
In an instant, the wild walnut opened his eyes. Just before the lightning traveling against the sky hit the Pegasus from the bottom, adomeles' giant sickle simply waved down, making the lightning change its route and hit the giant sickle like a lightning rod. But adomeles was not hurt; The lightning cast by walnut is stored in the giant sickle, making its blade pale.

"I can't afford a big gift."

Adomilus smiled and waved the sickle at the walnut - at the same time, he was poured down at the walnut with lightning that increased several times in the fierce thunder.

Walnut hurried to set the parapet. Lightning immediately hit the parapet of the exhibition, which was completed at the critical moment, and triggered a violent sound of noise and explosion, which completely whitened her surroundings. Despite the lightning stroke, the dazzling lightning still burned the walnut's eyes.


The walnut, whose eyes were closed and his face wrinkled, was anxious to restore his eyesight, but——

"Too slow!"

When adomeles's voice appeared in front of her, her whole body had been violently knocked away.

"Ah ah...!"

Walnut's thin body in the wild bounced against the left and right rock walls several times, falling a little every time; Finally fell to the ground, raising dust and smoke.

"Uh... Ah... Uh, uh...!"

The whole skeleton seemed to be torn apart, which made walnut look up distorted.

He saw adomeles on the Pegasus approaching her slowly.

Wild walnut knows what happened to him. At the moment when the lightning took away her sight, adomeles immediately shortened the distance and ran into her with a flying horse.

Probably started when lightning was emitted.

Miscalculation... I didn't expect him to... Do this!

It is entirely my fault that tactics have been used so that I can only subconsciously set up a protective wall.

The remorseful walnut found something on the ground in front of him.

That's the uniform button Mu Hantian, which adomeles gave her before the war.

Big brother!

"Uh... Uh...!"

Even though adomeles was close at hand, walnut still desperately stretched his left hand and barely grasped Mu Hantian's button - but that hand was severely trampled down by the front foot of the flying horse, and even the hard ground under it was cracked with a "goo slag".

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The pain made walnut look up and burst out a sad scream.

"It's really troublesome. How can you design me... Didn't I ask you to lose more beautifully?"

Adomeles said in a voice that only walnuts could hear, "but you make the war better. Then I have to arrange a good ending - I will kill you."

The giant sickle rises high with a cruel smile.

The rules state that a surrendered opponent must not be attacked.

However, walnut has not yet surrendered; And adomeles must have cut her head with the sickle much faster than she shouted surrender. Although walnuts don't like to increase the burden of others in order to save themselves, they have made an appointment in advance. Once they encounter a situation that they will die, they will surrender immediately - they absolutely want everyone to go back alive together.

But adomeles, you don't give walnut the option of surrender.

"Thank you for dancing with me... Brave little sister."

The giant sickle of adomeles swept obliquely down the neck of the walnut.

Walnut cut off her head and lost her young life - it should have been so.

The next moment, the sharp metal impact sound of "kakeng...!" sounded coldly.

Cutting off the head of a walnut won't make such a hard sound.

The dead walnut slowly opened his closed eyes. In the vision distorted by severe pain, an object spread around her protected her - an obsidian parapet.

It was Jaster, a beautiful female demon with brown skin, who broke into the walnut, opened the protective wall and effortlessly blocked the strong swing of adomilus.

Walnut saw the back of Jaster, who was like his sister, and knew that he had been saved; So she slowly closed her eyes again and relaxed her strength.

Passed out.

"Oh?... what are you doing?" asked adomeles on horseback with a smile.

"The outcome has been decided," said Jester softly.

Walnut's condition can no longer fight.

"I don't think so - since she hasn't surrendered, the battle will continue."

"Then I declare Miss walnut defeated as a representative of the moderates. Is that all right?"

Instead of walnut, Jaster surrendered to the joking adomilus.

"But the rules..."

When adomeles still has something to say——

"Yes, I accept the surrender of the moderates."

The voice of cardinal Madonis sounded in the battle space... The battle space was lifted at the same time, and the challenge arena was restored to its original state. Saved walnut's life and let Jaster breathe a sigh of relief, but

"But even in order to save your companions, you still intervened in the duel before the outcome. I can't turn a blind eye to such a barbaric act that insults the noble spirit of the duel."

Amid the overwhelming echo of the audience in the arena, Jaster could not defend a word.

"It was not the girl named wild walnut who broke the rules - it was Jester yourself."

Madonis said with a smile, "so from my point of view, it's most fair to judge you to automatically lose the fourth game due to a foul by the moderates... What do you think?"

Jaster bit her lips reluctantly. Even if there is full of dissatisfaction, his major violation is indeed a fact. Continuing to stubbornly resist will only make his position worse, and it will put walnut in a dangerous situation again.

"I see."

After Jaster accepted the punishment of losing without fighting, there was another uproar in the arena.

Amid the malicious cheers, Jaster picked up the walnut and stepped down the challenge arena; After entering the passage leading to the lounge, I saw a man standing in front.

That was the fifth participant after Jaster, teak hee. When she appeared, jester dropped her eyes and said, "I'm sorry... I can't help it."

The moderates, including Jaster's non defeat, have been defeated three times in a row. Perhaps you should seek the opinions of other companions such as Youxi or Shu before you start. Although the battle took the form of one-on-one duel, it was still a duel between the two forces in the demon world. Even though everyone agreed to try their best to go back safely together, the duel was originally a matter that could kill at any time, and walnut must have this awareness in his heart.

But Jaster could not restrain herself. I can't stand the death of my sister's Walnut in front of me.

"How's the walnut?"

Hearing Josh's whisper, Jaster held the walnut in her arms in front of her. I saw walnut scars, but my breathing was still stable.

"She's fine... At least her life is not in danger."

"Thank you for saving walnut."

"You're welcome..."

When Jaster gave a brief answer to Nancy, who looked a little relaxed——

Something fell out of walnut's hand, knocked out a crisp sound on the stone floor and rolled aside. Take a closer look, it's the button of shengban School Park uniform worn by Mu Hantian.

Why does Miss walnut have such a thing?

In front of Jaster, who was so suspicious, the button drew a circle and stopped moving. Instead of Jaster holding a walnut in her hands, she squatted down and reached out to pick it up - unexpectedly, the buttons couldn't maintain their shape and scattered into fine powder.

At the sight of this picture, Jaster immediately understood everything. It was all too clear why walnut's performance had faded and what tricks the pawns of the cardinal Council of adomilus had used against her.


With uncontrollable anger, Jaster turned and gnashed her teeth... Turned to the challenge arena and took the same steps to correct adomeles's dirty behavior - but she couldn't step out. Jaster didn't stop voluntarily. A hand gently pressed on her right shoulder, as if trying to hold her. Generally speaking - her anger would never be stopped at this level. It was easy to get rid of it.

But -- Jaster couldn't. Because the smell of the girl standing beside her with her hand on her right shoulder was so cold that she almost froze.

My beloved sister's attention to Mu Hantian and Jaster was taken advantage of and trampled to pieces.

Unforgivable anger instantly turned into absolute zero cold murderous Qi.

"Walnut, please. I'm sure he'll come back."

Teak hee gazed at the other end of the dark passage, the arena of the decisive battle. After saying this, she left Jaster holding a walnut and walked slowly forward.