The blazing flame enveloped her glands and burned in her body, making a hissing sound. Before long, the smell of roast meat came into the air.

Xi zhaoyue smelled the smell of meat, and the whole person was stunned for a moment. This is the smell of his own roast. The smell came suddenly and disappeared quickly. Before she tasted it carefully, the fragrance became burnt.

Xi zhaoyue was drowned in severe pain. She could not help but spread it from her mouth. The water in the bathtub turned into water vapor and kept rising upward. Seeing that it was about to end, Xi zhaoyue quickly continued to add water.

The feeling of being barbecued is so painful that she has convulsions all over her body, tumbling and rolling in the bathtub.

Outside the villa, the Sentinels were already red eyed.

There is a god level guide who is in love. As long as they can break in, the guide is theirs. With that guide, they will no longer be afraid of spiritual riots, no longer need to worry about the barrier of promotion, they will become the first God level sentry of the Empire and even the whole star. In addition to the first time, they will also have free SS mecha, as well as supernatural tools against heaven.

Boom -

under the strong artillery attack, the protective cover of the villa is crumbling.

When kaffel saw this, he became angry and said, "go, call all the troops of the Liu family in DIDU star for me. If these people dare to break into the houses, don't be polite. If you die, it's up to me

It's more open, sergeant.

Meanwhile, buck, Yu Guang, saber and Lu Xu arrived with a small group of soldiers to join the camp of guarding the villa. Canada trade also came, he brought a lot of people, these people are garrich's right-hand generals, a dozen of the kind.

With the help of these people, the villa which seems to be broken is safer.

"Kaffel, there's a sentinel guide inside. There's no sentinel mark. What will happen to the guide? Have you ever thought about it?" Someone yelled at kaffel.

Kaffel was expressionless. "I don't know any guide. I only know that your people are my daughter-in-law. This is my son's home. You have violated the laws of the empire by breaking into private houses! If you don't leave, I have the right to shoot you on the spot! "

"Admiral kaffel, I respect you, but you can't be so indiscriminate. Where are we going to break into a private house, we are clearly coming to rescue the guide who was illegally detained by your son. If your son is not in custody illegally, why start a protective shield, and it's the highest level of protection? There is no enemy attack on the imperial capital

"That's right, Admiral. The people in it are the only God level guide in the Empire. Can your son keep people in it? Can he take responsibility for what happened?"

"If it's not imprisonment, why don't you invite us in and have a seat? With so many of us here, this is the way your Liu family treats guests?"


You talk to me all the time, and you make him speechless. But even so, kaffel is still in front of the villa door, not yield.

"The God level guide is still waiting for us to rescue. Let's attack the protection quickly. Come on!"

Carmooge here in the hospital is not going well. It seems that the personnel in the hospital have been ordered first. When kamozi comes, people here immediately hide.

Kamocchi was angry, and a shell directly collapsed the door of the hospital.

"Don't be angry, major general." A doctor rushed out of it in a panic. He was caught in the middle of the rubble and rolled a few times.

Carmochi snorted coldly, grabbed his collar and lifted him up. "Give me the medicine, or I'll blow up here."

The doctor was scared by the murderous kamocchi, sweating, "it's not that we don't give it, but we don't. The medicine storehouse of the hospital is locked. Don't mention me, but our dean has no key. "

The doctor is telling the truth. Kamocchi and Xi zhaoyue are his idols. He has great admiration for them and hopes that they can be together. The reason why he ran out of the hospital at the risk of being angered by carmozzi was that he was afraid that carmozzi would really flatten the hospital. The hospital collapses and collapses. Reconstruction is, but there are still patients in the hospital. If carmichi is angry and blows up the hospital and causes casualties, will he not make a big accident?

"Where's the medicine store? Take me." Kamocchio put the doctor down and ordered him to show himself the way.

The doctor hastily agreed. Seeing that kamocchi was in such a hurry, he did not dare to delay. He almost trotted all the way to the front door of the drug store and said, "it's inside. In addition to the password to enter the door, you also need one of the three facial recognition, fingerprint and iris. "

Kamocchi frowned, luck to focus on the strength of the foot, and then fully kick to the steel gate.

Boom -

the gate made a loud noise, and the whole hospital was shocked by three earthquakes.

