Wen Mu Yan's eyes and eyebrows are gentle, and she purses her lips out of Yuan Yao's room.

Yuan Yao took off all her clothes. She was frightened by the scars on her arms and legs.

It's not because she can't stand the pain of this degree of injury, but because she thinks that in two days, she will be scolded by Silina.

But when she came out of the bath, yuanyao was about to collapse.

Before I was drenched by the rain, I thought the wound on my body was not very painful.

But when she took a hot bath, her temperature rose, and the pain in her feet and knees almost tormented her to death!

That kind of hot pain is just like a hot red knife inserted in the skin, the pain of her whole body trembling.

And the wound was still bleeding. Seeing that the situation was not good, the servant went downstairs to call the doctor.

The doctor came in in a hurry with a medicine box. He saw the injury on yuanyao's body. He looked at yuanyao's red face and sweat. His face was so ugly that he gave orders to his assistant in a cold voice.

"Inflammation of the wound causes a high fever. Prepare a fever reducing needle immediately!"

Wen Muyan followed him, and his brows wrinkled tightly.

He walked quickly to the sofa where yuanyao was sitting and watched the doctor squat on the ground, quickly preparing liquid medicine and gauze.

Then there is no taboo, will Yuan Yao's pajamas skirt up and up, a pair of knees constantly seeping blood, even down the calf flow.

"Yuanyao!! What on earth have you done? "

When Wen Muyan saw the wounds, he immediately took a breath of cool air, and a fire suddenly gathered in his chest. He was distressed and angry!

Only when he is very angry and excited, will he call yuanyao's full name.

In silence, the doctor moved his hand and told the servant to prepare hot water and wipe the blood clean with gauze. Then he took a look at yuanyao and said:

"Please bear it, it will hurt!"

Yuanyao nodded.

But she was wrong again. She couldn't describe how much the wound was stung.

She turned white in an instant, clenched her lips subconsciously, and groaned in pain.

"Can you be light!"

Wen Muyan holds Yuan Yao tightly in his arms. His tone sounds tough because of his anger.

The doctor shook his head. "It's not a matter of strength. The wound is inflamed and hard to deal with."

"Is there any way to relieve the pain?"

The doctor thought for a moment, looked at Yuan Yao's painful expression, looked at her feet, and finally said to the assistant:

"Add a can of analgesics to the injection."

Yuanyao was first given antipyretic with analgesic, and some small wounds were treated in the process.

When the analgesics began to take effect, Yuan Yao was quickly bandaged on her knee and disinfected and treated where her foot was punctured by the glass.

When everything was done, the doctor was sweating, while Yuan Yao leaned against Wen Muyan, wrinkled her features, and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

The doctor asked Wen Muyan to hold Yuan Yao to the bed, then hung the anti-inflammatory water on the shelf prepared before, raised Yuan Yao's hand, held her wrist tightly, and inserted the needle.

Yuan Yao frowned and felt the cold liquid flowing into her body slowly through her arm's blood vessels!

When Wen Muyan saw yuanyao at this time, he felt a twinge of sadness. She was even worse than she was five years ago

Hospital, a slender figure holding an umbrella, braved the rain at night, rushed into the hospital

PS: Chapter 10 is updated!