With a cold snort, Jian Yi goes forward to hold the excited Lisa: "don't be crazy, I'll take you home now!"

"I don't want to go home!" Lisa shakes off Jianyi's hand and shouts, "what's home? I'm a single dog and I don't have a home

Jane Yi pauses, grabs Lisa up, turns around and walks forward without saying a word.

"You put me down! I want to drink! "

Jian Yi ignored it and went on.

"I want to drink! I want to drink! "

With a bang, Jianyi shoves Lisa into the back of the car.

Without thinking about it, Lisa opened the door and ran out.

Just before starting the car, Jianyi stops. He stares at Lisa as she runs farther and farther. Finally, he pushes the door open and catches up with her.

Jian Yi holds Lisa at the door of the bar and asks in a cold voice, "Lisa! What do you want? "

"I want to drink!" Lisa yells at Jianyi.

Jianyi is stunned, not because Lisa yells at him, but because he sees two lines of tears flowing from Lisa's eyes.

Lisa always looks strong no matter who she faces.

It was the first time he saw her cry.

Jane Yi's hand loosened and finally let Lisa go.

"Jian Yi, do you know?" As Lisa wept, she said, "that scum started cheating a long time ago. I saw him with another woman in the supermarket before, but I didn't get any evidence later. But now, he won't even lie to me! "

"..." Jian Yi did not speak.

He's seen Lisa's ex boyfriend as a scum for a long time.

However, he has no evidence, and it's Lisa's private matter. He can't say anything more.

If I had known that Lisa was so deep, I might as well have alerted her earlier!

"I've seen that woman. She's a little bird. She's very sad." Lisa sneered. "I asked her why she robbed my boyfriend. She cried! Hehe... My ex boyfriend pushed me away and protected me in front of that woman. He yelled at me and said that I couldn't even compare with that woman's toe! "

Lisa's eyes were empty, and she was obviously immersed in painful memories.

"Since you are sad, don't think about it!"

Jianyi raises her voice in an attempt to pull Lisa out of her memory.

"I want to do the same!" Lisa gave a bleak smile and pointed to the bar. "So, I came here to drink!"

Jian Yi looks up at the flashing sign and stops talking.

"So, how about drinking with me today?" Lisa grabs Jianyi's hand.

Jian Yi's fingers moved, but she didn't break away and didn't speak.

He's going to take Lisa home. He can't drink.

It's just that Lisa is so sad that he forcibly sends her home. Maybe she will sneak back!

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your default!"

With that, Lisa takes Jianyi by the hand and runs to the bar.

Looking at Lisa, Jianyi finally lets her go and pulls herself into the bar.

Lisa staggers back to the bar, while Jianyi sits on the sofa with her arms around her chest, waiting for Lisa to get drunk and fight her away.

Lisa picked up the whisky and sat down next to Jianyi.

"Would you like a drink?" Lisa shakes the wine in the glass and hands it to Jianyi's mouth.

"No." Jianyi resolutely refused.

"It's so old-fashioned. You deserve to have no girlfriend!" Lisa mumbled and drank all the wine in her glass!

After putting the glass on the table, Lisa stood up and looked at Jianyi: "I'm going to dance. Are you coming?"

Jian Yi snorted coldly, still holding her chest in her hands, with the expression of "no one is near".

Lisa shrugs in dismay. She pulls off her coat and returns it to Jianyi. Then she rushes to the center of the dance floor by herself.

The light is shaking, the music is restless, Lisa is swinging herself and the big wave of waist, the ultra short red low cut skirt is like a blooming charm flower, which unconsciously attracts many men's eyes.

Gradually, there are many unkind men close to Lisa.

Lisa gave them a wild smile and didn't push them away.

The men seemed to be encouraged, not only with their arms around Lisa's waist, but also with their hot bodies close to Lisa's body.

"Beauty, do you want to go out tonight?"

A man leaned over Lisa's ear and said, colorfully.

"Good! But it's up to you to see if you have the ability! " Lisa as soon as she throws her hair, a strong perfume smells.

The man was obsessed with sniffing, and then laughed: "of course I have this ability, I'm afraid you can't stand it!"

With that, the man grabbed Lisa's hand and took her to the outside of the dance floor: "tonight, I'll let you have a good time!"

"Stop!" Jian Yi didn't know when she got up from the sofa.

He stood in front of the man and Lisa with disgust on his face.

"Get out of here!" The man snorted coldly, "don't delay me!"

"I'll give you three seconds, and you'll leave at once." Jianyi stares at the man's hand, exuding a fierce breath.

"Jian Yi let you go, didn't you hear me?" Lisa laughed at the man. "He can fight close up! Are you afraid? "

The man was obviously afraid. He looked at Jian Yi with a cold face and said, "what's so great about close combat? I can still fight!"

"Why don't you have a fight?" Lisa said, "come on, fight, fight!"

In an instant, all the people gathered around.

Jane Yi moved her wrist and stepped forward.

Recently, I'm too tired to work, and I've come across a lot of annoying things. Now I've come to take the initiative to find a "sandbag" to vent!

The man saw the action of Jian Yi's initiative and stepped back.

"Well, you can't be a counsellor!" Lisa is making fun of men.

"Who, who counseled!" The man stares at Lisa. It's obvious that she's in trouble.

But for the sake of face, he still clenched his fist and looked at Jian Yi.

Jian Yi smiles a little, then reaches out her hand to the man, bends up her index finger and makes a provocative move to him.

"Damn it The man spat a mouthful of saliva, yelled and rushed toward Jane Yi.

Jianyi comes forward with a fist on the man's chin.

Just listen to a bang

The man fell to the ground. He twitched a few times, fell to the ground and began to howl.

Watching the crowd stay in place, a face of disappointment: how?

It's over before it starts?!

This man is too weak!

Jian Yi also shakes his hand. He shakes his head to show that the fight is not very enjoyable.


Lisa stepped forward and kicked the man, "stop howling, shame! Get up and fight again

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts! My chin, my head! "

The man was still wailing as if he had not heard Lisa's words.

Lisa said, "it's boring!"

"Gone!" Jianyi grabs Lisa's hand and drags her to the door of the bar.

"Hello! I haven't had enough Lisa yelled in the back.

Jianyi ignored Lisa and pulled her forward until she came to the car at the door of the bar.

Jane Yi released Lisa's hand and opened the door: "get in the car!"

"I haven't had enough!" Lisa was standing by the car, but she wouldn't go up.

Jian Yi looked down at her watch: "it's one o'clock in the morning. You should go home!"

"But I..."

"If you don't get on the bus again, I'll leave you by the road! Then take a picture of you in a mess and show it to your ex boyfriend! "

Jian Yi knows that Lisa is stubborn in her heart. This move will surely work.

Sure enough, Lisa stares at Jian Yi and finally moves forward.

"Ah, why should I call you here, I..."

Lisa didn't finish complaining when she suddenly felt a whirl.

She takes two steps backward, and Lisa shakes her head to drive away the vertigo.