After a riot outside, Xi zhaoyue in the villa knew nothing about it. She was immersed in the study of nails and warship making.

One morning, someone from the machine factory sent her a message telling her that it had been repaired in February. She asked whether to send it to her or to collect it by herself. Xi zhaoyue chose the latter. February is to save her and "die", she will go to pick up February in person.

Xi zhaoyue, who got her driver's license, drove a speeding car and went out. To her surprise, she only drove a speeding car twice, which was stopped by the traffic police. Last time, because of the arrival of the Alliance Mission, the defense of DIDU star became stricter. This time, for the same reason, Xi zhaoyue couldn't help but be unhappy with the visiting mission.

However, compared with the last panic, this time Xi zhaoyue was obviously calm.

She's a driver's license!

It was a little sister who stopped Xi zhaoyue. Looking at the top luxury car in front of her, the little sister's eyes flashed with amazement. However, when she thought that there might be some senior official who had bullied the major general and the moon goddess, the little sister's face suddenly sank again and scolded in her heart, "nothing good!"

The window slowly faded to all sides, and Xi zhaoyue, sitting in the driver's seat, appeared in people's eyes.

The little sister was silly and couldn't believe her eyes widened. After three seconds of stupidity, she burst out a piercing scream: "ah, ah, ah..."

Xi zhaoyue's face was at a loss She didn't seem to have done anything too much, did she?

The little sister's scream led her companions and passers-by. When others saw Xi zhaoyue, they also screamed with excitement.

Xi zhaoyue shrunk and quickly covered her ears with her hand. Then, Xi zhaoyue saw those crazy people rushing to her, and blocked her car tightly in less than half a minute.

Xi zhaoyue is completely confused. What happened? Why are these people so excited?

After a long time, the little sister of the traffic police stopped screaming and looked at Xi zhaoyue, her eyes shining. "Goddess, goddess, you and major general don't leave the Empire, OK? My colleagues and I like you and the major general very much. We are reluctant to leave... "

"Yes, goddess, don't go away, and advise major general not to go. We will help you clean up those who bully you, and will help you to get justice back. So please don't abandon us."

"Goddess, if you and the major general leave, what should we do? What about the Zerg? "


People were deeply moved. Some said they wanted to stand up for Xi zhaoyue and carmozi, others begged them not to leave. When it came to exciting places, some people even cried out loud.

Hearing this, Xi zhaoyue was in a daze Something must have happened that she didn't know.

Xi zhaoyue dials carmooge's communication in silence. After the connection, she doesn't speak. Instead, she focuses the camera on the crowd outside the window. As a result, carmiche in the office saw his little wife surrounded by a group of people.

Carmoch's eyebrows were beating, and he forgot to tell her what had happened these two days.

"Don't be afraid. Wait for me in the same place. I'll go to pick you up now." Without hanging up, he strode out.

The crowd was so dry that some cried hoarse. When they stopped, they saw Xi zhaoyue looking at them blankly without any response.

"Would you like some water?" Xi zhaoyue takes out several bottles of water from the space ring and hands them to the people outside the window.

People outside the window were moved and surprised, "the goddess sent us water. Who wants it?"

"I want it. I want it."

"I'll have one too."

"The goddess still cares about us. She will not abandon us."


Everyone cried again.

Xi zhaoyue can not say what the taste of the heart, sour, astringent, and then with a trace of sweet.

There are not thousands of people out of the window, but there are hundreds. Fortunately, there is enough water in the ring of Xi zhaoyue space. When all the people are sent out, there are still several bottles left.

After drinking the water from the goddess, they are regarded as goddess's people. The tone of speaking with Xi zhaoyue can not help becoming more intimate and less awed.

"Goddess, where are you going now?"

"Goddess, have you got your driver's license? Well, it seems that you are just about the age of driving test

"Goddess, don't go away with the major general. The people outside have no passion for us. You and the major general have grown up in the Empire since they were young, and they must be reluctant to leave, right?"


