In a few days, nemel from the whole network black to the whole network white, making a lot of noise, now the whole empire men and women, old and young, almost no one does not know naimer this number one person.

Finally, nemel, who was no longer black, began to interact with netizens on STARNet. Most of the time, she was grateful to her friends for their encouragement, for their willingness to believe in her and to give her a chance to reform. Netizens who got her reply were excited.

"The fifth Princess turned my card, so happy and moved."

"Laozi was also overturned by the five princesses. Ha ha ha ha, he has been washed away and waiting in bed --"

"the five princesses are so intimate, so modest and so grounded. Also remind me that the weather will turn cold, remember to wear more clothes. I didn't expect that she was such a princess. Would you please cry

"Before, I thought there was something wrong with Princess Wu's character. Now I think about it carefully. In fact, apart from unintentionally hurting Seth, she has never done anything harmful to nature. It is not wrong to like a major general, nor is it wrong to pursue true love bravely. Who is not stupid for love? Especially when the object is a major general, it is normal to do stupid things

"Give me a compliment, and finally I find one that is the same as me. The courage and spirit of the fifth princess who dares to pursue the love in her heart is just what I don't have. If I had been as brave as the fifth princess, maybe I would not have watched him with others

"Applause for the pursuit of true love!"


After netizens' views on nemel changed, they began to praise, encourage and move her pursuit of carmichi from exclusion, ridicule and unacceptability.

At this time, a netizen suddenly said that he was very curious about the princess's life, and hoped nemeldo would say something about your life. "Kind", "warm-hearted" nemel saw the request of this netizen, immediately agreed to come down.

Nemel did not use words to describe his daily life, but opened a live broadcast, in which he introduced his daily life.

Nemel looks lovely, especially innocent when she laughs, and can easily win the favor of others. If it were not for her appearance, with her ordinary identity, she would not have been able to live so brilliantly in the cannibal palace, let alone be taken in by Seth.

"Let's show you my palace. Now I'm standing outside the palace. Let's take a look at the whole, and then we'll look at the parts." Naimer is natural and generous, showing the elegance of a princess to every detail. "The palace I live in has a history of more than 300 years. It seems like a long time for more than 300 years. Actually, the mountain is only one generation. I've spent most of the past 19 years here. Learning etiquette, class, playing, eating and sleeping in this room. Am I a housewife

Nemel spat out his tongue. He was very cute and charming.

"Ah, ah, I have an arrow from the God of love in my heart. If I can't, I'll faint. Only with Er's kiss and embrace can I get up."

"How nice! How clever you are! What a beautiful voice

"Er, I want to see where you have classes, where you eat, where you sleep!"


With his deceptive appearance and charming ability, nemel easily won the favor of netizens and won a cordial "Er Er".

For the request of netizens, "understanding" nemel will not refuse. She still went to the hall, dining room, study, piano room. Finally, I went to the bedroom.

Nemel took the doorknob and winked playfully at the camera. "Inside is where I sleep. Guess what my sleeping place looks like."

"The room is full of pink, dreamy, romantic, maiden, very fairy tale."

"A beautiful big bed, which takes up the general space of the room, and can roll freely on it."

"There must be lots of plush toys."


Netizens one by one publish their impression of the appearance of the Princess Room.

Nemel's smile was brilliant, and his slender index finger swung from side to side

With that, nemel opened the door.

The moment the door opened, there was a moment of silence in the studio. In addition to a bed, the rest of the room is covered with photos of the whole wall, even the ceiling. What's even more astonishing is that there is only one person in each of these photos. This person is kamozi, to be exact, of all ages.

"Why don't you talk?" Nemel asked cautiously, "don't you think I'm abnormal? It's creepy to put a picture of a man all over the room

"No, no, how could it be! If anyone pastes my picture all over her room, I will be moved to death. If I go through fire and water for her, I will never hesitate for a second

"Er Er really liked major general so much, I began to be a little jealous of major general.""I also envy the major general. How come no one likes me so much?"

"Envy, jealousy and hatred are the three feelings I have for major general after worship. Er, major general doesn't like you. Don't be sad. You still have us


The full room of photos, once again for nemel won a wave of favor. Nemel told the whole empire in her way that she really liked carmichi, and she loved it for a very long time.

