Xiao Yaojing ordered lunch, then put down his cell phone and began to eat.

Ye Yuwei was fed up with dog food at the moment. He had seen her wallet and bank card, but what was this Alipay, WeChat wallet, QQ wallet?

It means that the coffer is completely confiscated.

However, ye Yuwei can see that Xiao Yaojing, who is married, has a soft touch on her previous shrewdness, which is given to her by assistant Wen.

"Thank you for not marrying brother Lu." Ye Yuwei sighed.

Xiao Yaojing has no objection.

"Next Tuesday is the school day. Are you excited?" Xiao Yaojing asked with a smile.

The anniversary of the school also means that the marriage proposal that Gu juixi has been planning for so long is about to begin.

Ye Yuwei is tasteless about the things in front of her, "I'm only excited about that ring that has exceeded 100 million."

"Shallow woman, you still have a 10 billion island in your name. Why aren't you excited?" Xiao Yaojing rolled her eyes and said, "but Gu juixi is going to propose, and your wedding will be held again, waiting for Wentao and I to come back from our honeymoon."


Ye Yuwei didn't think about it at all. If she could make a proposal, she would be satisfied.

"Forget it, where are you and assistant Wen going for their honeymoon, Maldives or Las Vegas?" Ye Yuwei regained her spirits and stopped talking about her problems. Anyway, she is very good with Gu juexi.

"To the mountains." Xiao Yaojing threw out an answer.

Ye Yuwei Leng for a moment, "to the mountains, honeymoon?"

"Well, we agreed to go to the mountains before."

"Supporting education?"

"It's impossible. It's too short." Xiao Yaojing waved his hand, "Wen Tao and I decided to take out the money for our honeymoon, buy some books and clothes and donate them to the children in the mountain area. Moreover, the scenery in the mountain area is good, just for our honeymoon."

Ye Yuwei gives Xiao Yaojing a thumbs up, "sure enough, the assistant's saliva is too much, and people's consciousness is high."

Ye Yuwei said and was directly kicked by Xiao Yaojing, "sister consciousness is so high, OK?"

Two people continue to talk and laugh to eat, but ye Yuwei is eating. The feeling of being watched comes again. She subconsciously turns back and still doesn't see anything.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yaojing finished the text assistant information, looking at the opposite suddenly frown Ye Yuwei, can't help but ask.

Ye Yuwei shook her head and went back to eat. "It's OK. What are you going to do in the afternoon?"

"Go to Wen Tao." Xiao Yao Jingli naturally said.

Ye Yuwei was once again stuffed with a mouthful of dog food, saying she didn't want to talk.

"I've sacrificed my lunch time with my husband to have lunch with you. Look how righteous I am." Xiao Yaojing said while eating.

Ye Yuwei despises her again.

After lunch, they went out. Xiao Yaojing drove by himself, and the car stopped not far from the door.

Two people are still talking and laughing, did not notice everything around.

"Be careful." With a familiar voice, ye Yuwei is suddenly pushed away.

Then fall in the place where ye Yuwei just stood is a broken flowerpot.

Ye Yuwei's arm is pulled by Qian Yikun, but her eyes fall on the broken flowerpot on the ground. The soil has been splashed out because of the broken flowerpot.

"I'm sorry, I'm working upstairs. The flowerpot was accidentally knocked down. Is Miss OK?" The staff inside came out at the first time, but they didn't accompany them.