When the two factions summit in vilda city is about to begin.

Luqiya, who directs the preparatory work, has completed the final confirmation of various matters such as the maintenance plan.

Her people are not in the hall arranged as a conference hall.

But on the top of the tower with a panoramic view of vilda city. At present, there are two people here besides Lucia.

"You mean..."

"That's right. From now on, the moderates will basically not be involved with you anymore."

Luqiya waited a short distance away and looked at her master, ramsas, coldly answering Mu Hantian's questions.

At the moment, Mu Hantian and ramsas have no intersection.

Mu Hantian stared at Ramsay, but Ramsay turned his back to him. He looked down at the wide urban area of verda and made no other moves.

Ramsas has just told Mu Hantian that the moderates and other demons will take an attitude towards Mu Hantian and others in the future.

"You should know how easy it is to become a new dispute in the demon world."

Ramsay said in a low voice, "we are about to form a military alliance with the current demon king faction, and we are facing a critical moment. If we make arbitrary contact with you again, it is difficult to ensure that no one in the two factions wants to play by the topic, and it will also create unnecessary suspense and suspicion for other forces around us."

"In order to avoid that situation, we demon clan should cut off contact with you as much as possible... Of course, whether we do so or not, there may be conspirators on both sides, so I will continue to let wanliya follow her. But..."

Ramsay added as if: "In order to ensure fairness, the current demon king sect that will form an alliance with us should also continue to send people to monitor. However, its position is not hostile. It is simply to prevent us and other forces from using your power or influence to ensure your life safety. Since that girl will go back with Wilbert's power, I can accept this condition."

"If you have serious problems, the moderates and the current demon king will send representatives as soon as possible to make a fair agreement - and implement the solution."

"I see. Are you really going to keep that cold attitude from beginning to end... Right."

Mu Hantian sighed and breathed out.

Then he said to ramsas, "do you really want to continue to hide the facts and say goodbye to Shu?"

"What are you talking about?"

"What I just said has no evidence. It's purely my own speculation."

After making such a preface, Mu Hantian began to explain.

That was the "truth" he got from the process from the formulation of belfiger's assassination plan to its implementation before he dueled with the current demon king faction.

"To be honest, you still don't feel any goodwill towards Shu's attitude and treatment. No matter what crisis she falls into, she resolutely doesn't send more guards outside wanliya, and repeatedly makes the decision to ignore Shu's life... You have been completely avoiding Shu and taking the initiative to stay away from her."

"The person who told me this said that you were dissatisfied with your brother's becoming the devil, so you never liked Shu's niece."

Mu Hantian deliberately said the speculation of takigawa's past. However, the next sentence is not evidence, but counter evidence.

"But this time, you summoned Shu to the demon world to draw out the power of Wilbert, the former demon king in her body. I think this is because we beat zokiel and made Mr. Klaus hope Shu to become the second demon king. The sound wave began to rise."

Klaus is well known for his reverence for Wilbert and his view of Shu as the heir of orthodoxy, but such Klaus is opposite to ramsas.

"Compared with their demands to support Shu, you advocate to take Shu's power as your own. Generally speaking, most of them are selfish acts of self-esteem brothers who are dissatisfied with being surpassed by excellent brothers in order to meet their vanity."


Mu Hantian looked at Luqiya and said, "the relationship between Luqiya and wanliya gave me a hint and changed my point of view."

"Me and vanria...?"

"That's right."

Mu Hantian nodded to Luqiya, who frowned.

"Seeing Luqiya and wanliya began to make me feel... A person's feelings for his relatives are not necessarily apparent love. I understand this very well."

"When we children are still desperately trying to think about how to live in the present connected with the past, most of our parents are already looking at a more distant place - that is our future."

After hearing Mu Hantian's words, Ramsay remained silent.

Ramsay could not see the emotion on his face and could not know why he was silent. However, Mu Hantian continued: "I'm trying to change my view at this time. Suppose your attitude and behavior towards Shu so far is not to satisfy your self-esteem, but entirely for Shu's good..."

"Wilbert, the former demon king, entrusted Shu to his subordinates and sent her to the human world to be raised by ordinary people... So as to prevent her only daughter from becoming a political prop in the demon world. All the actions and decisions you have taken in the past can be regarded as to continue the examination made by Wilbert king for her daughter."

"You only send wanliya to protect Shu, so as to avoid adding too many guards for her. You will tell others that the moderates treat her as a princess, and take the initiative to alienate her for the same reason. In order not to let Shu get involved in the political disputes in the demon world, you have to reduce the contact with Shu. In this way, it makes sense. Then -"

Mu Hantian said again, "since you are so considerate of Shu, you should also set up several additional insurances... According to Shira, King wilbet's letting Shu inherit that power is one of the insurances used to protect her. Of course, it will also increase the possibility of her being coveted by the enemy, but give her nothing, and the risk is the same."

"When zokiel attacked Shu for the first time, only when vanria became an adult with the 'key' approved by you could he escape safely at the critical moment... But your insurance is not so simple?"

At this time, Mu Hantian's eyes turned to Luqiya again.

"Lucia... When zokiel took Shira hostage, wanlia sought your judgment; and you don't think it's a problem. Do you want her to focus on the work of escorting Shu?"

