When ye Yuwei looks at Gu's mobile phone in a daze, Gu has come out of it. He has a bath towel around his waist, and his body exposed in the air is covered with large and small traces of blue and purple.

Gu juixi wiped her hair, went to hold Ye Yuwei's finger directly, and then opened the home page with her thumb.

Ye Yuwei

Ye Yuwei lowers her head and looks at her mobile phone. Is this her fingerprint?

Gu juixi had already reached the bedside and reached for the shirt that ye Yuwei had put on the bed for him. But his hand stopped in mid air. For many years, he didn't let others touch his clothes, as if he had been waiting for this man to come back.

Fortunately, God had pity on him and finally gave the man back to him.

Gu juixi reached for his shirt and put it on.

Ye Yuwei is still looking down at his mobile phone. The mobile phone is black again. Ye Yuwei is not sure that she presses it with her fingerprint again, but she really unlocks it.

Did Gu JieXi use his own fingerprint to unlock his mobile phone?

A man's mobile phone uses a woman's fingerprint to set a fingerprint lock. Does it mean that the man has given all his privacy to the woman?

Ye Yuwei is still in shock. Although Gu juixi, a man, really doesn't speak well, his behavior always catches his heart.

Gu juixi looked down at the button of his shirt and said, "don't you go back?"

His voice was low, just like when he was saving himself, there was no special mood, but it would make her feel at ease.

Ye Yuwei quickly finds the phone number of the assistant Wen, and then dials it back. The phone is quickly connected.

"President, something's wrong, Bai Yuyan"

"Bai Yuyan?" Ye Yuwei heard the name and repeated it.

The assistant over there pauses, as if he didn't expect that ye Yuwei made the call.

But ye Yuwei called Gu JieXi. Is this a good phenomenon?

Gu juixi heard Ye Yuwei repeat, tied the last button, turned to take the mobile phone in the past, "said."

The assistant Wen heard Gu JieXi's words and said, "you've made Bai YuYan's voice and legs useless before, but Bai Yuyan was taken away last night. I didn't know that until this morning."

Gu juixi listened to Wen assistant's words, his face was a bit gloomy, "is it useless?"

"It's useless." The assistant said in a low voice: "make sure that Bai Yuyan can't speak, and listen to Mr. Nalan's idea, waste Bai YuYan's hands, no matter who takes Bai Yuyan, at least temporarily can guarantee the safety of his wife."

"I see. I'll be back early tomorrow morning." Gu juexi said that he left his mobile phone on the bed, then took the clothes on the bed and untied the bath towel.

"Ah -" Ye Yuwei called subconsciously, then covered her eyes and turned her back.

Gu Chueh Xi sneered and continued to bend down to put on his clothes. "It's not like I haven't seen it before. I've had two children. What's the pretence?"

Ye Yuwei

When on earth did she meet?

I used to turn off the lights, OK?

No, no, why does she want this?

Gu juixi changed his clothes and went to see his soft and glutinous meatballs. When he came to Ye Yuwei, he put his hand around her neck and whispered in her ear: "Ye Yuwei, I heard you call me."

He could hear the cry with anxiety and helplessness.