Lu sichen was even more irritated when his father told him what he thought

Lu Qichuan got up and went to his desk, took a document and put it on the desk.

Lu sichen looked sideways, and there was a will written on it.

"Dad, what are you doing?" When Lu sichen saw these two words for the first time, his heart began to tremble. These two words mean death.

Lu Qichuan holds Lu sichen's hand, "this is what my father asked me to do after the last car accident. Your mother still has me in the end, but you are different. I can't accompany you all my life. Once I die, 70% of Lu's shares are yours."

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Lu sichen was even more flustered when he heard this, but Lu Qichuan held his hand tightly so that he would not be shocked to stand up.

"I hope my daughter will be happy, but I don't believe that any man can love my daughter more than I do. There is only one man in the world who will never betray you. That's your father, not any man who can accompany you through life. So you can tell Gongsun Yan's family clearly that you Lu sichen have no job, But you are Lu's legal successor. " Lu Qichuan, holding his daughter's hand tightly, said that this topic was a bit heartbreaking, but it was also something he had to say.

Lu sichen looked down at Lu Qichuan's letter on the table, "Dad, I don't need to --"

"But Dad needs it." Lu Qichuan said, reaching for his daughter's head, "Dad can give you anything except love, but what you need most is love, which is the only thing dad can't do in his life, so this money is not for you, it's for Dad to buy a peace of mind, OK?"

In this world, every woman has a man who loves her most. That man is not a husband, not a son, but a father.

The purest love.

If there are conditions for father's love, then this condition is the daughter's happiness.

If a father's love needs to be rewarded, then this reward is the happiness of his daughter.

Whether it's terms or rewards, father wants the same thing.

"Dad." Lu sichen leaned on Lu Qichuan's shoulder, "although from childhood to adulthood, every time you go to a parents' meeting for me, people say you are my brother, although I live in your shadow all these years." Lu sichen said, obstinate his nose.

Lu Qichuan chuckled. Even now when they go out, some people say they are lovers or brothers and sisters. Every time they say they are father and daughter, they will be shocked.

But this is his daughter, Lu Qichuan's "disabled" daughter. She can't do anything, but she is the biggest treasure in his life.

"But I love you the most." Lu sichen said, but also deliberately looked back, "can't let my mother hear it."

Lu Qichuan's smile is more and more obvious, "so, you are Lu Qichuan's daughter, but you have no job and no shame."

Although Lu sichen knew what his father meant, he said, "but don't you think your daughter doesn't even have a survival goal? Is that a shame?"

"Getting married, having children, raising children and looking after grandchildren are not life?" Lu Qichuan raised his eyebrows and said.

Lu sichen

I'm sorry to disturb you, but all the feelings just now are fake, OK? Please don't take it seriously, OK?

She doesn't want to communicate with her straight father now, so she might as well go back to bed early.