Ye Yuwei lay on the bed for a while before she got up and went out to find some food. There was no gujuexi outside. She went to the door and pulled it. It was very good. The door was locked by him.

Ye Yuwei calmly turns back and continues her life under house arrest. At least she is the only one here.

She went to the kitchen to find some cooking materials, methodically but without any anger to make a simple one dish one soup.

For two months, at most, she is enduring these two months, and then she can leave.

What law, what morality, she did not want, just want to be so quiet after these two months, and then completely leave here, leave the city.

Leave this memory.

When Gu juixi came back, ye Yuwei was still eating. Gu juixi put down his umbrella and automatically went to the table to sit down. But before he spoke, ye Yuwei had already picked up the chopsticks and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Gu JieXi

So what about his meal?

This woman didn't cook for him?

Ye Yuwei finished brushing the dishes and chopsticks, then slowly came out of the kitchen, went upstairs to the room, even directly locked the door of the bedroom.

Listening to the sound of locking upstairs, Gu juixi kicked the dining table and made it move forward a certain distance.

What the hell is this woman doing?

He's cold all over. He's her husband, you know?

But when Gu was angry, he suddenly realized something that even scared him.

Before even ye Yuwei and his divorce, but at that time, ye Yuwei at least talked with him, or emotional.

But after yesterday, ye Yuwei's whole life has changed. She has no emotion. She is full of this kind of cold breath and is waiting for the end of all this in two months.

Gu thought and kicked the table again.

Ye Yuwei is listening to the outside movement in the bedroom. Her mouth is slightly raised. It turns out that she ignores a person she doesn't want to see. It's such a simple thing. No wonder he didn't work hard before.

She's finally learned it now.

Ye Yuwei sleeps well this rainy night.

Compared with these years, I just want to sleep better in his time.

There was a lot of thunder, but it had no effect on her.

Gu juexi sat downstairs all night. Until the rainstorm stopped in the early morning, his mother's servant called to tell him that they had arrived at the airport. Then Gu juexi got up and took the car key to meet him at the airport.

Wen Jie is sitting in the VIP room of the airport, leaning against the pillow put by the servant. Her face is as pale as paper. She is wearing a long sleeve Qipao and a shawl on her shoulder. The servant is preparing medicine.

Wenjie is taking a rest with her eyes closed at the moment. The servant Xiaoyuan takes the medicine and water to Wenjie's side. "Madam, take the medicine first. The young master will arrive in a moment."

Wen Jie slowly opened her eyes, reached for the pill, sighed slightly, and then ate all the medicine.

"I'll probably just give them trouble." Wen Jie sighed and said.

"Madam, the young master and his wife are filial to everything you say. Besides, the young husband has just had the young master. You can take good care of yourself and play with the young master in the future." Small margin mouth persuades, took the cup that Wen Jie handed over.

Wen Jie laughed and lay down again.

When Gu juixi arrived, Wen Jie was still asleep.

Gu juixi silenced her before Xiao Yuan opened her mouth. Then she stepped to the sofa and squatted down, "Mom."