The doctor's body couldn't help but shrunk. Looking at kamocchi's eyes, he seemed to be looking at a monster. God, this iron gate of no less than five tons could not be pushed by him with all his strength. The man kicked it with his feet!

Boom, boom——Then there was a loud, tight sound, and the heavy iron door was crumbling. The hospital building was shaking, and people inside even thought there was an earthquake and rushed out of the building.


At the last sound, the iron gate collapsed, and the ground collapsed, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Carmozzi was the first to rush into the drug store, followed by doctors.

Carmiche ran out the name of a string of potions and said to the doctor, "help me find it."

The doctor nodded. "I know where they are." I'm afraid that the doctor has taken the medicine during the operation.

The doctor ran to the place where the medicine was put. However, when he looked at it, he found that the original place was empty.

"The potion has been taken away!" The doctor's face was ugly, "maybe not. I'll check again."

The doctor didn't give up. He ran to the console of the drug store and input the names of the drugs one by one. However, no matter how many times they were lost, the results were the same. There was no stock of these drugs.

"Why not? I saw it two days ago. The hospital has no surgery that needs these drugs recently..." The doctor was so anxious about the ants on the hot pot.

Carmooge, with a gloomy face, turned and walked outside.

Those people, in order to achieve their goals, can really do everything!

Wait, he'll let them know what happens after offending him!

At this time, Liu Lin's communication came in, and kamocchi opened impatiently, "how's your wife?"

"Madame asked you to go back to the villa. She said there was no need for surgery. She had a way to solve it." Liu Lin knew that he had not found the medicine when he looked at him. "A large group of people came out of the villa, and several doctors and I couldn't squeeze in at all, and I didn't know what happened to the lady. Come back quickly, the protective cover of the villa is going to be broken -- "

before Liu Lin finished his words, a loud and clear sound came over and passed into kamocchi's ear. Kamocchi's face became darker and he said," I'll go back now. "

The shield was broken, and all the Sentinels swarmed in. The speed was comparable to the 100 meter dash. No, the 100 meter dash was not that fast.

At this time, whoever can bite the gland of the God level guide first. The God level guide is whose. For the God level guide and for the SS machine armor, they will fight for their lives!

The Sentinels, who thought they had broken through all the lines of defense, could not help but burst out a rude remark when they saw the golden and majestic people in front of the villa.

For the first time, they had a feeling for the Golden Dragon besides liking it!

"You are the one who covets my mistress and wants to rob her from my master?" Golden Dragon looked down upon these sentinels, and a trace of contempt and contempt flashed in his eyes, "a group of weak chickens, quick gun, my mistress will not take a fancy to you."

A group of sentinels are so angry that they are despised by Xi zhaoyue. Now they have to be despised by a mecha. It's really deceiving!

"Don't talk nonsense with a mecha. The goddess is still waiting for us to rescue. For the goddess, rush!" There was a shout in the crowd.

After that, someone should say, "go, everybody, rush!"

The golden dragon, who was despised, immediately became angry. "A group of women who dare to think about it are damned!"

The angry Golden Dragon spurted out two flaming dragon breath from its nostrils, which directly ignited several sentinels in the front. Then, a dragon wagged its tail, and dozens of sentinels flew out from the villa fan like dumplings.

A golden dragon is more powerful than thousands of soldiers outside!

The sentries, who were blocked out of a wall, were furious.

"Golden dragon, if you don't get out of the way, we won't be polite." Someone yelled.

"Let's go together. It's just a mecha, but we have thousands of people. Don't be afraid of it!"

"That's right. We also let out mecha to hold down Huang Jinlong."


The golden dragon was surrounded by people before long. If it wasn't for the master's request that it should not hurt human lives, it would have blown them to pieces.

Seeing that someone was about to rush into the hall, the golden dragon was in a hurry and yelled, "master, Huofeng, come back quickly. I can't stand it!"


The French windows in the hall were broken, and people rushed in.

Whoosh -

the dense bullets shot at the crowd, and the soldiers in front fell down.

February guard at the stairway, round hands into two muzzle, dense bullets are constantly flying out of its muzzle.

"Killed, inside killed!" Someone yelled.

"You are young, major general, killing people illegally!"

"The imperial major general ignored his life and shot the imperial officials!"