All the people were talking, which made Xi zhaoyue cry and laugh. Now she probably understood what was going on. These people should not know where they knew that she and kamocchi were going to leave the Empire. They were so worried and panicked that they blocked up when they saw her.

However, the matter between her and kamocchi has come to an end for a while. They have no plans to leave recently. Where do these people get the news?

Just when Xi zhaoyue has a headache about how to reply to the public, carmiche arrived.

As soon as kamocchio appeared, the people who were surrounded became two. However, he had a strong aura and did not feel angry. He brought his own freezer. Facing him, many people were restrained. They also earnestly implored kamocchi not to leave, but their words were more cautious.When kamocchi arrived, Xi zhaoyue also stepped out of the car, facing hundreds of people with their backs to the car. When their eyes swept through the crowd, the noisy crowd suddenly quieted down. We hold our breath, nervous unconsciously seized the hem of the clothes, as if waiting for an important moment in life.

"My wife and I did intend to leave the empire a few days ago so that we could be together forever." Camucci's voice was low, with a solemn, solemn atmosphere.

As soon as the people's faces changed, they were about to open their mouths. However, kamocchi continued to say, "we are very touched by what you have done these two days. Here, I want to say thank you

With that, kamocchio bowed to the crowd.

At that moment, everyone was in tears.

I don't know whether the audience is infected, Xi zhaoyue's nose is slightly sour, Xu is feeling her emotion, and kamozi quietly holds her hand. The big hand is a little rough, warm and powerful, which makes Xi zhaoyue feel at ease.

"Because of what you have done for us, my wife and I have been treated fairly and justly. Here, I would like to say thank you again." Kamocchi bowed again. This time, Xi zhaoyue also bent down with him.

"No, major general, it's us who should say thank you. It's you who lead your subordinates to kill the enemy in the front line, so that we can have a safe and secure life. And we, we do all this just to keep you, in the end, for ourselves -- "the speaker was a middle-aged man, speaking of the back, the man was ashamed and bowed his head.

"It's my duty as a soldier to kill the enemy and defend our country." Kamocchio's justice is awe inspiring.

The crowd was stunned, and more and more revered for carmichi.

"Well, will you and your wife leave us?" Asked one boldly.

The scene was silent again, almost to the point where the needle could be heard.

Kamocchi turned his head to see Xi zhaoyue. Xi zhaoyue also looked up at him. They looked at each other with a smile. "The empire is our home. We never thought about leaving the Empire. However, after a while, we are going to spend our honeymoon."

Ah, ah, ah -

the big stone in the hearts of the people finally landed, and they were so excited that they almost fainted.

While the crowd is busy celebrating, Xi zhaoyue and kamocchi drive away quietly. As soon as he got on the bus, Xi zhaoyue couldn't help asking, "what's going on here?"

Kamocchi touched her head. "There's just a little misunderstanding. It's not a big deal."

Xi zhaoyue raised eyebrows and was deeply suspicious of kamocchi's words.

Kamocchi was helpless. "I just said that I was very disappointed with the Empire. They just made up so many things with their brains."

Xi zhaoyue puffed at the corners of her mouth, but she didn't believe that kamocchi was unintentional. This man is lazy to say a word every day. If there was no purpose, he would not suddenly say such words.

"You say our business has been settled. What's going on?" Xi zhaoyue felt that she had only been reading books for two days at home, and that she had changed her life outside.

With a smile in his eyes, kamocchi told Xi zhaoyue about his quarrel with those people in the Presbyterian.

After hearing this, Xi zhaoyue laughed, "they should be so angry that they vomit blood."

"They deserve it. They deserve it. I just took it. We should take it." Carmozzi is not guilty at all.

Xi zhaoyue nodded with approval. I didn't know what to think of. Her eyes suddenly brightened up. "Then I will graduate next year, and I will be a second lieutenant."

