After feeding Xi zhaoyue with nutrient solution, Liu Lin left.

It was late at night, and kamocchio took Xi zhaoyue back to his room and laid him on the bed. His red skirt had not been taken off, blooming like a flame. The skin of people in the fire is more beautiful than snow. It is less lonely and cool when awake, but more peaceful and peaceful.

Carmiche stood at the head of the bed, his eyes burning. He stood still for a few minutes. He didn't dare to pick off Xi zhaoyue's clothes, so he covered people with quilts, and then reluctantly turned around. Liu Lin's words flashed through his mind. "Deep sleep" and "my wife won't wake up for a short time." does that mean he can "do whatever he wants"?

There was a stir in carmooge's heart. Without saying a word, he took off his clothes and put them into the quilt.

He fished Xi zhaoyue into his arms, and their bodies were tightly pressed together, leaving no gap. At the beginning, kamocchi's hand was still regular, only staying on Xi zhaoyue's waist.

Pinch her, won't she?

Kamocchi hesitated for half a second. First, he poked the soft meat in Xi zhaoyue's waist with his index finger. Seeing that Xi zhaoyue did not move, his courage immediately increased. Two big hands slowly swam on Xi zhaoyue's body, kneading here, kneading here, extremely "obscene".

From his waist to his delicate neck, down to his white and slender legs, he never let go of a pair of jade feet. Kamocchi came and went back and forth in detail and earnestly "explored" for more than ten times. Until he was red in the face, hot all over, and sore in some place, he rushed into the bath room and released himself with the soft and smooth hands of Xi zhaoyue 。

For an hour, kamocchio's eyes blurred, slightly gasping out of the bathroom, eyes fell on the bed, sleeping innocent people, eyes slightly narrowed.

Just a touch almost killed him. If you kiss him again, he will be crazy!

If she kisses herself on her own initiative --

carmocchio swallows her saliva, and her body is still hot and restless again --

that night, kamocchi has been struggling until the morning, and when it is about to dawn, he falls asleep with Xi zhaoyue in his arms.

The next day, what happened at the Liu family's banquet spread throughout the whole empire. Although there were no lives at the banquet, the guests who attended the banquet were more or less injured, especially those who were mentally unstable and were indelible hurt. These people's identities were different, which pushed the Liu family to the top of the storm.

After the Liu family apologized, apologized, and given gifts to those injured, the storm gradually subsided.

At the same time, the relationship between the Liu family and the Lin family became more and more rigid. The struggle between the two families turned dark and bright, and the imperial army set off a bloody storm.

In addition to sleeping in the first day, he was too busy for the next few days. He went out early every day and came back in the middle of the night. He had to entrust Xi zhaoyue to Liu Lin and his nurse. But Xi zhaoyue did not wake up. If it was not for the results of the examination, kamocchi would probably drive himself crazy.

Liu Lin is also very puzzled about this. It is reasonable to say that Xi zhaoyue's body has almost recovered and should not sleep so long. After several tests, Liu Lin can only attribute Xi zhaoyue's deep sleep to her mental fatigue and need sleep to recover.

Kamocchi basically accepted Liu Lin's explanation and did not force Liu Lin to check Xi zhaoyue's body every day.

Half a month later, Xi zhaoyue still did not wake up, and the Liu family's affairs also came to an end, everything seems to be back on track. Only one thing happened to the Lin family. First, the scandal of the young daughter of Qiang * * Tong, a disciple of the Lin family, was revealed. Secondly, the Lin family's greedy military supplies were reported. For a while, the family at the forefront of the storm changed from the Liu family to the Lin family. The Lin family was badly weakened and had to keep a low profile and temporarily withdraw from the Empire's highest power circle.

In this case, there are shadows of the Liu family everywhere, and it happened after the accident of the Liu family, which makes it difficult for people to doubt the Liu family. Thus, Lin Er, who appeared at the Party of Lenovo capital, vaguely got the truth. It was the Lin family who first attacked the Liu family, and then the Liu family retaliated against the Lin family. The Lin family deserved it.

After a series of quick and vigorous actions of the Liu family, the people of the imperial capital star have renewed their understanding of the Liu family.

