Among the more than ten teenagers, the two leading the way are Qu Shaoyan and Luo Yi. Both of them are tall and strong. They are very standard sentinel figures. After they made a bet with Xi zhaoyue, they just reflected that they seemed to have forgotten something important.

"If you pass the exam, we'll be your younger brother. What if you don't?" Qu Shaoyan asked.

"If you don't, you can't do it. Are you going to embarrass a guide?" Xi zhaoyue asked innocently.

Qu Shaoyan and the youngsters were stunned and said to each other

They are sentinels who love their children and guide more. How can they embarrass a weak guide!

But what's this feeling like?

After the gambling agreement was made, Qu Shaoyan and Luo Yi followed Si Mo and Xi zhaoyue with justice and justice. They called themselves mutual supervision to ensure fairness and fairness.

Staring at a crowd of hot line of sight, Xi zhaoyue calmly lines up to draw lots.

"I'm the 18th in field nine. How about you?" Qu Shaoyan comes to Xi zhaoyue and wants to see the content on the screen. Xi zhaoyue but first step back out, give the position to the people in line behind, "No. 8 venue, No. 49."

"Why are you so far back?" Qu Shaoyan frowned.

"It's OK. Even if you stay behind, you can't get any benefits. You can change the examiners every ten. You don't have to worry about the examiners exhausting." Luo Yi pats Shaoyan on the shoulder.

"Go and go!" Qu Shaoyan pushed him away. "Am I worried about this? That is, the examiner is exhausted. It's not a matter of extending a little finger to deal with her as a little guide. "

"Ha ha." Xi zhaoyue smiles but says nothing. Qu Shaoyan and Luo Yi are puzzled and shiver. They look at each other blankly. Is the weather getting cold? No, it's only mid August.

Xi zhaoyue's serial number is 49, while that of Si Mo is No. 5. There is a difference of 44 between them. Xi zhaoyue plans to go to see Si Mo's examination first.

Si Mo's examination room is the first venue, which is a distance from the eighth venue. As soon as she left, Qu Shaoyan and others followed closely, as if they were guarding the "prisoner".

The combat test is military combat. Those who fail in the next five minutes are disqualified.

When Xi zhaoyue and his party came to the first venue, the game just started. First of all, a man was on the stage. His height was about 1.8 meters. His limbs were slender and slender. He has a sharp face, a pair of eyes, and a shrewd taste.

"This guy has a dagger Qu Shaoyan suppressed the way.

There is no explicit rule that daggers can't be used in exams, but usually no one will bring daggers to the court. The experience of former senior students tells them that there is only one result with daggers: they are robbed by the examiners in less than three seconds and become the weapons for the examiners to deal with themselves.

"This guy didn't read the fighting test strategy, did he? Don't he know that all the previous exam takers with daggers have lost! " Luo Yi Tucao, in the heart began to make complaints about the young people on the field.

Xi zhaoyue glanced around and found that when the boy named Lankai took out his dagger, the onlookers all shook their heads, as if they had recognized the failure of Lankai.

However, the next performance of blue Kay was hard hit in the face of the people.

At the beginning of the examination, the boy takes a step with his left foot and bends his knees naturally to prepare for the fight. He holds the handle in his right hand, the blade in the direction of his arm, and his left hand defends or blocks. Just these simple movements, but by the youth to make a kind of fierce feeling.

The examiners who fought with him raised their eyebrows slightly, and their eyes had more meaning.

Suddenly, the boy moved. He did not try carefully to delay time. Instead, he ran straight to the enemy like a leopard. He was quick, ruthless and accurate.

The dagger with cold light streaked through the air, hitting the most deadly throat of the examiner.

The examiners are not frightened or flustered. Their sharp eyes are more brilliant. People with long eyes can see that this young man named Lankai has aroused the examiner's interest.

When the knife edge was about to pierce the examiner's fragile neck, the examiner turned his head slightly to an angle, grasped the young man's right arm holding the knife, pulled the man up and threw him out.

The boy hit a somersault in the air and landed steadily.

At this time, the examiner's attack arrived. A strong leg hit the young man's face. The broken hair between the youth's forehead was blown away by the terrible strong wind, revealing that pair of shrewd, calculating eyes all the time.

At this time, it was too late to dodge. He crossed his arms in front of his handsome face to block the attack. With a touch, the boy stepped back.

"Great!" Si Mo exclaimed.

Xi zhaoyue nodded silently, but it was not fierce. Whether it's the examiners with rich combat experience and strong strength, or the teenagers who are quick in reaction, accurate in attack and tricky in attack, both are very powerful.

The ending was unexpected. The young man named Lankai was robbed of the dagger by the examiner in the fifth minute, and was thrown to the ground by the examiner, unable to move.

Lankai passed the exam, but he was injured.Xi zhaoyue touches his chin. The examiner is very strong. If he doesn't need to cultivate himself and only relies on his body, he will not easily win.

Ah, then I can only aggrieve my tender flesh.

As long as the examinee can persist to the fifth minute, whether the examinee wins or not, the examination will be over. Half an hour passed when the first four exams were finished, and SMER was the fifth to play.

Xi zhaoyue has seen the actual combat of Si Mo and compared the four previous examinations. As long as he plays steadily, he can pass the exam.

Sure enough, the result and Xi zhaoyue expected the same, Si Mo persisted to the fifth minute, it seems that there is still spare power.

After the exam, Xi zhaoyue didn't rush back to venue 8. Instead, she went to other venues to have a look. By the time she returned to venue 8, she had already finished 38th in the exam.

At this time, most of them finished the examination. However, except for those who were injured and needed treatment, they did not leave by tacit understanding. One or two of them rushed to venue 8.