"At the beginning, I wanted to say that even if the filthy place is messy, it can be seen, but when I am used to it, I have no attraction, and I can't comfort my boredom at all." the orange haired girl looked at the lane with extremely boring eyes and said.

She shook her pulled up skirt without trying to suppress her dissatisfaction.

"Wang Du's urban designer didn't expect that the streets would be evaluated as boring."

"The world exists for my concubine, so everything in the world should please my concubine. I don't know what the guys who use this boring Street are doing. The royal family is also unexpectedly blind. Maybe it's because of this that it will be extinct recently."

"You are so rude to the king..."

"Boring reactions and unnecessary worries, you are only one of thousands of ordinary people after all."

"I'm conscious that I'm an ordinary person among thousands of ordinary people. It's not your turn. Compared with this, I don't want to waste time cooperating with you. I have to go to dinner. I'm hungry."

"It's stupid. It's very rude to be with my body and distract attention from the existence outside my body. I'm also accompanied, but I don't think I'm separated."

"You'd better think about it like that. Your companions are poor enough."

The girl is the embodiment of arrogance. Although she hasn't seen the person accompanying her, she can deeply understand the man's hard work and compassion.

"Oh, forget it."

Anyway, they just met by chance and didn't even know each other's names. Once you get to the main road, turn your back and leave, you won't meet again.

After thinking about it, Mu Hantian didn't intend to leave the girl alone before reaching the main road. Incidentally, Lord Roma didn't go with them. Unexpectedly, he was only responsible for guiding the route and separated from them in the lane.

"Finally came to the exit."

In front of the corner, I finally saw the road illuminated by the bright sunset. Mu Hantian felt relieved that the painful time was finally coming to an end after confirming that there was an endless stream of people shuttling around.

"When we get to the main road, you and I are strangers who have nothing to do with each other. Just try your best to find your partner in your way. Don't waste your energy wandering around. Find it well. I'm leaving."

"What a ridiculous and interesting ordinary knight." the girl held the paper fan in her hand, raised her mouth slightly, and looked at Mu cold's back with great interest.


Early in the morning, when the sun first rises.

Mu stretched comfortably in the cold day.

I was awakened by the noise outside long ago. Mu Hantian also remembered what to do today.

——King City, there is only one purpose to go to King City today. That's Wang Xuan.

Put on your clothes and Mu Hantian looked at himself in the mirror. The handsome blue knight's robe was very clear with black hair, with a slightly handsome face and a faint smile.

Although the waist is not equipped with special weapons for knights, Mu Hantian's temperament is still very good.

After breakfast, Mu cold day came to the place agreed with Anna tAsia. Obviously, the other party hasn't arrived yet. Mu cold day can only wait.

A moment later, Mu Hantian saw Anna tAsia sitting in the dragon car.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. cold day." Anastasia smiled at Mu cold day.

"It doesn't matter. Let's go." Mu Hantian didn't care about each other's lateness. After all, it's a girl.

"Please get in the car."

"OK." nodded, Mu Hantian and Anna tAsia got on the dragon car to the King City.

Speaking of Anna tAsia's impression on Mu Hantian was quite good. She didn't have a disgusting aristocratic posture. She had a gentle smile on her face.

Occasionally I like to joke to ease the atmosphere. It can be seen that Anastasia is a woman who understands people's hearts. She is indeed worthy of being the president of the big chamber of Commerce.

Compared with Anastasia, the girl with thorns and thorns met in the alley yesterday seemed a little too arrogant.

The luxurious dragon car sped down Wangdu street. Mu Hantian looked out of the window and looked around.

"Tut Tut, there are many dragon cars. By the way, how many people participated in the king's election this time?" Mu Hantian looked back and asked.

"Don't you know?"

Anna tAsia was a little surprised: "Wang Xuan has five people in all dynasties. Mr. Han Tian, don't you even know these?"

"Is there a problem?"

Mu Hantian's answer stunned Anna tAsia, and then smiled.

"This is very in line with your style, Mr. Han Tian. Yes, I don't know. It's nothing."

"Lord Anastasia, it's almost here," said Julius, glancing at the cold day from time to time.

"Well, let's go first."

The palace buildings stand in front of us, and the magnificent landscape is far more spectacular than any building Mu Hantian has seen in the world.

At the door, many famous nobles entered the court one after another. Anna tAsia, Mu Hantian and others also follow this trend.

At this time, Mu Hantian saw a familiar figure.

It was the proud girl yesterday, but the people who followed her were very clear about Mu Hantian.

That's Lai yueplein in a gentleman's dress.

"How did Pleiades know this woman? I can't figure it out. But he looks like I'm looking for a guide into the king's city. Forget it. Just leave him alone."

Mu Hantian put his eyes on the figure in front of the door.

It was the back of amelia and rozval, who had already stepped into the court.

"That's Priscilla baliyer. Like me, she is one of the candidates for the throne trial in the kingdom of lugnica. She is also a rebellious woman."

After the orange haired girl followed the Pleiades and a knight in armor, Anastasia suddenly said.

"Well, I can see." Mu Hantian nodded at the speech and continued to listen to the explanation of Anna tAsia.

"That man's beauty is kurxiu Karsten. Her family is quite prestigious in the kingdom. This election is a powerful enemy."

Looking along the line of sight, it was a woman wearing clothes like military uniforms and dark green hair. The beautiful face has a suffocating sense of dignity. A long sword is placed at the waist, giving people the temperament of being extremely serious all the time.

"Well, Mr. cold weather. We should go in, too. I don't know if your friend is inside." Anastasia smiled actively and took the lead in entering.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, please..."

The middle-aged man with short green hair in a suit of armor saluted Anna tAsia, looked at Mu Hantian and said.

"It's really troublesome for you."

Anastasia nodded slightly and went in.

The moment they entered, several people saw a dramatic scene.

"Something interesting seems to have happened..."

Priscilla, the girl with orange hair before, was standing beside the Pleiades and mocking the girl in front.

Stepping on the bright red carpet, the newly arrived Anna tAsia and Mu Hantian immediately attracted everyone's attention.