Lucia said nothing and her expression became stiff. That is not only acquiescence, but also indicates that Mu Hantian's hypothesis is getting closer and closer to the truth they hide.

Mu Hantian then looked directly at ramsas and said, which is a corner of the truth.

"But it's not that Lucia abandoned Shira... Shira was deliberately taken by zokiel?"

Mu Hantian continued: "isn't it strange that Shira can even create a space channel that you and Lucia can't detect, and zokiel doesn't lock her in his house, but in other remote places. As long as she wants to escape, there are many opportunities, right?"

"Zokiel wouldn't give up Shu even if he was taken over... So Shira pretended to be zokiel's hostage and deliberately stayed in his nest. This is because zokiel's strong attachment to Shu is very dangerous. Considering the arrangement that Shu is likely to be caught by him."

"Yes, it's all for Shu - your ideas to protect her."

Mu Hantian's language was steady... But he said clearly: "However, as I mentioned before, we killed zokiel, so that the eyes of moderates and the current demon king faction are focused on Shu. To avoid her becoming a political tool in the demon world under this situation, the quickest way is to make her lose the value of 'the only daughter of the former demon king', so you want to draw out Shu's strength."

"That's a life-saving trick to take Shu away. She may lose all her magic from now on, but you are still determined to do so... It's better for the overall situation to let Shu continue to live as an ordinary person and an ordinary girl, not to mention we who are enough to defeat zokiel. Therefore, you think that even if she becomes an ordinary girl behind the risk and wants to be a person against her It will be much less than it is now. "

"You, who are at the top of the moderates, have always treated her with contempt. From the perspective of other forces, Shu who has lost his power has lower use value and is difficult to intimidate the moderates. So you plan to draw out Shu's power, give her to us for protection and solve the problems in the demon world by yourself. Before that, the current demon king sect used heroes to attack and ended up in the end Come on, we have to go to the front. But -- "

Mu Han's words turned and said, "this speculation will produce several questions..."

"When you came to the moderates, and your harsh attitude and ideas towards Shu. If you, as I speculated, inherited king Wilbert's legacy as an elder brother and thought of your niece everywhere as an uncle, you should not deliberately oppose Klaus. It's better to actively appeal to them not to involve Shu on the basis of King Wilbert's legacy It's only right that things should go more smoothly. "

"Don't you think this contradiction is due to your wrong speculation?"

At this point, Ramsay finally spoke. This is a very reasonable and legitimate question, but - "I don't think so."

Mu Hantian denied this question because——

"You stood up against keos and protected Shu; finally, when Shu used Wilbert's strength to faint, you gently hugged her. I could see your expression at that time. Tell me that you actually attach great importance to her... It's all facts and there is no room for doubt."

"So I began to think so. You maintained such a harsh attitude towards Shu, perhaps because you had to do it for some reason..."

"Moderates used to be the biggest force in the demon world for some time? But I heard that most of those who joined moderates didn't want to go along the smooth road he hoped for with the former demon king Wilbert. They were simply attracted by the charm of his strongest demon king... After the war, the moderates soldiers who admired their own king and were proud of his strong power hoped that moderates would dominate the demon world and become a leader The voice of dominating the world should be much better than pursuing the peaceful coexistence of various forces and creating a peaceful and prosperous world for the demon world? "

If you ask people how strong their faith in Wilbert is, you can see it from Klaus.

Since there is still such a great influence after his death, the degree of respect for Wilbert when he was still in office must be incomparable today.

But... Unifying the world is contrary to the name and thought of the "moderates" - domination by force.

It's just a way of claiming justice. In fact, it's no different from the Privy Council. Ironically, the biggest obstacle for Wilbert, who expects peace more than anyone, is the prestige of his strongest demon king.

The situation at that time must have been very painful for Wilbert. His admirers wanted him to become the second Privy Council to suppress the demon world by force.

In this way, the situation is getting worse and worse day by day, and the derailment is accelerating. So the strongest demon king began to think about how to make the moderates restore their ideal appearance, get rid of the secret control and influence of the Privy Council, and bring real peace to the demon world. Finally——

"The answer that king Wilbert derived to prevent moderates from getting out of control is to let himself disappear."

But we can't just disappear. We have to try to continue to protect the moderates just in case. No matter how far his power expands, it is Wilbert's valuable achievement and must be protected.

"As the strongest demon king, death is the most persuasive way to disappear. In order to keep a certain check on other forces, the cause of death can't be death under the hands of others, but it can't die by accident. If the king of a country dies by accident, he will be thoroughly investigated. Considering these problems, he chose the one with the lowest risk."

"At the same time - he had to avoid his death anyway and turn the problem to Shu."

Mu Hantian stared at ramsas face to face.

"Therefore, he asked his subordinates to be adoptive parents to bring Shu to the human world as an ordinary person. He watched her grow and thrive in the demon world. When the time was ripe, he pretended to be sick and died, turned into another character and returned to the moderates - that was his plan."

After spitting out his deep breath, he said: "a complete vision of how the moderates will change after the death of the great king, whether they can prevent excessive expansion of power and out of control of ambition, and how the Privy Council will respond to the later - a plan to deal with all problems at once."