Ye Su Su came out of the bathroom after taking a bath and looked at Pei An Zhi sitting at the head of the bed, his hand brushing his hair.

"How did you wake up?" Her voice was soft, with a faint smile, and then she began to brush her hair again.

Pei Anzhi turned to see her. She was wearing a floral and silky nightgown. Her hair was a little messy. Under the light in the room, as she wiped her hair, fine drops of water floated in the air.

"Come here!"

Pei Anzhi opened his mouth with a faint look.

Ye Su Su doubts and goes to the bed, but Pei Anzhi reaches for her wrist and lets her sit on the bed.

Ye Su Su was surprised and wanted to turn around to ask him, but Pei Anzhi pressed her shoulder and didn't let her move.

"For what?"

As a result, the towel in her hand, behind her, rubs her hair at random.

Yesu was frightened by his action and subconsciously wanted to escape.

"Don't move!"

Pei Anzhi's voice with an unquestionable order, Ye Su Su immediately did not move.

Pei Anzhi wiped her hair, then took the hair dryer on the bedside table and started to blow her hair.

Yesu from the beginning of surprise, to slowly accept the silence.

Friends once said that when men fall in love, they are the most gentlemanly and handsome in their life.

Married, the man cheated the woman to the hand, revealed the original shape, to be more annoying, more annoying, all kinds of small problems emerge in endlessly.

So, in general, women are modest and tolerant, and men are the majority. They are just men's nannies.

The more we get together, the more we expose each other. In the end, no matter how deep our feelings are, they are polished by the years.

But Yesu felt that the closer she was to Pei Anzhi, the deeper she was occupied.

Because he is a casual close, or a move, will always give her a surprise moved.

And this kind of moving is exactly what she longed for most in her heart. Once the two meet each other inside and outside, what comes out is the softest feeling.

Pei Anzhi's action of blowing her hair is clumsy. He would roll her hair into the hair dryer, and he would accidentally pull off a few pieces of her hair when pulling it. Finally, he gradually became proficient.

After blowing her hair, Pei Anzhi put the hair dryer on the bedside table, lifted her hair, held it, and scattered it.

Yesu lowered her head, picked up a wisp of hair on her chest, put it in front of her nose and smelled it, with a faint smile on her lips.

"How could you remember to blow my hair?"

Pei Anzhi takes Ye Susu to bed. Ye Susu leans against his arm consciously. Then he hears Pei Anzhi's words:

"Return, fair."

Ye Su Su paused for a moment, "you... Just didn't fall asleep?"

Pei an's nose sniffs Ye Su Su's hair and puts his hand on Ye Su Su's body. He has already begun to be dishonest.

"Not just now."

"Yes?" Yesu's voice with a bit of nasal, a syllable out, the air suddenly began to become warm up.

Pei Anzhi's kiss fell on her rounded shoulder, "every time..."

The soft voice in front of Ye Su Su's body rang out in her ears.

"Every time, I know."

Yesu bit her lips, feeling a little shy about it. "I'll blow dry and sleep again in the future, or I'll have a headache the next day..."

Pei Anzhi holds Ye Su Su's hand and puts it on his body.

"You help me blow."

"En..." I don't know whether I'm responding to Pei Anzhi's question or just responding to Pei Anzhi's evil hand.

"I'll blow it for you."

Then he leaned slightly, his slender body covering Yesu Su's soft and warm body