In a prison cell.

Bai Yuyan is sitting on the bed drawing the design. When the prison door is opened, she looks up.

It was Gu juixi who came in.

Bai Yuyan Leng for a moment, put down his pen.

"Team Gu, only ten minutes." The people behind said, closed the door of the prison and left here.

Gu juixi squints at Bai Yuyan. At this moment, the wind outside is a little strong, making the window clatter.

Bai Yuyan is nervous in her heart, but she doesn't let herself show it. She looks at Gu juixi walking to the table, and then puts down a bomb.

Bai Yuyan screams and suddenly stands up.

"Gu juixi, what are you doing?" When Bai Yuyan talks, her voice is shaking.

After Gu juixi put it down, he looked back at Bai Yuyan, "the bomb in sapphire?"

Bai YuYan's heart is clear, but she doesn't dare to speak.

"There is no bomb in sapphire, but I can confirm that it is a real bomb." Gu juixi said, hitting the table with his fingers, "now we can calculate this account well."

"It's Ye Yuwei who is so stupid? Who made her believe me? " Bai YuYan's face was a little ferocious. She was scared.

Gu juixi's cold face didn't change. He leaned against the table and looked at Bai Yuyan hiding in the corner of the wall. "You gave her five minutes, didn't you just give her pressure? Bai Yuyan, you are really smart. "

Bai Yuyan listen to this can be called cold ridicule, clenched palm out of sweat, her eyes fixed on the bomb.

No, it's impossible.

"Well, what else can I think of now?" Gu juixi asked leisurely, "you want Ye Yuwei's life."

Gu juixi said, slowly approaching Bai Yuyan, and then holding her neck, "Bai Yuyan, that's the man I hold in my hand. The first day you dare to touch her, you should know that our beam is tied. You'd better pray that this bomb will blow you to death in a minute, or we'll have fun later."

Bai Yuyan is choked by Gu JieXi and has difficulty breathing. She claps Gu JieXi's arm all the time.

Gu juixi threw people on the ground with disgust, "or you can try to pick it up, I promise it will explode immediately." Gu said and left directly.

Bai YuYan's brain is blank, but she has the most direct survival instinct. She wants to go out with Gu JieXi, but the door of the prison is slowly locked by Gu JieXi.

Time is still passing, and Bai Yuyan is trembling. She doesn't even dare to look back at the bomb.

"Let me out, help, let me out --" Bai Yuyan screamed, with obvious fear.

"Team Gu." After Gu juixi went out, Wu Feng asked with a puzzled voice. He didn't understand why the captain wanted to take a fake bomb in.

Gu juixi took a handkerchief to wipe the arm that Bai Yuyan had just touched, and then threw the handkerchief into the garbage can, "boring."

Wu Feng

They haven't seen each other for several years. Their captain is more and more magical.

Gu juixi left the police station, still remember that Bai Yuyan was scared to look embarrassed, sneer in the heart, want, is her this embarrassed look.

Gu juexi took his mobile phone and sent an email to go out, then started the car to go home.

When ye Yuwei sleeps in a daze, a prompt sound comes from her mobile phone. The child in her arms moves, as if she was disturbed.

Ye Yuwei gently patted her little body, and then reached for her mobile phone.