Ye Su Su's body recovers very quickly. Ever since he has two, the whole Pei family's old house is bustling with excitement every day. The Pei master is happy to have his great grandson. He simply throws his crutch and hugs it with his own hands. Pei's mother is so careful that she is afraid that the child will slip down from the Pei master's hand. She stands beside the Pei master and stares at them for a moment.

The eldest uncle and the eldest aunt are no less. The whole family are fighting for each other's arms. Everyone is inevitably drawn a "map" in pairs, but they still enjoy it.

Ye Su Su nestles in Pei Anzhi's arms and smiles gently.

There's a week to go before the full moon feast.

As early as a few days after their birth, the Pei family arranged for the hotel to prepare for the full moon banquet.

Given enough time for them to prepare, it is conceivable that all Kyoto people will pay attention to the small couple's full moon banquet.

Ye Su Su sighs that time is in a hurry. Twenty days have passed, but she thinks it's just in the blink of an eye.

Especially after having two, this kind of feeling is more intense.

With a slight sigh, he leaned his head against Pei Anzhi's shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Pei Anzhi asked in a low voice.

Shake your head, some emotion, say it, it's a little hypocritical.

"Little grandma, it's up to you."

The servant handed Ye Su Su a paper box.

Yesu was unknown, but he took it.

"What is it?" Pei Anzhi looks at the box and asks.

Yesu shook her head. "I don't know."

Holding the box for a second, I took a look at the list on it, only to find that it was not an express bill, but only four words——

"Su Su Qin Qi"

On a square piece of white paper, a few words were written diagonally and obliquely. A few words were still in pattern. Yesu's hand trembled and her heart suddenly jumped up.

Holding the box, she took a look at the bustling scene in the living room and returned to the bedroom with Pei Anzhi's puzzled eyes.

Tear off the tape, open the box, inside is a full set of baby clothes, including hats, shoes, and even small jewelry, everything.

On top of the clothes, there was an envelope.

Yesu picked it up and opened the envelope.

The colorful paper is familiar to her, because she knows very well that when Yuan Yao takes notes or writes letters, she is used to writing a few simple words in a pattern font, which has her own style and is unique.

The letter said:

Su Su, forgive me for not being with you when you gave birth, and forgive me for not being able to attend my nephew's full moon banquet. However, I think this gift should be able to catch up with my nephew's full moon banquet.

Congratulations, Su Su.

Congratulations to Pei Anzhi.

I won't talk about the past.

I wish you happiness forever.

I know that you will bless me.

I am also very happy now!

Please pay attention to the eggs!]

Ye Su Su frowned. She was a heartless woman. She didn't tell her where she was until now.

The words are always so simple, simple sad.

[I won't talk about the past]

The past of both of them is not very good.

Now, she has obviously stepped over from the past. What about yuanyao?

Can she?

Some eyes astringent, but still picked up the envelope, just feel inside there are things.

That's what yuanyao said about the colored eggs.

Ye Su Su's eyes widened in surprise when he took out the things. Then, he was full of joy and excitement.