25 Do not have other alternatives

"Eh? What are we going to talk about it again?" Mo Lihua asked with a deep frown on her face. The strong smell of alcohol confirms that Yu Qiao is drinking.

'Why is he drinking?' Mo Lihua asked herself. She already finds Yu Qiao's action confusion earlier, what more if he got drunk?

"Tsk. So you have forgotten about it? Good then! Let rest for the nights!" Yu Qiao exclaimed in a hurry, suppose to leave Mo Lihua.

"Hold on! I did not forget it! However, as you greatly implied earlier, you are against the idea. So why change your mind about helping me?" Mo Lihua asked skeptically. "And can I finally have my glasses? I am already having a headache."

Yu Qiao prefers to look at Mo Lihua without glasses, but it is necessary for her. So he placed his hand inside his pocket to get his glasses, then eventually found out that one of the lenses is detached to it.

"Ahm. Do you have another pair?" Yu Qiao asked carefully.

Mo Lihua: "Why? What happened?"

Instead of answering, Yu Qiao handed over the broken glasses to Mo Lihua.

"There's another pair of glasses in my bag." Mo Lihua through clenched teeth after she found out what happened. Do not get her wrong, glasses can be replaced at any time, she just does not like her things being damaged or got broken by someone else.

Yu Qiao immediately got up and run out towards his car to grab Mo Lihua's bag that he left on it.

After she finally can see everything clearly, Mo Lihua looked at Yu Qiao expectantly. "Alright, let's talk."

Releasing a deep breath, "First, there is no such thing as a perfect girlfriend." Yu Qiao started. "That is just fantasy, like hoping to meet a perfect human being."

"Second, you are not supposed to have a boyfriend just like what godfather wanted. So I will only cooperate as long as it is within the boundaries. The limit of an unmarried couple." Yu Qiao added unhappily.

"Promise me that you will tell me everything. I literally mean everything regarding this relationship." He added.

"Hmm. I don't think that's a good idea." Mo Lihua mumbled. How can she tell him everything regarding her relationship, if there is none in the first place?

"What? Well, we also have the option called, reporting to godfather. We can go to that route with no problem. Immediately." He said grinning evilly.

Mo Lihua bit her lower lip nervously, "Can you give me time to think about this? I will also talk to him a well..." She thought. Probably Yang Chen is willing to cooperate? Mo Lihua can only hope.

Since she is making plans on top of her head, Mo Lihua was not able to see the irritated look on Yu Qiao's face.

"Fine. You can think about it even though you do not have other alternatives." Yu Qiao commented confidently.

Mo Lihua then stood up and left Yu Qiao to drink on his own. She needs to contact Yang Chen as soon as possible.

Yu Qiao just watches Mo Lihua as she hurriedly got away from him. With her glasses, Yu Qiao does not need to help her, which makes him feel disappointed.


Inside the guest room

Mo Lihua will have a long time, figuring out what to do. She is trying to formulate how to convince Yang Chen to help her pretend to be her boyfriend.

She turned on her phone after she found the tissue paper where Yang Chen had written his number.

Mo Lihua is composing a message when her phone rang. "Rita..." She answered softly to the maid on the other line.

"Young Miss! Are you alright?! Why did you leave me? I was so worried about you!" Rita immediately complained about her concerns. The maid even sniffed and talked with breathing difficulty indicating that she just finished crying.

"I am sorry Rita... I will never do it again..." Mo Lihua felt guilty for making everyone worry. Not only Yu Qiao but of course the people in her family that also cares about her. Despite her flaws, they are still there looking out for her.

Rita snorted softly, "Young Miss, I will not expect too much with that statement. However, please, please, please, I beg you, do not ever do this alone. If you do not want me to go with you, bring anyone along. Even if it is Young Master Yu!"