"What do you smell like? How can I smell the Sao of urine? "

Pei Anzhi's face turned black immediately.

But the woman's nose was so smart that he worried that she couldn't smell it.

It seems right not to take a bath.

Being told the three words "urine Sao flavor", Pei Anzhi was not in the mood even if he was interested in tossing Yesu well.

"The bear kid peed all over the plane!" This is obviously an exaggeration.

Yesu's eyes widened in surprise. "Why is this allowed to happen in first class?"

Pei Anzhi glanced at her, "who told you I was in first class?"

Not first class? Does Pei Anzhi not fly first class? Is there a chance?

Ye Su Su couldn't believe it. "Business class is impossible..."

"What's business class? The ticket I bought might be the one you returned in the morning! "

Yesu took a breath of cold air. What he meant was that he spent the last twenty hours on the plane in economy class?

He was peed all over by bear boy.

Yesu looked at this period of time, "it should be a while since you got off the plane, right? Why don't you take a bath and change your clothes first? "

Pei Anzhi looked at Ye Su Su and pursed his lips. "I came with you, temporarily, without clothes, hotel bathrobes and shampoo. Do you think I can use them? I don't want to die young and go to another country! "

Yesu pursed her lips and lowered her head, but somehow she felt guilty.

Is it her fault?

But if he really wanted to, they could not change that fact.

She is destined to be a careful person. She can't ignore Pei Anzhi's concern for Liangluo, and she doesn't want to spend too much energy to deal with a woman who has an intention to Pei Anzhi.

Since the result can't change anything, if we continue like this, we will only get more and more hurt.

Ye Su Su got down from Pei Anzhi's leg, sat aside and said in English to the driver in front of him, "first find a Chinese medicine clinic.

Fortunately, the status of traditional Chinese medicine is still highly recognized in the world, and it can be seen almost everywhere in Chinese medicine hospitals and clinics all over the United States.

Before long, the car stopped. When ye Su Su got off, Pei Anzhi pulled Ye Su Su Su out of the car.

Two people pull, into a Chinese medicine clinic, Pei Anzhi some dislike, the scale is too small, too insignificant, he concluded that no one will come to this place to buy medicine!

Ye Su Su didn't bother to figure out his mind. He went into the store, bought some wormwood directly from the owner, and then turned around and left the store.

Then I went to buy a laundry detergent.

Back at the hotel, Ye Su Su was not surprised. Pei's business is really extensive. Even in foreign countries, there are overseas CEOs specially hired to take care of Pei's extended business in various countries. The workload is not small.

Arriving at Pei's Hotel, Ye Su Su went into the kitchen and threw wormwood into the pot to boil.

Pei Anzhi took off his suit coat when he entered the hotel and threw it aside in disgust.

It's a bit of a bridge breaking.

Yesu Su came out, took a look at Pei Anzhi, frowned and went into the kitchen again.

The wormwood in the kitchen is very delicious, but the Yesu is used to smelling it.

I'm used to

She felt that she could.

As long as she is far away from Pei Anzhi, as long as she doesn't let nature take its course, she will gradually forget.

But now, she feels that it is not easy to get rid of Pei Anzhi.