General kaffel and major general camocchio only know how to fight. They are eccentric, they don't understand the world, they don't like intrigue, they don't care about calculation. That's right, but it doesn't mean that the rest of the Liu family won't. If it hurt the interests of the Liu family, the Liu family will also rise up to resist and return 100 times. The Lin family is the best example.

Those who were hurt at the party and resented the Liu family, after the Lin family accident, stopped to seek revenge from the Liu family. As long as kamozi is still there, the Liu family will not fall down. It is unreasonable to make enemies with such a powerful warlord family.

But they can't stop being hurt for no reason.

Since the Liu family can't move, let's move the Lin family. In a word, the real murderer of them is the Lin family.

Just as they were sharpening their swords to attack the Lin family, the Liu family reported a shocking news. General kaffel's mental sea collapsed and his mind was out of his mind.At the beginning, the imperial dignitaries were still skeptical about this news, until the Liu family submitted his resignation for kaffel and asked him to resign as a general for him. All the people had to believe that kaffel was really crazy.

Suddenly, the Empire was in an uproar, some people were surprised, some people were happy.

The happy thing is that he just wants to seize power, but the surprise is that kaffel has been in charge of the battlefields of Empire and alliance. Kafel's madness means that the battlefield master will be replaced. Now there are not many generals who can win the Empire. People don't know who the substitutes will be, what their strength is, and whether they can protect their safety like general kaffel?

I do not know why the imperial parliament did not pass the resignation of kaffel, but asked the guild of guides to send many guides to cure him. However, no matter how many guides the guild came to, there was only one result: nothing to do.

At this time, the alliance again launched a war on the border of the Empire. Kaffel could no longer go to war, and the replacement became a hot topic among the imperial people. It was proposed that kamocchio should take the place of his father, because he was now the only general in the Empire who had never been defeated. But this proposal was refuted as soon as it came out. Kamozi has been responsible for the Zerg battlefield. The Zerg's whereabouts are unpredictable, and no one knows when they will suddenly appear. If they come out and kamocchio is at war, who's going to clean up the Zerg?

You know, the Zerg are more terrible than the allies. They don't grow a single living thing.

It is also said that there are countless excellent generals in the Empire. One Kafir is missing, and then there are countless kafels. The Empire should give more opportunities to others. The parliament of the Empire disdained this.

When are they not giving the chance?

Over the past 20 years, there have been only a few generals who can fight, such as kaffir and kamocchio. Are they not giving the opportunity?


They have clearly given equal and fair opportunities. Even if kamozi had a father who was a general, he didn't start with a private, a sergeant, a second lieutenant, a captain, a major. Up to now, major general, every step, every step, every step, is earned by fighting on the battlefield.

Want a chance?

Go to the battlefield and kill the enemy!

Therefore, when people clamored to let the Empire give the opportunity, the Empire issued a draft law. Along with the draft law, kamocchi's achievements in every promotion from private to major general were also issued, and the people of the Empire were encouraged: look, it's not a dream to be promoted from private soldiers to major general. Anyone can become a major general if he has enough merits.

As soon as the draft law came out, it hit the faces of those who were clamoring for fair opportunities.

Tens of thousands of people in the empire gave out a kamozi, and let them learn from him. It's better to kill them with a knife. If you die in the Empire, you can leave a corpse. If you die in the Zerg battlefield, you will have no bones left.

However, there are also people who are inspired by the deeds of kamocchi. Most of them are civilians. After reading kamocchi's promotion meritorious list, they are shocked by the power of kamocchi, and they also associate with themselves, and are ready to make contributions.

They are not as good as kamocchio, but they are not impossible to be promoted from private to sergeant, lieutenant or even major. In that case, why not make a fight!

As a result, the Empire ushered in a number of military fever.

The battlefield situation between the Empire and the alliance was critical. After the treatment of kaffel was ineffective, the Empire sent an experienced veteran general, who was also a SS level general, and was one of several generals that the Empire could fight.

For these things happened outside, kamocchio only heard a little, but did not pay attention to them. After the party subsided, his attention returned to Xi zhaoyue, who watched Xi zhaoyue every day, and occasionally went back to Liujiazhuang garden to visit his father.