With the photos posted all over the room, people became more aware of nemel's practice of breaking the contract and began to love the girl. For a teenage girl, what is more despairing and painful than loving someone who doesn't love herself?

After reading the comments of netizens, nemel patted his full chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "you don't think I'm abnormal. Now, let me introduce these photos to you. I have spent a lot of effort to find these photos. For example, this is a picture of kamocchi when he was three years old, and the youngest one of all the photos I have. It was taken at his third birthday party. I was not born when he was three years old. Unfortunately, I couldn't get to know kamocchi as a child. However, it can still be seen from the photos that camucci is beautiful from childhood to big

Nemel showed the photos to netizens, who sent out "ah ah ah ah, so cute" and "so exquisite" screams!

In the armour making room, a message suddenly came from carmooge's communication. The messenger was buck, and there was only one sentence on it, "get on the STARNet."

Kamocchi did not know, so, in front of Xi zhaoyue, he logged in to, and found that there was a small live window on the home page. The live screen was the picture of him when he was three years old.

"Who is this?" Xi zhaoyue points to the screen and somehow feels familiar with the people in the photo. Xi zhaoyue points at the window, and as soon as he enters the studio, nemel's voice comes out. "When carmichi was three years old, he was just like now, with a straight face all day long, so serious. I don't know what he looked like before he was three years old, but I don't have any pictures of him before he was three years old... "

Nemel's tone was intimate. When talking about the three words of kamocchi, he seemed to be referring to a close friend.

The camera swept through the walls and ceiling of those photos. Xi zhaoyue looked at the pictures of the whole room, and her face turned black immediately. She bit her teeth and looked at carmichi. She said darkly, "after seeing this, what do you think as a client?"

Kamocchi is so close to Xi zhaoyue that he can't be unaware of Xi zhaoyue's biting killing intention and sour vinegar smell. He is not only not flustered, but also laughs. His mind is full of "the original moon will be jealous", "Yueyue is jealous for me" and "Yueyue is too cute to be jealous".

Xi zhaoyue saw the gentle smile on kamocchio's face, and the chill on his body became heavier. The dark ink pupil locked him, as if to see him in his heart.

Was he moved to see nemel post his photos all over the room?

Who swore a few minutes ago that he had no feelings for nemel, no guilt, only hatred?

Or was he moved by a picture posted all over the room and suddenly realized that he actually liked nemel?

If kamocchio really likes nemel --

Xi zhaoyue's eyes narrowed dangerously. If kamoji really liked nemel, she would kill him and kill nemel, and let them go underground to be a pair of ghost mandarin ducks!

Kamocchi is shocked by Xi zhaoyue's real intention of killing. He looks at her blankly. Isn't he still jealous for him just now? Why do you want to kill him now?

Xi zhaoyue said with a sneer, "I don't even have a picture of you, but nemel has tens of thousands of them, which shows how much she likes you..."

"That's her business, it's none of my business." Yueyue's sneer was really terrible. Carmiche wiped a cold sweat and made a hasty stand, "I don't have my photos myself. Yueyue doesn't need those cold photos. I wish you had me as a warm living man."

Xi zhaoyue's face was slightly warm, but he didn't intend to let him go. "But when I think of a woman's room full of photos of you, opening and closing eyes are you, I feel uncomfortable all over."

Carmiche thought about it for a moment. A man hung up the whole room of Yueyue. He'll kill that man!

Carmochi grimaced. "I'll burn those pictures."

Xi zhaoyue snorted and did not speak. He was satisfied with his solution.

The live broadcast is still going on. Carmozzi wants to turn off the live broadcast, but Xi zhaoyue doesn't allow it. She sits on her chair, picks up melon seeds, and listens with interest to nemel's story behind those photos.

Seeing this, kamocchi can only accompany him to watch the live broadcast with Xi zhaoyue.

Didi's electronic sound rings again, this time is Xi zhaoyue's brain.

Xi zhaoyue points to open a look, it is kaffel who sent her an electronic photo album. The cover of the album is a child without clothes and flesh.

