Ye Yuwei picked up her mobile phone and called, "you've had so many meals with her. You don't know what she likes to eat. How can I know?"

I asked Nalan Chunbo this question. In the past, they went out to eat together. Basically, Wenshan would order what he liked, so he really didn't know what Wenshan liked.

"It's a hopeless man." Ye Yuwei sighs.

Nalan Chunbo remained silent.

But ye Yuwei doesn't know, "how did people know you before? Now you should know them."

This words said and didn't say the same, so Nalan Chunbo decisively ended Ye Yuwei's call.

Ding Ning looked at Ye Yuwei with a smile. "Looking at a group of people around you who have emotional problems, don't you think you are very lonely?"

Ye Yuwei


She felt that she was very happy.

"There's so much nonsense. I asked you to sow discord?" Gu juixi came in and said, "now we can pass." Just after Gu juixi saw Ding Ning's clothes, her eyebrows began to frown. Did this woman think she was going to the nightclub?

Ding Ning gets up, the small skirt just covers the thigh place, straddles the high-heeled shoes of hateful sky high and turns around to go out directly.

Ye Yuwei

"Stay away from her in the future." Gu said and closed the door.

"I think it's great. It's so cool." Ye Yuwei said directly, in fact, she envies such a woman, but she knows that she can not become such a woman.

Any natural and unrestrained woman will be envied, such as Murphy, such as Ding Ning, but this kind of woman, can only be used to envy.

Gu juixi's face turned black when he listened to Ye Yuwei's words.

"Well, do you know what Wenshan likes to eat?" Ye Yuwei suddenly asked.

"Do you think I should know?" Gu juixi laughed.

Ye Yuwei is silent. She is really crazy and asks her husband if he knows what other women like to eat?

Are you crazy?

In the mall, Nalan Chunbo is selecting food materials, but he is frowning at the moment. He doesn't know what to buy. He can cook, but he doesn't know what Wenshan likes to eat.

It is absolutely impossible to ask Wen Tao this question. It will only bring him more trouble in the future.


Nalan Chunbo suddenly thought of this man.

So when Lotte received a call from Nalan Chunbo, he was still a little surprised. Is this God asking Wenshan what she likes to eat?

Sure enough, good men belong to others!

"I said, what's the point? You have to find out for yourself." That's what Rakuten said.

After thinking about it, Nalan Chunbo said, "I'll pay attention to it later, but now I want to know something she likes to eat. She hasn't had breakfast yet."

Nalan Chunbo asked modestly. Lotte just picked up a new model and was planning to start work. Listening to Nalan Chunbo's words, she leaned directly on the back of the chair. "She likes all the home dishes. She's not picky."

Maybe it's because of Nalan Chunbo's attitude now, so Lotte's attitude towards him is much better now.

But that's not true——

Nalan Chunbo said thanks, then hung up the phone and began to choose the ingredients, home dishes?

It's the first time that Nalan Chunbo is so nervous. He has never been so nervous before when he made speeches and did research.