After half a year, the situation of that day will still reappear in the dream.

However, Shu thought it was a good thing. Now I need those nightmares to keep that day in my heart: let the fire of hatred eager for revenge not be extinguished for a moment.

However, since I met Mu Hantian, Geng Xizi and Xun and lived with them, the frequency of nightmares has decreased sharply. Compared with the days when his parents were almost cheated by the lawyer managing his testamentary estate after his parents died, and attacked by lustful men wandering aimlessly on the night road, it was simply different.

Chengse knew very well what had caused such a change. In addition to revenge, he lost everything and found a new place to live - a new family.


Chengse Shu still couldn't forget the scream when his father's hands were cut off, the sad blood red color of the white living room, and the smell of burning all over his mother.

I can't forget the tragedy that took away my normal life that day, and the culprit and the man's face. The Revenge of killing relatives must be avenged, and there is no possibility of forgiveness. If survival is a battle of life. Then revenge for his parents is the reason for narase's survival - the reason for waging his life.

"HMM..." slowly, Cheng se woke up from his sleep. What you see is a scene you have never seen before - like the spacious and dark stone chamber of a castle audience hall.

"Where is this?"

For a time, Shu couldn't understand why he came to such a place; We can only infer that we have lost consciousness from the difference between our current situation and our own memory.

"Eh? How is this?"

At this time, she found out what she was in. His hands spread slightly, chained to the wall behind him, like a prisoner under torture; The length of the chain provides a little room to move, but personal freedom is still deprived. Suddenly——

"You finally wake up."

The unexpected question made Shu stiff. Look at the sound, there is a beautiful female demon clan. Her staring eyes were so beautiful that they seemed to suck people in, but they were rippling with some frost like color; More strongly——

... she is strong

Just standing there - really just like this can create such a confident sense of existence.

This made Shu immediately understand his current situation. Imprisoned in a strange place, and then watched by the eyes of the strange female demon family who can't feel goodwill, the judgment materials are extremely sufficient.

"You caught me!"

"You're very smart. I didn't expect you to keep calm under such circumstances. You have a lot of courage."

"Then I'm really honored... I've decided to fight with you to the end. Of course, I've been prepared for being caught in an accident."

Shu 'hum', guessed the identity of the female demon clan in front of him and said:

"You, the current demon king, want to live the power of the demon king in my body, so you are his subordinate?"

Questions raised by Shu——

"Wrong, not like that."

Unexpectedly, I got an answer from the depths of the hall - the other side of the shadow. As soon as I heard the sound——

Shu took a deep breath and kept calm. His heart soared.

... the sound just... Shouldn't

Shu looked unbelievably into the depths of the dark hall, and the hard sound of trampling on the slate continued——

"Jaster over there is only loyal to me. Although I am indeed a minister serving his majesty reohart... Unlike his majesty, I want more than Wilbert's strength."

Then, a male demon came out of the darkness with a smiling voice.

The face in his eyes, the figure, made Shu feel his blood boiling.

The oppressive aura on the man is far stronger than the female demon clan in front of him. Among the demons, only the superior who chooses one in ten thousand can have such a powerful power.

If Shu looks at him in his normal mental state, he should tremble because of intense fear - however, Shu now feels no fear at all.

You can't be wrong, you can't be wrong, even if it turns into ash.

That's taking away the happiness called a safe life from me - the face of my dear parents' deeply hated enemy.

"Zuo... Ji... Er, Zuo Ji er." Shu screamed hard. Looking at his enemy, he wanted to rush over, but the chain of the stone wall limited Shu's movement, but Shu didn't give up and began to struggle violently, making the chain tinkle.

"Oh, even the angry expression is so exciting that I don't take such a big risk to get you back," zokiel said excitedly.

"I'll definitely kill you. I'll kill my parents." Shu roared.

"Oh, it seems that I didn't teach you how to treat your future master." zokiel sneered and was ready to approach Shu.

Then Shu remembered his situation.

"What do you want to do and where is vanria?"

"Oh, don't worry about yourself, or are you ready to surrender to me." zokiel approached Shu with an obscene smile, and his eyes seemed to lick Shu's whole body and swam along the curve of her body.

But the moment he approached Shu

Countless Light powers emanated from Shu and rushed to zokir.

"Lord zokiel, be careful!" Jester quickly found the change of Shu and launched magic defense.

However, in front of the power emitted by Shu, it was of no use at all. He was directly torn to pieces all the barriers and rushed towards zokiel, but it was the blocking at this moment that made zokiel avoid most of the power impact, but he still hurt zokiel, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"How can you still have power? I should seal all your power. And it's still the power of light. It's definitely not the power you should master." zokiel roared.

"Lord zokier, that's muhantian's guarantee to chengse Shu." a young voice appeared in chengse Shu's ear.

Shu couldn't believe looking at the young nightmare around zokiel, wanlia.

"Wanliya, don't you... I know!" Shu recalled all his experiences and knew that he had been deceived by wanliya, who believed most.

"What's the matter? Didn't I tell you to wait outside for my next order?" zokiel scolded.

"My subordinates came to report to your excellency. They forgot to tell Lord zokier because they came back in a hurry. In fact, Mu Hantian imposed a guarantee on chenglaishu, that is, the necklace on chenglaishu's neck. It can protect the master for two days, so we must hurry up to seal the surrounding breath in these two days to prevent him from being aware of it, and Lord zokier should strengthen it The surrounding defense cuts off the connection between the master and slave contract, "vanria warned.

"Why didn't you say it at the beginning? Are you going to betray me? Or are you..." zokiel was just about to continue asking, and Jaster next to him came towards zokiel.

"What's the matter, jester?" asked zokiel.

"Your Majesty's correspondence," said jester.

Zokyl nodded and began to communicate with the demon king. After reading the present demon king's communication: "let you go first, Jaster, and lay magic according to the nightmare idea. I'll go to Wangdu first."

"What's the matter, Lord zokiel?" asked jester.

"Lars should have tipped off the demon king. I need to deal with him. I'll talk about everything when I come back. As for vanria, I hope that when I come back, Cheng setsu doesn't have that skill anymore." zokiel said with a sneer.

"That's nature, Lord zokiel."

"You wait - when I come back, I will enjoy playing you until you are completely mine," jokiel laughed.