The Ding family has a major property, but is it possible that her father, Ding Haonan, was separated from the Ding family. At the beginning of the separation, Granny Ding was partial to her eldest son and gave 50% of her family assets to her eldest son. Each of her two daughters gave 20% to her, but only 10% to Ding Haonan.

So now Ding Haonan's industry is basically built on 10% of his own, but it is even better than before.

Granny Ding saw that her little son had done well, but her eldest son's business was getting worse and worse. Over the years, she had been taking money from her little son to invest in her eldest son. Ding Haonan was filial, and the family was not bad for the money. In addition, her mother was gentle, so she would not complain too much about her husband, so Ding Haonan would not go against her mother.

But even so, mother to their family, is still lukewarm.

Could it be that Ding Junhui said that his big eyes turned into bronze bells in an instant, and such an old lady still wanted them to come home for the new year?

"There are so many people in my family every Spring Festival. Do you know how much it costs? Grandma said that uncle and aunt's home environment is not good, so they stay in our home every year, even eating and taking. Dad has to buy a lot of seafood and imported fruit every year. This new year's Eve meal costs at least several hundred thousand. " Ding Junhui whispered in Murphy's ear, saying that he didn't like his grandmother because his father was filial.

Did the Ding family raise a group of locusts?

Her father looks smart. How can he do things without a bottom line?

What are these people raised for?

When Ding Junqi and Ding yueka came back, they were just about to have dinner. When Ding yueka saw it, he rushed over and called his aunt. Although he was just sad that his mother couldn't come, he didn't feel sad when he saw her. He liked her because she was very powerful, like Superman.

Did you just pick up Ding Yuejia and put him around his neck to take him on the plane

This week, Ding Junqi and Ding Yuejia went to Yunnan to see the scenes. They have been walking for a week.

"I miss my aunt as well as my uncle and grandparents." Ding Yuejia screamed excitedly.

"Ah, ah, what are you doing?" Granny Ding looked at the scene in front of her eyes and immediately called out. It seemed that she would throw her great grandson down. "Look what this wild girl is doing?"

"Yes, second sister-in-law, the child just came back and doesn't understand the rules. You have to teach him." Aunt looked down at Murphy.

Mother Ding's face was embarrassed. "It's OK to play with Yue Jia so often."

"Also often, I think she wants to kill my great grandson, but she doesn't want to put it down for me?" Granny Ding cried, waving her crutch to beat her father.

Don't you look cold and put Ding Yue's cassock down in Ding Junqi's arms. At the same time, you hold granny Ding's crutch so that she won't hit her father.

"Old man, I have no rules, so don't make a lot of noise in my house, otherwise don't blame me for disrespect." Murphy said, directly pushed her out with crutches.

"Ma." Ding Haobei held the old lady, frowning at Murphy, "isn't it? She's your grandmother, anyway

Don't you feel sick when you look at Ding Haobei's face full of justice? After all, isn't it a locust who sucks blood from his own brother?

"No, No." Ding Haonan took his daughter's arm and pulled it back, "Mom, Feifei is still young, not very sensible."

Is she not sensible?