Could it be that he also leaned back in his chair and looked at Xiao Yaojing opposite him.

"Life is a kind of inheritance. Before we become parents, we always feel that we can live our life freely, and the natural and unrestrained life is a kind of free and easy life. We always feel that we are divorced from the pattern drawn by the society. If we do not follow the trend, we are living ourselves. This is our own pattern. However, when we pass on our lives, when we see the little life and hear her first cry, we will really find that we have left behind the people who brought us to this world, forgetting that we came from them, forgetting that our pattern originated from them. " Xiao Yaojing said with a slight shrug.

Could it be that he lowered his eyes and unconsciously arranged his sleeves with his fingers.

"Do you know why ye ye resolutely left Baiying when she was pregnant with a child, but later she was so easily forgiven?"

There was no answer.

"The pattern of Qian Yikun was actually opened when he decided to come back." Xiao Yaojing said, reached out and picked up the water cup on the table, "if a person doesn't even have a place to store his sustenance, it's true. The leaves are rootless."

"I don't think my dad's pattern is big." Is it a sneer.

Xiao Yaojing pause for a moment, "this --" a little embarrassed, "so many people in the world, you still don't allow a few parts accident? Do you think there was an accident in Qian Yikun's home? "

Is this answer convincing.

"No, you mean I'm small?" Didn't you suddenly react.

Xiao Yaojing felt that the tone was not right. "It's not what I said, it's what ye ye said. It's really what she said. After all, she became a mother first."

She was in a much better mood. She lowered her head and touched her stomach. In fact, she was very concerned about the child. Today, when Gu group had a stomachache, she was really scared.

For the first time, she was so scared.

In fact, Qian Yikun has been very good to her. She is a little guilty.

"Do you want to have a rest? When these two little devils wake up, you will help me look after the children."

"I suddenly want to change Yikun." Can't it be that he has already got up.

Xiao Yaojing

Why is she such a big sister?

Could it be that she left in a good mood. When she arrived downstairs, Qian Yikun was leaning on the car, looking down at his toes, and the lighter in his hand was out.

Can't it be that Qian Yikun reaches out and hugs people before he reacts.

Qian Yikun

What's going on?

Qian Yikun looked down at Murphy, raised his head and looked at him, "how do you know I'm here?"

"Yuwei is still in the hospital. I don't think Wenshan and Lotte will talk to them at this time." After all, there is only one Xiao Yaojing, "my mother's words, you don't have to worry about it."

Don't you blame me for that After all, he was so strict with himself that he was afraid of something unexpected in her stomach.

Ding Ning and Yu Jiangqing have been fighting about their children for three years. In fact, when their children almost have an accident, she is not only afraid that their children will have an accident, but also afraid that her relationship with Qian Yikun will collapse.

Qian Yikun is more and more shocked. He looks up at the upstairs. Is Xiao Yaojing so powerful? How can you make sense of this one in their family?