It's just that many people forget that marriage weakens love, and forgetting that marriage makes love stronger makes it a killer of love.


When Wenshan sees the news from ye Yuwei, she rolls on the sofa with a smile. Nalan Chunbo comes out of the kitchen and sees Wenshan like this.

"What's the matter?" Nalan Chunbo said, people have gone to sit down beside her.

Wenshan showed him the news from ye Yuwei and finally said, "I didn't know elder brother Gu was so funny before. It was really his sister-in-law who changed him."

Nalan Chunbo just took a look and didn't have much reaction. Then he took out his mobile phone to read the email. After seeing the sender in the mailbox, he quickly opened the email.

It's about Ding Junqi that Nalan Chunbo asked his friends to check. After Nalan Chunbo finished, his face became more and more ugly.

Wenshan was returning to Ye Yuwei's news. When she looked up to talk to Nalan Chunbo, she saw his changed face. Wenshan paused, "Nalan dad, what's the matter with you?"

Nalan Chunbo shows Wenshan his mobile phone. It's a photo. The person in the photo is Ding Junqi, and the woman beside him is Wenshan!

Wenshan suddenly grabs the mobile phone and carefully confirms the person inside. There is a small mole on the right side of Wenshan's forehead, which even Lotte doesn't know, but the person in the photo also has.

"No way." Wenshan suddenly got up and threw her mobile phone to Nalan Chunbo. "It's impossible. It's impossible. I remember everything from childhood to adulthood. I haven't lost my memory. It can't be me. It's impossible."

Wenshan said more and more excited, but the more excited she was, the more she explained a problem. She recognized that the person in the photo was herself, so she tried to deny it.

Nalan Chunbo reaches for her wrist, but Wenshan is so excited that she can hardly control it.

"Shanshan, be quiet," said Nalan Chunbo, pressing the person on the sofa and controlling her limbs. "Now it's useless to be excited. What we have to do is to make it clear."

Wenshan took a deep breath and wanted to say something, but she felt that her voice had been severely choked. She couldn't make a sound.

Nalan Chunbo looked at her red face and touched her cheek: "you go to have a good rest first. We'll talk about this tomorrow. You need now --"

Before Naran Chunbo's words are finished, Wenshan has already attacked Naran Chunbo. She kisses Naran Chunbo out of order, and the whole person seems to be on the verge of collapse. She has never had a man or had a child, and in her memory, Ding Junqi is just a star who has nothing to do with her.

The sofa is too small and their movements are too big, so they both fall to the ground. Nalan Chunbo protects Wenshan's body and holds her downward hand. "Shanshan, calm down."

He knew what Wenshan was going to do, and she wanted to prove for the first time that she had never had a man or had a child.

He wants her, but it's definitely not for that reason.

"I didn't, I didn't." Wen Shan cried, shaking violently.

Nalan Chunbo understood and understood this feeling. He was on the verge of collapse, so he knew what Wenshan felt now.

"What you need now is rest. When you wake up, shall we talk about it again?" Nalan Chunbo gently opened his mouth, with a soothing kiss one by one fell on her forehead.