that our people's thinking would change with the development of the times in the past five years, but it's still too stubborn. I feel that I can't turn this curve all my life. Especially the elders in my family, so I can't help it. I also know that if I put such a request at home, I will be scolded. After all, the domestic ideas are not open to foreign countries. For my parents, I can only compromise temporarily. What the profile says is true. What do you want? "

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I understand. In fact... Our people's thinking is very avant-garde, for example, I fully support you, love without borders, love without race, love without gender. Ha ha... When it comes to my requirements, it's nothing, just try to keep a low profile. I'd better not let anyone know except my family, including my friends... "

"Well, there's no problem. Then, Miss Su, do you need time to have a deeper understanding of me? If you don't think it's necessary, I think we'll get the certificate as much as possible?"


Xu Jun and his eyebrows jumped fiercely, which was right.

Last night, Su Nuan said that she needed the household register urgently these two days. Is that what she used?

Su Nuan, you are an idiot. You really have the ability to put on this idiot hat!

He proposed to him here for many days, and she even went on a blind date behind his back.

"Well, Mr. Song, that's right. My Hukou book. For some reason, I can't get it out of my friends. This marriage is for..."

"It doesn't matter. To tell you the truth, it's not easy to find a woman who is willing to marry me. I think you're also very good. Otherwise, we'll deal with it first by applying for a fake certificate. We'll make it up again when your friend returns the account book to you! Do you think so? "


Su Nuan agreed without thinking about it.

That's a good thing!

Why didn't she think of it at the beginning? She would ask someone to help her with half a fake certificate, and then come forward to meet her parents. Isn't that the end?

As for keeping his mother on tenterhooks for so long?

Was her brain eaten by dogs before?

Xu Jun and Yuan Yao heard such a decisive word in the headphones, the corners of his mouth violently pumping up, forehead taut tightly, a handsome face dense with a storm.


So she did not hesitate to agree to get married with the man who only met once?

That kind of simple, really let Xu Jun and hate teeth itch.

"So... We're going to find a place to apply for a certificate now?"

Song Qing shook his head, "don't we have a universal Taobao in China? We just need to find two photos and send them to them. It should be OK in a few days, right

Su warm Leng Leng, some reaction.

"What? Can't you? "

"No, it's not. It's too surname! Mr. Song, you are more versatile than Taobao

Really, at least in the omnipotent Taobao will not give her such a high-quality marriage man?

"Oh, really, I'm not good at what I said."

Song Qing suddenly came up with such a sentence, which made Su Nuan suddenly surprised.

As a typical northeasterner, men in her impression are men!

But the facial features are very manly, the oily and powdery clothes and the words of "Niang Bu La Ji" suddenly appear. It's really frightening.