When Mu Hantian and his party finished dessert, it was already evening.

Mu Hantian, who came back from the college city, came to the agreed central auditorium.

After a while, Alice finally came panting from the distance.

"Hug... Sorry to keep you waiting!"

"It doesn't matter. I didn't wait long."

Seeing her out of breath, Mu Hantian couldn't help smiling bitterly.

"Anyway, let's go. If we want to study, how about going to the library?"

"Ah, no... not the library." Alice shook her head quickly.

"Hmm? Not a library? Then find an empty classroom -"

"Yes... It's a room."

"What are you talking about?" Mu Hantian thought he had heard wrong.

"Just... Just... Teach me lessons in my room!" Alice shouted with a red face.

Mu Hantian was silent.

"No... can't you?"

"Well, I'm a boy. Go into the girl's room... Isn't it very good?"

"It doesn't matter. I don't mind."

"Well, I know, I know. Then go to your room."

Confused Mu Hantian nodded his head.


So mu Hantian led by Alice to the weasel class dormitory.

The weasel class is completely opposite to the crow class where the problem characters gather. They are both serious and good students.

They went up the stairs to the second floor. Alice's room is right here. She stood in front of the door, cleared her throat and said, "this is my room. Of course, you are the first boy to come in."

"I'm a little nervous when you say so."

Then Alice opened the door and read a fairy spell. Suddenly, the fairy ore on the ceiling lit up and lit up the dark room.

"It's so clean."

"Yes, otherwise the serious roommate will be angry."

"A more serious roommate than Alice..."

Although a little rude to Alice, I can't imagine that there are more serious people than her.

"What about her?"

"She's been away from the dormitory for weeks. If she were here - you wouldn't be able to go out alive."

Alice said this dangerous remark as if nothing had happened, laying a cushion on the ground.

"Relax. I'll prepare hot tea and snacks."


After that, Alice boiled water and brought out hot black tea and snacks.

Although you are the daughter of a rich family, you are very careful in this regard. Perhaps because she was born into a famous martial arts family, Alice received strict training from childhood.

"This is very good. Did you do it?"

"Yes... Yes, it's my interest."

Alice said shyly, as if a little embarrassed.

Mu Hantian is talking about a honey cake sprinkled with black tea powder. It won't taste too sweet. It tastes very delicious.

Although Alice had long known that she was good at cooking, it was surprising that she could make such exquisite cuisine.

"Sit down. I'll get ready."

"Hmm? What are you going to do?"

Mu Han just spoke - Alice immediately pulled out her sword from her waist.

She said in a bold voice, "it's preparation."

"Yes... I see. Please take your time!"

Mu Hantian, who was held by the sword, nodded quickly.

After Alice disappeared into the next room, Mu Hantian, who was finally able to be alone, sighed gently.

"What the hell is going on?"

Mu Hantian drank the black tea made by Alice and looked around. There are uniforms and pajamas on the bed, folded neatly. There are also some cute dolls such as bears and rabbits.

Just then

"Long... Long wait."

There was a small voice like Alice's mosquito behind her.


Mu Hantian turned his head and looked——

He couldn't help gaping. Because there was a maid standing there.

Mu Hantian rubbed his eyes and looked again.

Yes, it's a maid.

The dark blue maid is equipped with a white apron and feels very pure. The edge of the long skirt is covered with lovely ruffles. She also wore a small maid headdress on her head. What lay before us was the truth - Alice had become a maid.

"You... What are you doing..." Mu asked.

"From now on, I'll be your exclusive maid... No, no problem?"

Alice, with red cheeks, raised a corner of her skirt and saluted. Black suspenders and socks can be vaguely seen in the raised skirt.

"Ha? What's the matter with you? It's not like you normally."

"Because... This... This is my way of showing sincerity..." Alice replied shyly.

"Sincerity?" Mu Hantian couldn't help asking back.

Wearing maid clothes shows sincerity... What kind of truth is this?

Alice crossed her hands on her chest and looked straight at Mu cold day with her brown eyes.

"Because... Because you helped a lot in the last mission, as the representative of the wind king knights, I certainly have to thank you... No... but just as a representative! Don't get me wrong!"

"Well, didn't I say no thanks? It's natural to help your companions."

"That's not enough. What can I do to repay this kindness... I've been thinking about it all week."

"Then why is it a maid's dress?" Mu Hantian didn't understand.

"Well, I discussed with my teammates Laka and recia. They said that you are a maid maniac who will be excited when you see a maid's dress, so the best way to show sincerity is to dress like this. Although I also think this practice is quite problematic at the beginning, as soon as I teach my children that they must strive to repay their benefactors."

"Don't listen to them, what maid crazy, I don't!" Mu Hantian quickly denied. To put it bluntly, Alice was fucked by those two people.

"What... What! Do you mean - do you... Want me to do that?"


"Do you want... Do you want me to wear a more colorful look!"

"When did I say such a thing?" Mu Han naive was unable to make complaints about what he said.

"Such a request, absolutely not!"

Alice quickly pulled out her sword from her waist and aimed it at Mu Hantian's neck. Even if you become a maid, swordsmanship is still as fierce... Although this is nonsense.

"OK... OK! That's nice! The maid's dress is great!"

"Hum, that's about the same."

Alice still put her sword on Mu Hantian's neck and said to him, "come on, Hantian! Tell me what you want me to do!"

"So, what can you do?"

"What I'm good at most is stabbing."

"What kind of maid is this... Is it too strange?"

"Although I can use swords, long guns are my specialty." Alice raised her chest proudly.

"Is there anything else besides dangerous expertise?"

"I'm good at cooking."

"Then please cook a dish?"

"Sure. What would you like to eat?"

"Well... We're going to have dinner later. Let's have some light food."

"I see."