"I really don't understand. How could those people above make such a stupid decision? What is the pet raised by an enemy's oversized scum?"

"Maybe it's just like this. If you're tired of serving your own maid, those big people can't mess around. It's good to have different tastes at this time. Even second-hand goods are not bad."

"That makes sense... So I found a playable toy on it."

The insulting guard looked more and more evil at Jaster, swam around her recklessly, and finally stopped somewhere.

This strange look made Jaster feel disgusted.

"Hey, let's have a good time, too?"

After the guard named gurun said this, the others also looked at each other and smiled and approached step by step. See

"Let's go."

Jaster gently pushed the back of the little unicorn to hide at the other end of the alley, and then confronted the guards in front of her.

"What's your look... Do you often serve those people in the castle?"

Jaster did not say a word to the guards with a dirty smile.

There's no way to be thought of like this. Jaster sighed in her heart.

Zokiel's lust is well-known in the demon world. Few people can compare with him. No wonder others will regard Jaster who works for him as the object of his side. But in fact, when zokiel created Jaster, he set the constitution that chastity and exercise were the source of power, so he never asked Jaster to do men and women with him. Although I don't know what he meant——

But... Thank him for doing so now. If he was touched by zokiel - he would curse him all his life.

Having never been touched by anyone is a very important hope for Jaster now. Jaster rarely gets the task of taking care of Mu Hantian when he stays in the demon world, so during this period, it doesn't matter even on a whim or joking - she hopes Mu Hantian can treat her as a woman.

This moment of happiness will become Jaster's most precious memory and support her to continue. Therefore, we should not be arbitrarily abused by these guards in front of us.


With Mu Hantian's help, I came to the moderates and became a subordinate of Shira. If something happens here, it may cause them trouble - which is even more impermissible.

"Yes, yes, it's right to be obedient like this. Things like maids are used to do such things." a guard boldly extended his hand to Jaster, who was angry and biting her lips.

"Is that how you want to die?" a hand stretched out from the side and grabbed the guard's arm.

The sudden situation not only startled the captured guard, but also stunned the others——

"Mr. cold weather!"

Even Jester opened her eyes in surprise. Jaster's admirer, Mu Hantian, appeared beside her and winked at her——

"She is the maid sent by Shira to me. If you mess with her, you will be severely punished?"

One of the guards regained his composure and said, "what are you... This woman's companion?"

"SA, who knows."

The captured guard roughly shook off Mu Hantian, who was smiling Mimi, and said, "just a servant, don't talk nonsense... Get away and watch. Just be good and play with you later."

Seeing the guard "ha!" he smiled and turned to Jaster, and Mu Hantian sighed deeply.

"I can't help but teach you a lesson."

When Mu Hantian whispered in front of Jaster's eyes, the whole guard took off.

Mu Hantian quickly grabbed the soldier's wrist and pulled it down, then twisted it along the other party's center of gravity - as a result, the guard who wanted to invade and invade Jaster turned around in the air.

Although Mu Hantian doesn't want to kill people, it's OK to give them an unforgettable lesson.

Therefore, when the guard fell to the ground from his back and groaned, Mu Hantian pulled and twisted the hand he held back in the opposite direction of the joint, making him dislocate his shoulder and elbow.

"Uh, ah...!"

Mu Hantian wriggled on the ground again, and the wailing guard kicked mercilessly on his face. The horizontal impact tore down the guard's chin again, and the original sharp scream turned into a blur. Then——

"Dignified soldiers... Don't be called like this when a few joints are removed by a small servant. It will only make me look down on you!"

Mu Hantian stared at the guard with low eyes and deliberately teased him. This is not only to frustrate his spirit, but also to make the other three people fear and hope that they can walk away in this way - but the world is not satisfactory. One of them was really scared, but the other two pulled out their swords.

"What a stupid choice. Don't you realize the gap between each other?"

"Little devil, don't be arrogant! I came down from the battlefield too. How can I lose to you!" the guard cut me with a sword.

Seeing the guards in front pulling out their swords and cutting, Mu Hantian just turned aside to avoid. The alley is so narrow. In order not to let the sword hit the stone wall, the sword path must be limited. If it's just waving in a moment of excitement, it's even more simple.

"Too obvious - hum."

Mu Hantian flashed into his chest and swept his left elbow obliquely up to the other party's jaw. The blow was unbiased, and the impact from below made the upper and lower gear trains knock loudly.

The guard who lost consciousness due to brain concussion fell on the spot - Mu Hantian kicked him in front of his chest again, causing him to bump into another guard who drew his sword.

"Go away, idiot!" "you're an idiot."

Once the action stops, that's what happens. When the other party was a little disordered, Mu Hantian kicked on the left and right walls, jumped out of the other party's sight and turned vertically in the air. His right heel kicked out the dull sound of impact and "knocking" directly on the guard's forehead, and then took back his right foot and put it down on the ground. The guard, who had endured a hard kick, turned his eyes and fell back slowly.

At this time, Mu Hantian felt the fluctuation of magic. The guard named GuLun, who was soft legged due to the initial threat, stretched out his hands to Mu Hantian and opened the magic array.

The terrain here is narrow, next to crowded shops, and they are still guards - I thought they would be conscious and not use magic to avoid affecting the surrounding buildings or the people in them. Maybe I'm in a hurry and lose my judgment.

Mu Hantian wanted to stop it, but it was not necessary. Because before Mu Hantian left, the magic array opened by the guards had been eliminated, and——

"Ah... Uh... Ah...!"

The soldier who tried to cast magic is now paralyzed on the ground, and his face is distorted by fear. Mu Hantian naturally knew why this happened - so he didn't turn around and said behind his back, "calm down, Jaster, let him go this time. If you still have to kill him next time."

"But these people want to kill you."

From her cold voice mixed with anger, she could feel that Jaster really wanted to kill. Looking back, jester opened a multi magic array.

"Don't worry about me. What I want to do is to make them afraid to trouble you again. It doesn't mean to kill them. You don't have to do this to make yourself like these people who want to kill me."

After Mu Hantian said this, Jaster slowly eliminated the magic array.

"I see. I will... Follow Mr. Han Tian's orders."

Mu Hantian nodded and looked down at the guards on the ground. It was the one who wanted to invade Jaster and was caught by Mu Hantian to teach him a lesson and warn other guards not to mess around again.

"Huh... Ah... Huh... Huh...?"

The moaning guard noticed Mu Hantian's line of sight, and his expression froze.

"Don't worry, I just removed your joint and didn't hurt your nerve. You feel pain now. You rolled it out on the ground by yourself. Go back to the camp and let the doctor see. You should be able to connect the joint completely."

"Oh... Ah...?"

"Remember, don't do such a thing again. If I catch you again, I won't spare you - even if Jaster wants to kill you, I don't mind."

"Uh... Uh...!"

Seeing the guards nodding constantly, Mu Hantian smiled and said, "we're gone. After the others wake up, remember to tell them what I said. Let's go."

Mu Hantian then took Jaster's hand and walked to the cafe.