Ding Yuejia couldn't understand what his father was saying. He just wanted to see Rakuten. If he didn't see Rakuten again, he would die.

"Dad, take me to Lotte, or I'll die." Ding Yue's small hand holds Ding Junqi's face, and his small eyebrows are frowning tightly, as if he would really die.

Ding Junqi looks at her son's small face, which doesn't look like that woman.

There is always the memory of the lightning, as well as that familiar to the heart of the face.

Who doesn't love money? Give me money and I'll give you the baby

The words lingered in his memory for seven years, and it was only two years ago that a woman's face appeared in his memory.

But in addition to that sentence, in addition to that face, he could not think of anything else. The superimposed memory made him suspect that there was something wrong with his life, but Ding Yue was real.

The existence of this kid is a magical thing.

Miraculously, there was a repetition in his life.

Miraculously, a strange woman inexplicably appeared in his life and gave birth to a child for him.

"Dad, what are you looking at?" Ding Yue's small hand still holds Ding Junqi's face, and his small eyebrows are frowning tightly.

He wanted to go to check this matter more, because he felt that the answer might be beyond his understanding. However, the more times he faced that woman, the more he could not calm down. He only regarded that woman as Ding Yuejia's teacher, and the more he could not watch her calm down when he was so tangled.

Since his life has been distorted, it's better to twist it together.

So today, he didn't stop reporters from going there. He knew that omnipotent reporters could use surveillance to find out where he came from and where he could find Rakuten's home.

So when PR called to ask if he wanted to stop reporters, he chose to acquiesce.

If you want to be mad, everyone will be mad together.

"She'll come to you." Ding Junqi holds her son, but she doesn't know whether this is for her son or herself.

When Wenshan and Nalan Chunbo arrived at Letian's home, the reporter was still surrounded outside.

When Lotte opened the door, the reporters were eager to rush directly. However, in view of Nalan Chunbo's strong breath, they didn't dare to come here. They didn't even see the people inside.

Wenshan and Nalan Chunbo went in and closed the door, "what's going on?"

"Who knows Ding Junqi's insanity Lotte said angrily and sat down on the sofa.

Wenshan used to sit down beside her, but Nalan Chunbo suddenly asked, "your sin, Ding Junqi?"

"What did I do to offend him? I haven't had a good thing since I met him two years ago. I want to show him my son for free. " The more Lotte said it, the more angry he became. He looked directly at Wenshan and said, "I'm very strange. When he asked me to teach his son at home, he didn't want money to think that Laozi was a charity."

Wenshan seriously to think, finally seems to think of something, "so that year that said you love money man is Ding Junqi?"

Wenshan remembers that at the beginning she said that she had found a tutor, but the child's father was a pervert. She said that tutoring a class was not expensive. The man was as evil as she was, and sneered at her. But in the end, it seemed that she had been given ten times as much, and Lotte was left behind.

Really, for the money.

But Wenshan didn't expect that the man was Ding Junqi.