"Do you really want to go back?" Asked the woman who pushed in.

The man standing by the French window was stiff. He put down his hand and turned slowly

Seeing the comer, the woman's lips hook and slowly opens her mouth


Shang Yunxi nodded indifferently and came to her side.

"Well. Yunxi, I'm wrong... "


Shang Yunxi was silent and looked up at the photos on the bed, one by one, which were all stitched up wedding photos.

"It's not your fault alone!"

"So I'll have to get him to figure it out!"


Shang Yunxi opened his mouth, and her words were swallowed back.

He doesn't seem to remember something.

Shang Yunxi didn't say it.

Three years ago, the moment mu Chuqing fell into the sea, Bian was rescued for the first time.

She was absolutely surprised that someone was lurking at the bottom of the sea.

It wasn't until the man dragged herself out of the water that she was dragged into the deep sea and got on a submarine.

When she woke up, she found that the person who saved her had only one chance.

LAN aoxiu.

Shang Yunxi's adoptive father, a handsome and deep man.

"Why?" She asked, equivocal.

Why would he save her?

Why does he know that he will choose this step in the end?


Too many, so it's a summary of these three words.

"Because Yunxi let me watch you before he left!"

Of course, saving you is the most basic condition for Yunxi to promise to come back to me.

He was as insidious and cunning as LAN aoxiu. Of course, he would not tell such a straightforward thing.

In this simple sentence, she was given the answers to all her questions.

The implication is that he has been watching her.

At the beginning, in order to prevent others from finding her, he gave her a new identity.

This is not difficult for a man who is president.

F nationality, mu qingkong.

The sky is clear after rain.

Taking a deep breath, mu Chuqing looked at Shang Yunxi and blinked.

"Lan aoxiu is a bad man."

Shang Yunxi looked up at her, a little surprised.

Why do you say this all of a sudden!

"No, he is a beast!"

Mu Chuqing laughs and shakes her head.

Shang Yunxi's cold eyes are also stained with a smile. In the past, his cold face is ruddy and beautiful.

"What are you laughing at? He doesn't like animals. Can he make his daughter's stomach bigger? "

Shang Yunxi said, reaching out and gently stroking his stomach.

Mu Chuqing sighed a little, reached out and stroked Shang Yunxi's stomach gently.

"Lan aoxiu is a bad man to me! Because he has a terrible attitude towards other women besides you

Shang Yun said, "I didn't find out. His black history can't be explained in ten days and a half months..."

Mu Chuqing smiles and takes back her hand.

People always make mistakes.

And she was too stupid to punish herself with other people's mistakes.

She was too stupid to retaliate him in the most extreme way

"Sister Qing, do you really want to leave?" Shang Yunxi took her hand and asked again.

Mu Chuqing takes back her look and her eyes are firm.

"I have made up my mind!"

"It's hard. It may be more difficult than you can imagine..."

Mu Chuqing shook her head, put her eyes on the bed and murmured:

"Yunxi, when I know everything

There are only two ideas in my head... "