Since his mother died, he knew his father would have such a day, but he didn't expect it would come so fast that he didn't have time to prepare.

When he saw his father, he felt very sad and even afraid that his father would leave her and go underground to find his mother. At the same time, there was a trace of blame for his father's not looking for a guide.

But as soon as he transposed his position, the trace of blame passed away. Because if it was him, he would not go to any other guide. He just wants to belong to Xi zhaoyue, whether it is the body or the soul, belong to her, clean to her, not allow others to smear a little bit.

Xi zhaoyue did not wake up, nor did his body check anything wrong. At the beginning, kamocchi was still patient, but as time went by, he gradually became restless. He invited many experts to come over and asked them to give Xi zhaoyue a physical examination. However, there was only one of them. He was very healthy. He should just fall asleep.

Kamocchi was afraid. It can be seen from his watching Xi zhaoyue day and night, not daring to sleep, and even not blinking his eyes.

Gradually, blood appeared in his eyes, his face was covered with dross, and his clothes were wrinkled and sour.

Liu Lin, Li Mao and all the people of the Liu family were very upset by his appearance. At last, Liu Heming was also shocked and came to the villa from Liujiazhuang garden."What do you look like now?" Liu Heming roared through the whole villa. However, kamozi did not seem to hear, still squatting on the edge of the bed, staring at Xi zhaoyue.

Liu Heming was more angry. He strode over and slapped kamocchi's head. "Your father is crazy. Are you going to make yourself crazy? Ah? "

Kamocchi was slapped by him and fell to the ground. He looked at Liu Heming with his blood red eyes. Without a trace of temperature, he got up and squatted back to the bed.

Liu Heming's eyes are dark, and his body staggers back a step. Fortunately, Liu Lin behind him has a quick eye and helps him. Liu Heming exhaled a few deep breaths of turbid air, and said in as peaceful a way as possible: "she just went to sleep. Maybe she will wake up tomorrow. It's you. If you go on like this, there will be problems. Do you want her to give you spiritual counseling as soon as she wakes up? "

Carmozzi still didn't respond.

Liu Heming bit his teeth and continued: "even if she can't wake up, do you want to die for her? In your eyes, besides her, there is your father, but also the Liu family, but also my grandfather? "

Liu Heming said finally, almost in a roar.

Carmiche's cracked lips moved, his voice as hoarse as a saw saw saw wood. "She will wake up, she will..."

Kamocchi's body trembled slightly. The most worried and frightened thing was picked out. The delicate and fragile nerve in his body was finally broken!

"No, the spirit sea of the major general is collapsing. Please help to control him." Liu Lin yelled.

Li Mao and Liu Heming and others were startled and immediately rushed to kamoji. One of them grabbed one arm of kamoji. Liu Lin quickly found a bottle of tranquilizer, inhaled into the syringe, on the neck of carmichi stabbed.

However, without waiting for him to succeed, camucci left Li Mao and Liu Heming away, and yelled: "you go away, go away!"

"Major general, calm down, calm down. You must not be excited now..." Liu Lin's voice was soothing.

No matter where kamocchi heard Liu Lin's words, he just kept repeating to let them leave. The SS Level sentry's pressure poured out uncontrollably, and his violent and manic spiritual tentacles came out of his mental sea and filled the whole room, and continued to extend, extend, fly out of the room and fly to the farther place.

"Major general, no!" Liu Lin's eyes widened in horror!

Oh, my God, the SS Level sentry's riot. The sentries and guides in the radius of 100 Li still have their lives?!

"Quick, open the protection of the villa and isolate the spiritual tentacles!" Liu Heming orders quickly, and his breath begins to be unstable. Even he can't bear the spiritual riot of SS Level sentry, let alone others.

"No, you leave first, and wait until you leave -" the Liu family behind him exhorted.

"Shut up, now, right now, turn on the highest level of protection for me!" Liu Heming's veins burst and his mouth foam flew.

The Liu family was surprised and could only obey.

At this time, Li Mao had fallen into a spiritual riot. Although Liu Heming was struggling, he was also on the way to assimilation. The culprit, kamocchi, now completely lost his mind and glared at Liu Heming and others, and his momentum rose to the highest point.

There was no suspense or fluke.