Island villa.

Ye Yuwei looked at the third floor from inside to outside, then went downstairs to find Gu juexi, "when did you build the house?"

"Before marriage." Gu juixi was sitting in the living room with a laptop on his lap, looking at the documents.

Ye Yuwei put her arms around his neck from behind and glanced at the files on his computer. "Mr. Gu's action is really not covered. I really like the design style here."

Gu juixi reached out and nodded his cheek, "so thank you for the designer in front of you."

Ye Yuwei

"Mr. Gu, how about leaving a way for others?" Ye Yuwei let go of Gu juixi's neck, but Gu juixi put her back hand around her neck and gave her a kiss on her lips before she let go.

Ye Yuwei makes a face at Gu juixi. Finally, she goes to the kitchen to prepare for lunch.

Gu juexi is in a good mood. Ye Yuwei looks back at the man sitting on the sofa and looking at him smiling. It seems that it's different from when she was in B city.

In city B, he has too much on his shoulders.

But here, he is just Gu juixi, the man of her Ye Yuwei.

Gu juixi put down his notebook on his knee and went to the kitchen.

Ye Yuwei took tomatoes, eggs and some shrimps to thaw. She turned back and was about to look at Gu JieXi, so she was held in his arms. "Can we go to sea here?"

Gu JieXi nodded, held her, followed her to the table, "what do you do?"

"Tomato, egg and seafood noodles." The sea breeze came in through the window and the temperature was just right.

Moreover, she likes to be held by Gu juixi.

When he heard the interview, Gu juixi showed a clear dislike, which was the same as his son's when he heard the interview, the same as Gu's dislike of Dafa.

"Do something else." Gu juixi resolutely chose to resist the proposal.

"But I love it." Ye Yuwei looks back at Gu juixi pitifully.

Gu JieXi

"By the way, Gu juixi, let me teach you how to cook." Ye Yuwei said in a hurry.

Gu juixi looked at her like a madman, "no one here can repair the kitchen for you."

"Oh, try it. How do you know it will blow up the kitchen? I'm here," said Ye Yuwei, handing the kitchen knife to Gu juexi.

The light of the sword suddenly appeared, and Gu juixi instinctively retreated.

"Murder your husband?" Gu chuckled and reached for the kitchen knife.

Ye Yuwei immediately gave way, washed the tomatoes and put them on the chopping board, indicating that Gu JieXi could start.

Gu JieXi confirms with his eyes, and ye Yuwei replies with his eyes.

Gu JieXi nodded and stretched out her hand to pull her sleeve. Ye Yuwei saw that she was busy and stretched out her hand to untie the cuff of his shirt. Then she folded the sleeve up and made a gesture of invitation with a smile.

Gu juixi looked down at the small tomato and said, "how many pieces?"

"Ha?" Ye Yuwei was asked this question for the first time after decades of cooking.

"Cut as much as you can." Ye Yuwei thinks, isn't this the way she used to cut tomatoes?

Did she make mistakes before.

"You have no goal." Gu juixi said, and put his little tomato right.

Ye Yuwei feels strange, this still needs a goal, "your goal is to cut it into small pieces, OK?"