"Maybe even higher." "They want you to take part in this four nation exchange competition and promise that if you win the first place, you will be given 300 merit points. They're going to sign you up for three competitions, mecha combat, armor making and spirit painting. If you get three firsts, your merit points will increase by 900. Well, however, the rank of lieutenant needs 5000 merit points, which is not enough. "

"Enough, enough." Xi zhaoyue is excited. Lu Xu is just a lieutenant, saber is a captain. She is already a second lieutenant before graduation. If she goes up again, others will be envious.

"814 after graduation." He would be more reassured that she was with him, he said.

Can not think, Xi zhaoyue refused, "no, I rely on my own strength to break, to 814 have the suspicion of holding thighs."

Kamocchi's face suddenly darkened. "With your strength, you don't have to hold anyone's thighs."

"That's not going to 814." Zhaoxi is very persistent.

Kamocchi looked at Xi zhaoyue's stubborn appearance and wanted to grab her and rub her. Thinking so, he did it. While kneading Xi zhaoyue's small face, he asked, "if you don't go to 814, where are you going?"

"To my father." Xi zhaoyue slapped open kamocchi's hand with a smile, "I have made an appointment with my father, go to his place, and when I can stand alone, he will give me a regiment and let me practice."Carmocchio: -- Is it because he can't give her a legion?

"814 expansion, and now there are two legions. If you come to 814, I will give you one." Carmooge gnashed his teeth.

Xi zhaoyue shook his head violently, "don't, father said, the two legions under him will be mine in the future."

Carmiche's face was blacker:.... " The old man who specially pits his son is the stepfather!

In the meeting, caffer suddenly sneezed. He rubbed his nose. Who was thinking of him? Is it his own son? Ah, there's a daughter-in-law. He still sticks to his father. I can't help him.

"If you go to your father's place, you won't be afraid that you will hold your thighs and walk through the back door?" Carmiche wanted to knock on her head to see what was in it.

"I'm not afraid. I'm going to take over my father's army for you." Xi zhaoyue is right and strong.

There was a black line hanging on the forehead of carmoch. "I should be grateful for you, and I'm grateful for you, as you say?"

"That's not necessary. Who makes us husband and wife." Xi zhaoyue patted carmichi on the shoulder. The depressed kamocchi was instantly cured by the last half of her sentence "we are husband and wife".

But at the thought that they would be separated next year, kamocchio was depressed again. "I don't want to be separated from you."

See him this pair of aggrieved appearance, Xi zhaoyue immediately soft hearted, "nothing, I will often go to see you."

"I want to be with you every day."

“……。” Xi zhaoyue was in a dilemma and hesitated to say, "why don't you take your 814 Legion and join our liujiajun?"

Carmocchio: -- What's wrong with that?

Xi zhaoyue went to take February and went back to the villa with him. Kamocchi returned to the military headquarters and continued to work.

Three days later, the alliance, riyao and Yueyin arrived in the capital of the three countries, and camucci was the host of the three envoys.

"Major general, long time no see. How are you doing Long Yu has a warm and gentle smile.

Kamoji's line of sight is firmly nailed to the man in black beside Long Yu. He is murderous and doesn't cover up at all. And the man on the other side glared at kamocchio with hatred in his eyes.

This man is no one else. He's the fifth man in the ORN mercenary team. There are seven people in the AON mercenary team. Now, only the fifth is alive, and the fifth is the direct murderer of Xi zhaoyue.

"Second prince, the man behind you and I have some private matters to solve." Carmozzi spoke coldly.

Long Yu took a look at Lao Wu, and then turned to see kamocchi. "Major general, you have killed five members of AON team. That is revenge. The five people who died should be enough to repay. Besides, your wife is still alive. Anyway, it's the ORN team that's worse. Why don't you sell me face and turn this over? "

Kamoji glared at Longyu coldly, and his sharp eyes seemed to be a knife, stabbing Longyu's heart. "I will not let go of anyone who may threaten my wife's life."

Long Yu is stiff. For some reason, he feels that kamoji's words are not to Laowu, but to warn him.

Long Yu San laughed and said, "your wife is the only guide in the stars. No one will want her life because of her precious existence. You can rest assured." They want people alive.