Moby Dick doesn't care about Mu cold day, because there are more things on the dragon car than Mu cold day.

"Well, don't you take me seriously? I'll make you regret." Mu Hantian shouted, stabbed his sword into the skin of beluga whale and found a place to stand for himself.

"Let me solve you!" Mu Hantian didn't pull out the sword, but just held the handle of the sword and ran on the back of the beluga whale. The sword also made a huge, though not fatal, hole in the beluga whale, which was enough to make it painful.

"Roar...!" the fierce pain made the demon of fog roar deafening.

The sound wave formed by the huge sound made Mu Hantian tremble slightly.

"I go, is I actually killing pigs?" little Tucao, and make complaints about the cold world.

"Ow, ow...!" beluga finally realized that the Mu cold day on its back was not a soft persimmon, but an existence that could kill it.

He took his attention back from the dragon car protected by rem. he had been flying at a low altitude to eat. He suddenly raised his front end and rushed towards the sky, as if he wanted to throw Mu Hantian off his back.

"Too naive." Mu Hantian didn't mind, pulled out the sword, stabbed it in another place, and pulled out a long cut again.

After repeating this three times, Mu Hantian directly cut off a large piece of flesh and blood from the back of the beluga whale.

"Ow, ow...!" the beluga whale was completely angry, but the pain made it unable to do anything, because Mu Han Tian was still on his back at the moment, so he could not do it again.

"Well, it's really useful. Just a few more times. I just don't know if its meat can be eaten. If so, it's good to sell it for money."

The poor beluga whale doesn't know that Mu Hantian has taken it as food. What a tragedy.

"Rem, is this monster called Moby Dick really powerful? I feel it's just a little scary. Can't things be fake before?"

Not far from the beluga whale, REM stopped in his dragon car. Lai yueang, sitting in the driver's seat, looked at Mu Hantian, who kept cutting beluga whale meat. Some doubted whether the previous legend about beluga whale was false.

"No, the beluga whale is very strong. First of all, its white fur can greatly weaken the magic damage, so it's good that half of the magician's attack can do it. Moreover, its huge body can't be resisted by ordinary people. Even if the beluga whale doesn't take the initiative to attack, even if it moves its body, the damage caused can't be underestimated." Hearing Le yueang's disapproval, REM explained aloud.

"In addition, beluga whales can make thick fog to hide their bodies. They are silent and wait for the opportunity to launch an attack, which is impossible to prevent. The best proof is that the previous generation of swordsman led hundreds of elite knights to encircle and suppress, but they were almost wiped out."

"In this way, those knights are too weak."

"The weakest one can be easily solved, Mr. Leon."

"Er... I know I'm weak. I'm really sorry that I'm a Zhan Wuxia. Don't hold too much hope for a otaku who has only practiced Kendo a little. I don't think I can achieve the level of cold weather in my life. You see, the terrible beluga whale is not easily abused in cold weather."

Pointing to the screaming in the sky, he finished "losing weight" in less than ten minutes. The white white white body was covered with ferocious wounds. Lai yueang sat down on the ground with a look of idle panic.

"I won't die for such a long time. Even if it's a barbarian, it's only five seconds. The beluga whale is too strong." Mu Hantian is a little speechless. His hands are a little sour. You're still alive.

With a roar, the beluga whale was red with blood

My body trembled in hatred and anger.

Beluga, open your mouth.

The sound like a scream gushed from the countless openings growing in the whole body of Warcraft. It seems that discordant sounds that should not exist in the world directly attack the spirit of the audience, as if they are being violated from hearing to brain nerve.

"Ah." from the countless gasps, a lot of fog was released. The fog fell on the plain in an instant.

"Cut, it seems that you have reached the limit, so break your last hope. Hurricane Knight - Sky gallop!" pulled out the sword, took out the Gemini eight dance angel and directly used it with all his strength. At this moment, a huge tornado appeared and expanded continuously centered on Mu cold day.

"Die!" shoot the arrow with all your strength, target, beluga whale.

"Bang!" the arrow with the storm hit the beluga whale, but

"Roar!" a more angry roar came.

"Shit, this special meow is unscientific. It doesn't die?" Mu Hantian was shocked. Are you Xiaoqiang.

The fog disappeared, and the beluga whale did not appear opposite, but below the Mu cold day. He was opening his bloody mouth, and Mu Hantian rushed. Obviously, he wanted to swallow Mu Hantian.

At this time, a chopping blow like a crescent moon cut through the sky and cut on the beluga whale. Make beluga whales slow down.

"Thanks, master Wilhelm." although he didn't see anyone, Mu Hantian could still feel the power of the attack, which was sent by Wilhelm.

"Cold weather, are you okay?" the voice of the Earth Dragon galloping from far to near. Three figures riding the Earth Dragon appeared in front of Mu cold weather.

"Cold weather, I haven't seen you for a long time. Although I want to say so, I've only seen it in the daytime." kurxiu's neutral voice came.

"Kurxiu, why are you here?"

Yes, it was kurxiu, Phyllis and old Wilhelm.

"The howling of beluga whales can be heard on the street of rufas. At this time, you are the only one who can hurt beluga whales. It's a very fierce battle." kurxiu, who is looking at the falling meat around and wearing exquisite knight armor, said.

"Well, thank you. The head of the Karsten family came here because he was worried about you, and saved your life. Don't kneel down quickly to show loyalty."

"Well said, but I want to correct it. Even if you don't come, it doesn't matter. The beluga whale will die soon." Mu Hantian completely ignored Phyllis's joke.

"Nevertheless, I am very grateful that you can come, kurxiu."

"I'll take your thanks." kurxiu smiled.

"Well, it's basically nothing." Mu Hantian fell from the air.

"Wait a minute, cold day," cried kurxiu.

"What's the matter?"

"I told you in the afternoon. According to the information I received, beluga whales will appear near Wangdu."

"Yes." Mu Hantian nodded.

"With this news, I have been buying materials everywhere recently, and buying dragon cars is also to transport these materials."

"So your goal is this whale."

"That's right, but there was a small deviation in the plan. I didn't expect the Earth Dragon to appear today. And you met it."

"All this is the mistake of Leiang. I apologize for him." Mu cold day had to make complaints about the luck of the moon.

"It doesn't matter, if you don't see the beluga whale, but now that you see it, Wilhelm can't look back."

"I'm very sorry, Lord kurxiu, to let you, the grand duke, step into this dangerous place with the old man." with kurxiu's words, Wilhelm, with six long swords pinned to his waist, spoke.

The beluga whale killed his wife. During the sixteen years of his wife's death, he wielded his sword with hatred that had nothing else to express his anger. Now that he sees the beluga whale, he will not give up this opportunity anyway. Even death can't make him retreat.