Isn't that carmichi?Xi zhaoyue takes a look at kamocchi, and sees that kamocchi's face is blacker. Therefore, Xi zhaoyue gets the answer. This is really kamocchi. She opened the album quickly, and she saw that all the photos were just born, full moon, 100 days old, one year old. It's now 32 years old, very complete.

Compared with nemel's photos taken together in public, these are obviously private kamocchi, most of which are taken secretly, showing the most real kamocchi in life.

Xi zhaoyue likes these photos very much, which can be seen from the smile on her face.

Camucci's face is getting darker and darker, for no reason. Most of these photos are his ugly and embarrassing photos, which are his black history. Kamocchi once again doubted whether he was his father's own son, and did he pit his son like that?

The image of him as a wise and powerful man is here with his wife. With this album, he will never return.

How I want to die!

In the live broadcast, nemel is still introducing those photos. Xi zhaoyue is not jealous at this moment, nor is he jealous that nemel has so many photos of carmooge, because she has more.

However, before Xi zhaoyue finished reading those electronic photos, nemel became a demon again.

"In fact, I don't only have camucci's photos, but I also have items he used." Nemel looks proud, like a child showing off his toys, not boring, but makes people think she is cute and simple.

Xi zhaoyue's killing intention rises again and his fists creak.

This time, without waiting for her to speak, carmoch said consciously, "I'll go and burn those things in a minute."

When netizens heard that she had collected the old things used by carmooge, they immediately coaxed and asked her to take them out and have a look.

Nemel originally intended to show off with netizens, naturally agreed to show it to everyone.

Nemel tapped her brain a few times, then saw the wall of her bedroom turned over, and the back of the wall full of photos was inlaid with rows of lockers. The things in the locker are very messy. There are all kinds of things, such as a water cup, a pen, a wristband, and some larger things, such as football shirts and coats.

"These are not all of them. I also collected one of his cars. It was his first car." Nemel shows off again.

"Ah, ah, ah, er er must be true love to major general. The verification is over."

"I used to think that my deepest feeling was that I was willing to die for each other. But after today, I feel that I like each other silently, collect photos and old things of each other, and have been doing it for more than ten years. This kind of feeling is not shallower than that of paying life for each other. Even for the sake of my life. "

"In the past, er Er ER was an ordinary person. Major general was an excellent sentry. Er Er liked major general, but because he knew that it was the best to be with a major general and his guide, he could only like it in silence, without any indication. It was not until Er er'er awakened her talent as a guide that she expressed her feelings for the major general. Even though the gland of the major general was destroyed and became a fool, she did not care and insisted on marrying the major general. This kind of girl is very silly, very stupid, but it is very cute, heartbreaking

"Er Er has done so much for the major general. The major general should be moved when he knows it? Why don't major general like Er er? Er Er is so kind, so cute, and princess. It's a good match with the major general. "

"I bet that after watching the live broadcast, the major general will be very moved and fall in love with ER er."


Seeing the comments of netizens, Xi zhaoyue's hand holding the armrest of the chair tighter and tighter. Then, she pinched the steel armrest.

Carmiche panicked and grabbed her hand. "Did you get hurt? Does it hurt? "

Seeing that the soft palms were just red, carmiche breathed a sigh of relief, stiffened his face and seriously taught, "no matter how angry you are next time, you can't hurt yourself. Don't be angry. I'll take it out on you

Said kamocchio, rising to go out.

"Stop." Xi zhaoyue drank coldly, "sit down."

Kamocchi looked at Xi zhaoyue blankly, and didn't know why she stopped herself.

"We don't have to worry about it. The higher we get, the more we'll get rid of it." Xi zhaoyue gave out a gloomy sneer.

Kamocchio shivered. The moon was terrible.

Xi zhaoyue's eyes returned to the live broadcast, quietly listening to nemel's introduction of those items. Although she hated nemel, she didn't mind knowing kamocchi from nemel's mouth, even though she felt very subdued.

Gululu -

in February, he rolled in from the door with a big box in his hand.

"Major general, ma'am, a box has been sent from the mansion to give it to the lady."

On hearing this, kamocchi's temples suddenly jumped. Did not his unreliable Keng Wa's father send him something?

