Then ye Yuwei heard this man, who was still a gentleman after he saw him, and burst out a common word all over the world: fuck.

Kejill finished his swearing, pulled out his gun and pointed at Ding Jiaqi.

Ding Jiaqi screamed and held her head in her hands.

Ye Yuwei looks coldly, when she killed those people, she should think of today's situation.

"Ding Jiaqi, when you killed Wu Biao, the old man and Dong Feng, I didn't expect that you would have this day, did you?" Ye Yuwei sneers and has no sympathy for the woman who is scared and shivering at the moment.

This is a woman who has the heart and courage to steal. She will kill people for her research, but she has no courage to bear the consequences of all this.

"Mrs. Gu, help me, help me. My brother asked me to do all this. He asked me to do all this." Ding Jiaqi said, has run to Ye Yuwei side, reached out to hold her wrist.

Ye Yuwei looked down at Ding Jiaqi, "Ding Jiaqi, you are not young. My son knows what is right and wrong when he is seven years old. He knows what can be done and what can not be done. All the wrong things under the guise of research are just to find a reason for himself. In this world, nothing can cross the bottom line of morality."

Ye Yuwei said, forcing her fingers off her wrist.

"They are not good people, they are not greedy, how can they die?" Ding Jiaqi shrieked.

Ye Yuwei looks at the slightly crazy woman and has no sympathy for her. Let alone the innocent old man, Wu Biao and Dong Feng do have their faults.

However, "Ding Jiaqi, do you think it's right to use other people's reasons for doing wrong things as the starting point for doing wrong things?" Ye Yuwei asked sarcastically. She squatted down and looked at the breathless woman crying on the ground. "Dong Feng and Wu Biao, even if they are damned, have nothing to do with you killing them for selfish desire."

Kejil has been listening to the translator, but slowly put the gun away, looking at Ye Yuwei's look more other flavor.

"What about that? She didn't kill a lot of people for money, did she? " Ding Jiaqi's sharp voice is a little harsh.

Ye Yuwei stretched out her hand and pulled out her ear. "So, at this time, you will know that killing for money is more pure than killing for purpose. At least she doesn't need to kill the next person to cover up that she killed the person."

Ding Jiaqi sat down on the ground, tears dizzy makeup, looks like a ghost.

Ye Yuwei looked up at kejil. "Mr. kejil doesn't need to kill her now. I think maybe he wanted to solve her personally. For the first time, he wanted to kill her without taking money."

The translator quickly conveyed this sentence to kergill. When listening to the translation, kergill always focused on Ye Yuwei. This woman seems to be more powerful than he imagined.

No wonder Gu JieXi is willing to be an ordinary person for this woman.

Kejill curled her lips and laughed.

Ye Yuwei

Isn't the smile on her?

Heaven and earth conscience, she didn't mean to tease the black big brother!

"Mr. Kerr said that he would give Mrs. Gu the face and save her life first," he said

Give her face?

Ye Yuwei suddenly feels chilly on her back and will be strangled by their vinegar bucket.