Xia Mingxiu suddenly picked up the teacup and drank it all in one gulp, regardless of the burning temperature. Then he heavily put the teacup on the tea table and stood up

"Since you gave up something in those years, it means that what you want to get accounts for a large proportion in your measurement. Everyone has a choice, and I seem to know what you gave up. Maybe our experience is different, you need to give up the reason, but I don't! Boast, irritable, unwilling, do not admit defeat, every emotion, every choice, is the right of each of us. Sorry, at the moment, I'm just a layman. I can't cultivate myself. I don't, and I don't want to understand. I'm in that state! "

"What I want, I must find a way to get it. Everyone is afraid of doing wrong, so am I. But I know better what missing is

Xia Mingxiu hesitated, his deep eyebrows slightly lowered, fell on the old man's face, and continued: "just like you in front of me. Everyone who has done wrong is not qualified to regret, but must regret. Those who say that they are not qualified to regret it still attach too much importance to "qualification."

"In the end, it's nothing more than - your self-esteem is slightly better than what you gave up at the beginning."

The old man was always smiling, picking up the cup and smelling the fragrance of tea around his nose

Even after Xia Mingxiu said "excuse me", he turned away impolitely, and his expression did not change.

It was not until I saw Xia Mingxiu's tall figure rushing towards the orchard through the window that the old man slowly drank all the tea in the cup.

Gently put the cup on the tray, calm and wise eyes on the side of the small stove, clearly out of the charcoal, micro hook lips gradually droop.

On the contrary, he was scolded by a little boy

"In the end, it's nothing more than - your self-esteem is slightly better than what you gave up at the beginning."

Xia Mingxiu's words repeatedly revolved in his ear, knocking his sleeping numb heart again and again.

Maybe young people are right.

No, it's a kind of sudden awakening after being knocked by someone.

Choked in his mind so many years of things, suddenly understood.

What has kept him waiting to die is what he has not really touched and understood for so many years.


Too much self-esteem makes a person right and wrong, success and failure.

For the sake of self-esteem and face, he would never compromise with himself.

With a sigh, the old man turned his head again and looked at the persimmon forest, where he could hardly see the end. Xia Mingxiu's figure had long been submerged in the depths of the fruit forest.

He was a little surprised that self-esteem should always be the first inviolable option for such a young man who seems to be noble and full of infinite pride. How did he see through this?

For the sake of women, they are willing to put down their strong and inviolable self-esteem and go to unconditional compromise or even please



The old man's eyes moved slightly, and the action of rubbing the edge of the cup with his thick fingers stopped.

What does it matter?

Compromise and flattery, what will people lose?

There's nothing to lose.

But on the contrary, they will give you a chance to get, get a kind of possession, get a kind of free and easy