It seems that it's not for use, but if it's not visible. Kamocchi's heart was a little stable. He took the big box in February and put it at Xi zhaoyue's feet. "Do you want to open it?"Xi zhaoyue could probably guess what was inside, and was looking forward to saying, "open it, open it quickly."

The box is very big and contains a lot of things. As kamocchi expected, they are his things, including clothes, bibs, bottles, toys, schoolwork, awards and trophies, medals and letters of commendation after serving as a soldier, and bullets shot when he was injured It's something very commemorative.

Xi zhaoyue turned over one by one, "your father should have collected these things, which surprised me. He loves you very much."

Carmogee nodded, and he was surprised.

Xi zhaoyue said with a smile, "tell me the story behind these things."

Kamocchi also laughed, "time is too long, many can not remember clearly, I choose a few more impressive to say."

Xi zhaoyue listened attentively to kamocchi's stories, and felt a little sorry. Unfortunately, she did not participate in his past.

But she has his future. With this in mind, Xi zhaoyue felt more comfortable.

And wait for Xi zhaoyue to hear the story, the star network again to a big explosion.

In the studio.

"Oh, a group of idiots, at this time, are still cheated by this insidious and hypocritical woman. It's really worrying about your IQ."

"Well, how can you swear? Let's watch the live broadcast. What's in your way?"

"It's not enough to scold us, but also to scold Er, who is so kind-hearted. Why do you scold her so much? It's too much!"

"Tut, I came to wake you up with good intentions, but you don't know what to do. You deserve to be deceived by the hypocritical face of this woman. To know the truth, go to the home page of star. It will make you doubt your life

"No, I believe that Er Er, Er is slandered."

"That is, in my eyes, er Er is kind and affectionate, and has loved major general silently for more than ten years, so as not to be hypocritical."

"It's up to you to believe it or not, and it's up to you to see it or not. That's all I've said."


Nemel looked at the comments and raised his heart. What happened?

A bad premonition rose from her heart, and she could not control her curiosity at the bottom of her heart. She immediately opened the home page of the star network, and several lines of thick red characters suddenly entered her eyes.

"Human experiments, illegal experiments, cruel, bloody, cold-blooded, which is the real nemel? Gland repair potion, guide awakening potion, contract release potion. The harm of these antagonistic agents is frightening

Nemel's face suddenly turned white, she was staggering, and her body was soft. She would have fallen to the ground if the maid beside her had not helped her.

In the live broadcasting room, I saw her suddenly pale face and cared about her.

"I'm fine." Nemel smile reluctantly, "may be a little tired, today's live broadcast here first, thank you, goodbye."

Nemel finished the live broadcast, and immediately dialed a number. After the connection, she immediately said in a loud voice: "quickly, quickly remove the video from the star network."

There did not know what to say, nemel angrily scolded, grabbed one of the things and threw him to the ground. These things are the old things that she cherished and cherished a second ago. This second, the old things in her hands into pieces.

"Calm down, I want to be calm. I must not panic. Maybe things are not irreversible. The defense of their underground research room is so strong that no one should know it. Those videos may be just a shadow of the wind. Yes, it must be just a shadow. " Nemel said to himself, trembling and opening the videos.

However, when she saw the content of the video, she couldn't bear it any longer. Her eyes were black and she fainted. Before she fainted, her last thought was that she was going to die.

In the live broadcasting room, people suddenly changed their faces to nemel and suddenly ended the live broadcast. They felt that something was wrong.

"What really happened?"

"Go and have a look. Anyway, the live broadcast is over."

"No matter what the star net sends, this time I will not easily doubt Er Er Er, I am ashamed of the person who slandered her so kind before."

"Me too, I believe in her. So good people, why did they follow the trend and scold her at the beginning? It's too inappropriate. "

"Let's go and see what happened first. If someone slanders or slanders her, we can speak for her."

"Yes, yes, Elle is so good that we must not let others hurt her."


These people are committed to fighting for their princess.

However, when they click on the video, in less than five minutes, they are completely confused, stupid and angry. How much they loved nemel five minutes ago, and how much they hated her five minutes later. No, they hated her more fiercely than they had loved before, and they wanted to tear her apart.

How can there be so vicious, so hypocritical people in the world?