Yesu's heart sank gradually.

"I know this child can't, Su Su, but I..."

"You love Xia Mingxiu."

It's not a question, it's a statement of fact.

Yuan Yao was stunned and raised her crying face to look at Ye Su Su.

"No... i... I don't know..."

"You can't have it without children. Reluctant to stay, but if you leave the child, Xia Mingxiu will not let you go. When the child is born, he will not let the child go. He'll marry another woman, he'll have children after he's with another woman, and then your children? Have you thought about all this? "

"Su Su, if I go, I will be far away from him. He will have his own children and won't care about my children."

Yesu deeply looked at her, "the choice is yours, and the expected consequences can only be borne by yourself in the end. However, I will help you, but Yao Yao, don't give your heart to a man easily. Xia Mingxiu may be more ruthless than Pei Anzhi. It's just the circle he's in, the prejudice against women, that's extreme. "

"Thank you, I won't. I just want children. Su Su, I must keep this child Yuan Yao's eyes are firm and she seems to have made a good decision.

Ye Su Su sat down by the bed and looked at Yuan Yao with a complicated look.

"You... How could you and Xia Mingxiu... Yao Yao, did you approach him on purpose?"

Yuan Yao gave a bitter smile and finally shook her head.

"No way. Su Su, Xia Mingxiu is famous for his cleanliness habit in the circle. As an unknown third rate actor, I try my best to be a second rate actor for three or five years, but I can't even be a third rate actor if I venture to step on Xia Mingxiu's bottom line. I'm not stupid. Can I ruin my future? "

"Then how..."

Ye Su Su frowned. As soon as she spoke, Yuan Yao shook her head. "I don't know. I drank wine. When I woke up the next day, I really didn't expect that this kind of bloody thing would fall on my head, but this is an opportunity, otherwise I would not have a bright future in my life. I'm not a dreamer for a long time. I've tasted human feelings by myself. I live in reality. I've done everything. I've... I've resisted... "

Yuan Yao said incoherent, but ye Su Su also understood.

This is the reality, the reality is cruel, and they all live in reality.

It's just that Xia Mingxiu, who is addicted to cleanliness, actually touches yuanyao. What's more, once doing is doing, and twice doing is doing. Yuanyao means that Xia Mingxiu has been with yuanyao all the time?

What the hell is this?

Ye Su Su walked out of the hospital and didn't even want to walk. He sent a short message to Pei Anzhi and took a taxi back to the villa.

The world is really unfair. In some ways, men can always put pressure on women. They can play with women wantonly with money. They can also walk away with their pants on. Once they are pregnant, they can still use their rights and money to make women suffer.

But on the contrary, what they hate most is this kind of woman.

Women are weak from the beginning. Yuanyao is sure that she won't fall in love with Xia Mingxiu at the beginning, so she becomes Xia Mingxiu's most disgusted woman.

Selling for money and vanity - body

But at the end of the day, the woman who betrays her body still has to be attracted to men, and she has to give up the flesh and blood that grows in her stomach.

This feeling, men will never experience.