Later, Mu Hantian and Alice were silent for a long time——

"That... Cold day..." Alice was the first to break the silence.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, just one thing I want you to help."

With that, she took out a notebook and pen from the front of her uniform, then raised her eyes and looked straight into Mu Hantian's eyes.

"Notebook?" Mu Hantian wondered.

Alice cleared her throat and began to say, "cold weather, I have a few questions to ask you now. Please be sure to answer me honestly."

"This... Okay."

Although she didn't know what she was thinking, Mu Hantian felt her eyes very sincere.

"Well, first question. In cold weather, may I ask -"

Alice's brown eyes shone fiercely.

"Do you like soft... Soft marshmallows?"

"Ha? This... This is also a problem?"

"Of course, this is a very important question. Please answer it well."

Alice still had a stiff face and didn't mean half a joke.

Seeing that she was so persistent, Mu Hantian had to answer truthfully: "well, although he didn't hate it, he didn't like it."

Although Mu Hantian has no obvious likes and dislikes for diet, cotton candy can only be eaten and played when he is bored.

"This, this..."

As soon as she said this, Alice seemed a little relieved to catch her breath and wrote something in her notebook.

"What did you write?"

"So, the next question is --"

Alice ignored Mu Hantian's question. After writing, she raised her head and continued to ask, "where do you start when you take a bath?"

"Well... What the hell is this?"

"This is a very important question! Or... Do you have any reason why you don't want to answer?" Alice opened her eyes and stared at Mu Hantian suspiciously.

"OK, OK. I usually start with my upper arm."

"Upper arm... I see..."

Alice nodded with satisfaction, raised her pen again and added a few words to her notebook.

After several rounds of similar questions——

"Well, then, the last question."

"It's over at last." Mu Hantian moaned.

"Excuse me, you..."

Alice blushed with shame. She stared into Mu Hantian's eyes and said in an almost inaudible slight volume, "you... Do you hate girls with big breasts?"


"I, I'm asking you... Do you hate girls with big breasts..."

"Why ask such a question..."

"No... don't ask me such a shy thing, fool..." Alice nibbled at the cherry colored lips.

She put her hands on the ground and slowly put her face together to admire the cold day.

"Alice, Alice?"

"OK... Answer me quickly..."

In the crack of the front of the uniform, you can see the deep valley of crisp chest, and the sweet sweat is slightly seeping on the slender back neck.

The girl's unique sweet smell made Mu Hantian blush.

In an instant

"Wow! It's hot!"

The firewood for the campfire exploded unexpectedly.

"Hey! Do you want to take advantage of the chaos to do something good? Be careful I'll burn you into coke!"


I don't know where a familiar line came from... Is that Claire's voice?

Mu Hantian looked around, but he didn't see Claire.


"Really, I gave it to you because you said you could ask for clues without trace."

It was the salamander sitting in the campfire who spoke in Claire's voice.

"Claire... Claire? Hard, have you been looking at us since the beginning?" Alice shouted with a red face.

"What's going on?" Mu Hantian asked the salamander in the firewood.

"This salamander is my servant elf. I'll let him share his senses with me in case you two mess!"

"Who... Who would do that!"

"Oh, I can't guarantee that."

The salamander looked at them suspiciously. See——

"Cold weather is right! I... I'm not thinking about those things that make people blush and heartbeat..."

As Alice played with her fingers, she looked away for no reason.


"-- sword saint and my knight serving the emperor of the son of man!"

In a small clearing in the forest, a fierce wind blew.

"-- fulfill the blood contract here and become a guardian sword. Come to me!"

The girl's delicate and pitiful lips sing the art of the spirit of the liberation contract.

The dark and beautiful hair was blown by the strong wind, and the elf imprint branded on the girl's chest also burst into dazzling light.

——In an instant, the pure light burst out, and the girl summoned a knight wearing armor out of thin air.

A heavy silver armor reflects dazzling brilliance in the moonlight among the branches.

He is' Georgius' - a high-ranking knight spirit who has served the royal family of the Empire of Austria for generations.

Fianna reached out her hand and stroked the knight's cold armor, raised her head and said in an urgent tone: "Georgius... Please, be my power -!"

She closed her eyes and sang again the words written in elvish language.

"- your sword is my strength and your shield protects me. You should uncover the infinite holy light and drive away the darkness!"

With the chanting, the knight spirit burst out a fierce light, and a desolate whirlwind blew nearby.

This is a phenomenon caused by the liberation of powerful elves and the increase of their power to the critical point of outbreak.

"Goo ah... Hoo Hoo... Ah ah ah..."

The burning pain made Fianna cry out hoarse screams from the depths of her throat.

She could not successfully control the out of control power of the spirit, and there was a counter current of divine power in her body.

"Please, listen to me!"

Only those elves who can use the "magic Costume" at will can give full play to their real power.

However, there are not many elves who can successfully expand the contract elves into the form of elves and demons.

Claire and others seem to be able to use the demon costume without effort, but they must go through years of intensive cultivation and innate qualification assistance. As a candidate for the former "fairy girl", it's nothing to mention that fiana has outstanding talent. However, even with her talent, she can't learn to use the "demon Costume" overnight.

"I want to fight side by side with the cold weather and everyone!"

It's like echoing fiana's forgetful call——

The knight spirit releases the materialization and becomes a particle of light floating in the void.

"Good, that's it. Work harder...!"

There was a fierce spark in fiana's brain. She depicted a sword in her heart - a sword that can cut everything.

Suddenly, the materialized heart gradually condensed in the palm of her clenched hand.

The moment before the success——

"Oh! Eech!"

The almost condensed light suddenly burst, and an invisible reaction force suddenly pushed it out.

Fiana was thrown away.

The failure of the expansion of the demon costume makes the divine power counter current and turns into impact feedback on the caster.

"Hum... Hoo... Why..."

Fianna grabbed the soil on the ground, her lips trembling.

Finally, even with the help of the magic array, she still couldn't successfully show the Fairy Magic costume.

"Why can't I!"

I want to be stronger. I don't want to be the princess who will always live under the protection of others.

"Not yet... I won't give up yet. Try again -"

Fiana clenched her lips, landed on her knees again and stood up shakily