That's it - everyone followed Lucia for a while and saw a classical wooden carriage with windows waiting for them in a relatively open place in the forest. It was big enough to easily sit in more than ten people, and there was a black horse with a harness in front of it. Just——

"The horses in the demon world are so big..." Shu raised his head and said.

There are also tall horses in the human world, such as heavy horses for farming, but it is nothing, because this horse is at least three meters tall, and its body shape is not bulky and strong like a pure race horse.

"No, this horse is very different. Such a big horse is also very rare in the demon world."

Lucia answered, standing next to the huge horse that released an amazing sense of oppression. Then two maidens appeared behind the carriage, most of them luqia's subordinates. When they opened the carriage door, they approached and said respectfully, "please get in the car and give us your luggage."

And put Mu Hantian's luggage on the shelf at the end of the carriage. At this time——

"Oh, I don't need this. I'll take it myself." "me too. Just trouble you."

Walnut and teak gave the suitcase for clothes and sundries, leaving another one. There are all auxiliary props. Naturally, it's good to carry with you.

Then the party got on the bus one after another and sat down in opposite seats on both sides. Finally, Luqiya was the last, and then a maid closed the door.

Lucia made sure that the maids sat in the groom's seat, took the reins and said softly, "everyone, we're going to go."

At the same time, the carriage carrying Mu Hantian several people moved forward slowly.

Soon after leaving the open forest, the carriage drove onto the dry soil road and began to speed up. Mu Han Tian looked at the scenery outside the window for a while and asked, "how long does it take to get to vilda city?"

"It's about an hour for every unit of the world." Luqiya, sitting on the edge, replied respectfully.

"So?" Mu Han Tian said and closed his eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Time passed slowly, and a dull silence followed. All that could be heard in the car was the sound of horseshoes and wheels rolling across the ground.

"Ah, everybody, please look at the right hand side!"

Suddenly, wanliya seemed to want to resolve this embarrassment. When everyone turned around with the sound - the carriage ran out of the forest to the hills with a wide view; All over the lower part of the right window is the panorama of the huge city composed of large and small buildings.

Around the city, there is an outer wall that seems to be formed by directly cutting rock walls. It's a very spectacular picture. That's probably verda, the former king capital of the demon family.

"So the castle at the top of the city is verda?"

"Yes. That's Lord Shu's father. The castle ruled by his majesty Wilbert was now owned by Lord ramsas, his brother."

After listening to Wan Liya's instructions, Shu, who silently overlooks the scenery outside the window, gently holds Mu Hantian's hand, and Mu Hantian also holds the slightly cold and trembling hand back.

The scenery outside the window is still passing, gradually approaching the castle in the distance.

Mu Hantian's carriage bypassed most of the outer walls and arrived at the back door of the castle.

Shu is the only daughter of Wilbert, the spiritual leader of the moderates, and Geng Xizi are a family of brave people. If you pass through the city and are recognized by the people, it may cause a great commotion. It should be a good choice to bypass the urban area and enter the castle directly.

After crossing the lowered lift bridge, the carriage stopped when it passed the wall.

Then the door opened from the outside, and Luqiya got off first, followed by Mu Hantian and his party. Outside the car, there were four maidens waiting for them. Luqiya went to the ladies and turned around——

"My lord Shu, my lord Hantian and distinguished guests - welcome to vilda city."

Salute solemnly like a formal welcome, whisper the welcome words, and other ladies bow along. Now the guests of honor are Shu and Mu Hantian, and Geng Xizi are only accompanying at most. In fact, if Mu Hantian doesn't show his strength, he will also be recognized as an attendant.

"Er... I'm Shu narase. I'm going to trouble you these days." Shu, who was originally among the walkers, took a step forward and didn't know how to answer. He wanted to bow, but was held by Mu Hantian.

"Shu, you deserve it, so you don't need it."

"Well, please go this way," said Luqiya after glancing at Mu Han Tian Tian. The waiting maids behind her immediately saluted, passed Mu Han Tian and ran to the carriage. I think I went to pick up my luggage.

After giving them their clothes and luggage, Mu cold days went to the city under the leadership of Luqiya. Although it is the back porch, it is also high to a considerable extent, and the decoration is also very luxurious.

The furnishings and lighting in the corridor are all carefully crafted to show the historical style full of stories to those who see it for the first time. Of course, it's all spotless.

It is worthy of being the castle of Wilbert, the spiritual leader of the moderates.

King City is one of the indicators to show national prestige. Even though the moderates fell rapidly after Wilbert's death, from the carriage, the urban area was still vibrant; That is mostly because in the eyes of the people, the castle, which symbolizes moderation, still retains Wilbert's appearance.

Mu Hantian and his party followed Luqiya through the solemn corridor and took a few more turns to the door of the room at the bottom of the corridor.

"This is the room where Lord Shu stayed during his visit. In cold weather, the man's room is elsewhere. Someone will show you the way later."

Luqiya then opened the door. The scenery behind the door made Mu cold days speechless for a moment.

Not because it's amazing - the opposite is true. The luxurious impression created by the high and wide space and high-grade furniture seen along the way can not be seen in this room: only the most basic necessities such as simple beds, sofas, tables and chairs can be seen. After entering the room, I found that the sunshine was also poor and quite dark.

"Judging from the furnishings on the road and the decoration of the rooms passing by, this is not a guest room at all, but a warehouse for stacking excess furniture. We don't care, but is this really a room for the only daughter of the former demon king?" walnut asked coldly.

"Lord Ramsay asked you to use the room here." Lucia answered calmly without paying attention to walnut's eyes.

I see. Come on.

Mu Hantian once heard from takigawa that ramsas had no kindness to Shu. The hatred between brothers and sisters of the royal family for seizing power was also quite common in the former human world - it seems that there is no need to expect the so-called touching reunion between nieces and uncles.

Shu hung his eyes sadly, and there was inevitably a deep sadness in his eyes. She had hoped to come to the demon world and feel the warmth of family affection or the fetters of blood relationship from her family and relatives she had never met, but now she was given such an explicit cold reception.

"I'll give you a chance to change your room right away. I think there should be rooms here." Mu Han said coldly.

"I'm sorry, but Lord Ramsay's order takes precedence." Luqiya said calmly without paying any attention to Mu Hantian's words.

"Really, that's a pity. I don't think they will arrange such a room for Shu even if we go to the demon king sect." Mu Hantian's words are full of irony.

"I'm sorry," said Lucia.

"Then there's no way, so I have to give you a little memory." Mu Hantian said, his figure disappeared and came to the outside of the castle.

"SA, if I turn this place into two halves, will it be very interesting." Mu Hantian smiled and took out lestia. After all, she is the "magic sword through the real world". It is most suitable to use her here.

"Please don't play such a joke." Luqiya appeared opposite Mu Hantian. The magic gathered and looked at Mu Hantian warily.

"I asked for the last time, can I change it?" Mu Hantian said faintly, and the strength began to explode, which was stronger than the last time, and instantly crushed Luqiya.

"I'm... Clear... White," said Lucia tremblingly.

"That's good." Mu Han smiled and took back his strength.

Luqiya staggered to her feet and looked at Mu Hantian in fear.