"It should be OK, or Xia Mingxiu's identity. If he is critically ill, the whole world would like to know!"

Yuan Yao suddenly raised her hand and patted her mouth twice.

"Bah, bah, bah, it doesn't count, it doesn't count!"

The red Lamborghini flies by the aurora international media building. Yuanyao's eyes just glance at the door of the building and then leave with the fast car.

At this time, a black eight person business car slowly drove into the gate of Aurora building. Two men and women in black took the lead to get out of the car, opened the door and led down a small man.

A style of casual clothes, raised a short arm, to stop the man in black to parasol action.

From a distance, I saw the little boy with sunglasses covering his head with the hood on his clothes, putting his hands in the pocket of his casual coat, and taking the lead to walk into the door of Aurora international media building.

The stars in twos and threes who came out of the building looked at the handsome little guy strangely.

Recently, Ennis, a popular actress in Aurora media, just came out of the elevator. Her assistant ran in front of her and helped to open the gate, letting her walk out of the corridor first.

What I saw was yuan Wenqian's cool figure, who went straight to the front desk in the hall.

The movement at his feet gradually slowed down and his eyebrows slightly frowned.

The agent later came up and asked what was wrong with her, but ensis nodded in the direction of the front desk.

Yuan Wenqian's small body, left and right, each with two black bodyguards, a man and a woman, looks very big.

"Is the company planning to accept child stars recently?" Asked Enshi.

The agent glanced at the direction of the front desk and said with a smile:

"I haven't heard of it. I haven't heard of any agents of new companies recently, and I've heard anything like that. Don't worry, it won't. Even if it is, it will not compete with you for resources. "

Enssi kept looking at yuan Wenqian's back, gently pulled his lips and said:

"I'm not worried about that. I think it would be good for the company to find more people similar to that little boy. Children, they are the most straightforward and innocent

Grace's agent, josan, blinked and immediately understood the meaning of Grace's words.

"You still rely on those children? There is a vice president in the company to support you. What do you want? "

Enssi frowned, pressed her lips and walked towards the door.


"I want to see yuanyao."

Young and cool voice with a trace of arrogance, through the sunglasses, eyes coldly looking at the front desk of the two beautiful receptionists.

"I'm sorry, little friend. Miss yuanyao won't meet the guests without an appointment."

"Please inquire for us!"

Liang Lin's voice was low and frightening, and his face was cold. The two receptionists shivered.

"You two go out first!"

Yuan Wenqian side head toward Liang Lin said, small tone is not very pleasant to hear.

Liang Lin choked, "young master..."

"Well, let's go out first!"

Chen huiminrui found that the young master's temper seems to have hovered on the edge of extreme impatience.

What if the two of them were publicly reprimanded by such an older child for a while, and they both felt ashamed?

But I'm waiting at the door. Can the young master fly out of the building?

Liang Lin accepted Chen Hui's eyes, and he no longer asked for nothing.

"Young master, we are waiting for you at the door."