A bonfire was burning on the altar, and five elves Ji Shanshan appeared.

Finally, the five elves began to publish details about "Qun LAN dance".

The stage of sword dance sacrifice is the vast forest area in the north of fukong island. It's a dangerous place where wild Warcraft and elves roam.

The "Shenyi academy" mobilized all Ji witches to set up a barrier on the competition venue. It is absolutely impossible to break through the barrier in a normal way.

Representatives of all countries will be randomly sent to the inside in teams, and the sword dance sacrifice will take seven days.

There is only one more important prohibition - do not kill elves.

The spirit sword dance festival is not a simple martial arts competition, but a divine music ceremony conducted by the holy and pure witch Ji. Therefore, death should not stain the ceremony of sacrifice to the ELF KING.

Representative players from all countries will get a special fairy ore - "magic stone". The victory or defeat of the competition depends on competing for it.

You must always carry the "magic stone" with you. The way of carrying it can be decided by yourself.

Special magic is applied to the "magic stone". The players who leave the magic stone must recapture it within one minute, or they will be forcibly transmitted back to the grand sacrifice hall.

After seven days of the main event, four teams with the most "magic stones" will be selected. The four teams will hold the final sword dance sacrifice ceremony before the holy drive of the ELF KING. At that time, even if there are losers in the team, they can send the whole team five people to compete for the final again.

"I wish the witches and Witches of sword dance sacrifice wuyunchanglong and return safely!"

After announcing the edict of the ELF KING, the five elf girls sang together.

This sentence is tantamount to beating the battle drum of the main event.

The elves made them step into the transmission circle on the altar in the thunder of the audience.

Before stepping into the round array, Mu Hantian turned to cheer up the eldest ladies of his partners: "everyone, we will win!"

"That's right!" X4


Mu Hantian stepped into the transmission circle array, and the world in front of him immediately changed into a vast and gloomy forest.

The mist obscured the view, and the sound of birds and animals came from afar.

"The site is deep in the forest... It's difficult to predict where the enemy team will hide..."

Claire was sent to Mu Hantian. She looked around vigilantly.

"Do you want to summon the wind spirit to spy on the surrounding environment?"

"Well... No, not now. I don't trust Alice's ability, but because it's too ostentatious to use elf magic."

"Well, you're right," Alice nodded frankly to accept Claire's instructions.

"Let me summon fenril to help you with your luggage."

Lindsay Lei said, and then she called the magic ice spirit transformed into a white wolf lemon.

With the wind and snow watching, Fen roared out a howl. Suddenly, everyone's luggage was sucked in by its wide open mouth and disappeared without a trace.

"How convenient."

"Yes. But this is because people are often killed in the snow in our Lauren frost territory, so we sometimes ask fenriel to help deliver goods to save people."

When Lindsay touched finriel's head, it sounded like a coquettish cry.

"Well... Not only is scarlet cute, but your fenril is also cute..."

Alice stared at finriel with a fascinated look.

"Speaking of Lauren frost, it's freezing cold in winter there - by the way, I remember going to your house to play with you when I was a child, and I almost died in the yard."

"I remember when I found you, you immediately cried and hugged me... Oh, where is that Frank and lovely Claire now?" Linsley sighed looking at the distance.

"You... You guy, break the news again, or I'll burn you into soft charcoal!"

"How big a mansion can make people die in the yard..." Mu Hantian whispered silently.

"If we don't find a place to camp soon, we may really freeze to death."

"Well, you're right." Mu Hantian nodded.

This may be the area where the shelter of the wind ELF KING is weak in the whole floating island. It feels quite cold. Although the uniforms of the college are reinforced with "cold proof" techniques, I'm afraid they can't resist the cold at night.

Mu Hantian himself is nothing, but these young ladies are not necessarily.

"We should also consider the problem of water source. If possible, it is best to set the camp not far from rivers or lakes."

Claire doesn't just mean drinking water - as an elf envoy, Ji witch must frequently enter the water to purify herself in order to remove her filth.

"In a word, the top priority is to explore the environment, right? I'm in the front and Lindsay and fiana are in the middle. In cold weather, will you and Alice move in the back formation?"

Claire's vertical line is logical.

In this formation, everyone can protect fiana who is not good at fighting together; From Linsley's position, you can also contain the enemies in all directions; Mu Hantian, Claire and Alice can also give full play to their excellent individual fighting ability to consolidate the front and back of the team.

After they formed a team, they set out carefully to go deep into the forest.


The party had been marching in the forest for about an hour.

From the beginning, elves like light balls have been flying around people frequently.

They are envoys, responsible for transmitting the images of sword dance in the competition venue to the grand sacrifice hall.

They are trained not to break into places that infringe on personal privacy. But what is certain is that the image of God and man as they advance in the forest must now be projected on the screen over there.

"I can't find a place with water... How big is the site?"

"I have asked, this floating island is as big as a small country, so the venue should also be large." Mu Hantian answered the doubts of Claire walking in the front.

"I think we'd better make a map quickly," said Linsley as she pushed away the branches entangled in her hair.

"My feet seem to be starting to hurt a little." Fiona, who is not used to walking on the mountain road, frowned because she was uncomfortable.

Because she is a transfer student, unlike Claire and others, she has hardly received field training from the college.

"Do you need me to carry you?"

"Eh? No... no need..."

"Don't be too brave. It's too late when you can't even walk."

"But, but... Well, my skirt is so short..."

"Oh... Really, I didn't notice..."

"Cold weather... You shouldn't be thinking about some improper things again!" Alice shuddered out half of her long sword.

"I... I don't have it! And what's called 'thinking again'!"

"Hum, I, I also feel that my feet are starting to hurt," said Alice, puckering her lips.

"Even so, I have only one person, how can I carry you two at the same time." Mu Hantian helplessly helped his forehead. These young ladies are really.