Lin Weiyang asked them to sit down and said, "Qing'er, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing?"

Su QIAOQING said with a smile, "I'm fine! I'm thinking of going to see Shanshan some day! "

Referring to Lin Shanshan, Lin Weiyang sighed, "you two have had a good relationship since childhood. It's better to go and see her. Help me to persuade her to transform herself. Don't do that again!"

"Good! I will persuade her! " Su QIAOQING nodded knowingly.

Then, he introduced Lengfeng to them. When they exchanged greetings, ye Yishen's eyes fell on her face intentionally or unconsciously.

At the bottom of my eyes, there seems to be a flash of hostility.

After chatting a few words, Su QIAOQING and Lengfeng sit back in their positions.

Cold peak low voice way, "that leaf a deep, seem to have a little difficult to deal with!"

Su QIAOQING sneer, "no matter how hard to deal with people have weaknesses, his weakness is an Xiaoxi!"

"It makes sense!" Leng Feng nodded slightly, "and I think he will be happy to get an Xiaoxi!"

"Isn't it? Today I introduced you to each other. After that, I'll see your performance! "

"It's up to me!" Lengfeng squinted.

All of a sudden, he clenched Su QIAOQING's hand and said, "in fact, I have a better proposal!"

"What can I do?"

"If we were a couple in everyone's eyes, would anyone think that you framed an Xiaoxi because of Gu Yansheng?"


Seeing that she didn't speak, Lengfeng thought that she agreed. He came over and gave her a kiss. "So, I think we should make our relationship public!"

"No way!" Su QIAOQING avoids in a hurry.

Looking back, she was relieved to see that Lin Weiyang and ye Yishen didn't notice.

He glared at Lengfeng and said coldly, "it's absolutely impossible. If Gu Yansheng knows, do you think he will want me?"

"But he doesn't want you now!"

"You..." Su QIAOQING's face turned red.

Stand up and go outside.

Lengfeng quickly grabbed her and whispered, "I'm just saying it casually. It's no fun to leave. What else do you want to eat? I'll give you some! "

"No appetite!"

"Ye Yishen, they are still watching. If you make trouble with me now, they will really think that our relationship is unusual!"

Listen to him say so, Su QIAOQING's complexion just looked a little better.

Casually eat something, in Lengfeng deliberately flatter, her smile burst out again.

When they left the restaurant, they talked and laughed again, just like a pair of old friends


But as soon as he got on the bus, Lengfeng was not honest.

Holding her face, he gave a punitive kiss, "you don't want to be my woman?"

Su QIAOQING was caught off guard by a kiss and turned her head in a hurry. "You know clearly that the person I want to marry is Gu Yansheng!"

"But when you hold me in bed, you seem to be very emotional too. Qing'er, dare you swear to heaven, don't you like me?"

"I..." Su QIAOQING's face had a fever.

When she is with him, sometimes she can't help but be intoxicated. However, she clearly likes Gu Yansheng!

Is she beginning to shake her feelings?

No, no! Absolutely impossible!

"Qing'er, I see intoxication in your eyes. Don't admit it. You still like me very much, or you prefer the things we do together, such as...".

The interest of eyeground is deeper. Staring at Su QIAOQING's eyes, it suddenly becomes hot.

Su QIAOQING will not mean not to come out of his words, but she will never admit it!

Cold hum a, don't open a head, "since you think so, that you start from tonight, don't come to me, you see I like Gu Yansheng, still like you!"

"No way! Tonight, I want to change something! Ha ha ha... "Leng Feng suddenly laughed wildly and started the car.

Su QIAOQING doesn't dare to make him talk any more.

This person's every word is not serious. If you talk with him again, you will be surrounded by him!

However, why did she always think of countless nights when they were together?

In fact, her heart, or a little like him, right?


In front of ANN as like as two peas, two strings of bracelet are exactly the same.

She had been staring at them for half an hour, but she didn't find any difference.

When Gu Yansheng came back, he could not help frowning when he heard that she had locked herself in her room all afternoon.

Go upstairs and open the door.

An Xiaoxi has fallen asleep on the sofa.

Long eyelashes, leaving behind two dense shadow, curved as crescent, very beautiful.

Looking at her small appearance, Gu Yansheng couldn't help but smile.

He bent down and gently picked her up.

Before taking two steps, an Xiaoxi was awakened.

I opened my eyes and looked at him in a daze. It took me a while to recover.

"Gu Yansheng, what are you doing?"

"What do you say?"

Gu Yansheng strides to the bedside.

Put her on the bed and asked softly with a smile on her face, "dinner is ready, now or later?"

Anxiaoxi's sleepiness was gone. He got up, hung his neck and said, "now of course, I'm starving!"

"Good! I'll carry you down! "

"No! Yingying is down there

An Xiaoxi quickly gets up, arranges his messy hair, and goes to the office with Gu Yansheng.

After dinner, Yingying pesters Gu Yansheng to tell stories.

Finally coax her, two people upstairs, Gu Yansheng just asked about the bracelet.

An Xiaoxi pointed to the two bracelets on the coffee table and said, "I can't tell which one is aunt's!"

"Su QIAOQING said," there's a letter A in the damn one. Didn't you read it? "

"I forgot!"

Each of them took a bracelet and looked for the mark carefully.

An Xiaoxi was the first to discover a letter, a small F. this letter is very small and hidden in the pattern of beads. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it.

Anxiaoxi looked at it and said, "but the letter is wrong! Gu Yansheng, is Su QIAOQING wrong? "

"No! Two bracelets, each engraved with a letter Gu Yansheng has also found the letter on his bracelet, light tunnel.

He packed the bracelet in a bag and handed it to an Xiaoxi, "come on, why don't you give it to Su QIAOQING?"

"I don't know! I just don't want to give it to her! "

"It's up to you! Mom is in a coma now, and she doesn't need these things! "

"Then I'll take care of it?" Anxiaoxi put the two bracelets away and put them in his bag.

She always thinks this bracelet is weird, so she won't give it to Su QIAOQING until she knows it!