At least, Tan Chenxiao is not good at talking.

"You put me in the perspective you think, and you also magnify all the unfavorable factors of your own childhood. You feel so painful that you don't deserve me. No matter what achievements you have now, in your heart, here, all around you are memories you can't erase, It's the best proof that you define yourself as poor. " Lu Qichuan said, pointing around, "Tan Chenxiao, you have integrated the good and the bad rich. You have set a framework for the rich. All the people in the framework are cynical. They are all superior to you."

Tan Chenxiao clenched his hands and didn't want to hear him go on.

"Enough." Tan Chenxiao said, turning to leave.

Lu Qichuan reached for her arm and stopped her from leaving. "What are you afraid of?"

"I said enough."

"Not enough, of course." Lu Qichuan spoke in a deep voice and pressed her arm with both hands. "Of course, it's not enough. Tan Chenxiao, I don't have another 30 years to continue to spend with you. As long as we don't make this problem clear, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, our relationship will return to the way it was before."

Lu Qichuan's eyebrows and eyes are filled with eagerness, which is not in line with his age, but completely in line with his current ideas.

"I have said that I will not leave again. What else do you want?" Tan Chenxiao can't bear the sharp question he just asked. At this moment, his mood has begun to get out of control.

"I want to ask you what you want? The price of being with me is your past. If you come out from time to time to stab you, or if you are with me, it's at the price of suppressing your inferiority complex. That's not what I want. " Lu Qichuan pressed Tan Chenxiao to sit down on the railing, "that's not what I want."

Tan Chenxiao clenched his hands tightly and did not deny what Lu Qichuan said.

She is inferior, she is a poor family's child, and he, the son of heaven.

"Tan Chenxiao, what is the concept of poverty and wealth? Am I rich? My childhood wealth comes from my parents, but that's not my credit. What's wrong with your poverty? Is your poverty your fault? You know what? The concept of poverty and wealth is in your heart. It can be measured by money, but more importantly, how can you measure it by spirit. "

Tan Chenxiao looked up at Lu Qichuan, who was also eager at the moment.

"I have today's achievements because my parents have given me a starting point. I have a very high starting point. You have today's achievements because I have given you a starting point. Don't you work hard? Didn't I try? Or do you think that your efforts can't even compare with the starting point I gave you? "

Tan Chenxiao's brain is not enough at the moment. Today, Lu Qichuan has talked to her too much. Maybe it's because she brought Lu Qichuan here and completely angered Lu Qichuan because of her ideas.

Because she has never been able to cross the past.

"If I'm just a poor boy and you're a daughter, do you think I'm not worthy of you?"

"No Tan Chenxiao quickly retorted, got up, the whole person with irritability, "this matter can't be so to comment, you're not me, I'm not you, so how can you know what I'm thinking?"