"Well... Miss rem, what's this?"

"For body protection."

Rem, walking in front of the Pleiades, held an iron ball in his hand. The connection point between the iron chain and the iron ball was covered with iron thorns, which made bursts of metal collision sound in rem's hands.

"No, but this..." Lai yuepleiades barely smiled. Suddenly he recognized that it was the weapon that almost killed him yesterday. It turned out that the man who wanted to kill himself was rem.

"It's for body protection. - please don't worry. I promised that guests who eat white rice won't attack you until you show your misconduct."

Lai yuepleiades and REM walked forward while talking. Suddenly, Pleiades felt that Mu Hantian was so great.

Finally, the courage to squeeze out shrank again, and the Pleiades reluctantly revived with the consciousness of death.

Holding the so-called "protective iron ball" in one hand, REM continued to walk through the forest at night.

The moonlight was covered by trees and plunged into a dark forest with thick darkness. Avoid the trees that block the way. When you push aside the branches and leaves to move forward, you will have bleeding bruises everywhere.

In the world with the faint moonlight as the light source, one thing has become the key to their search.

REM stopped and twitched his nose as he looked around. Just like the action of a police dog, they rely on REM's smell to search the forest.

In order to avoid disturbing her concentration, she couldn't speak, but Ang's heart was very uneasy. Chasing the petite figure walking in front, the passing time of every minute is also reducing the spiritual power of the Pleiades. Just then

"Nearby, there is the smell of creatures."

REM whispered with a sharp look to the left, and the Pleiades looked in the same direction, but there was only constant darkness. Impatient, Pleiades touched REM's shoulder.

"Are they children?"

"I don't know, but it's not the smell of wild animals."

"Go and have a look."

Urging REM to act, the Pleiades followed the girl who rushed out.

Perhaps it was a psychological effect. REM's expression, which grasped the clues, also showed a bright omen. As the literal meaning, it is the light shining into the dark, and the pace speeds up unconsciously.

Originally, expectation and uneasiness are external and internal to each other. REM couldn't be sure that the smell he caught was a child's. he couldn't say it had nothing to do with it.

REM kicked the ground and pushed through the trees to make a road. Chasing after her, she was short of breath and her feet began to become heavy, but her consciousness was very clear and her eyes began to get used to the darkness. The Pleiades could gradually see the outline of the forest - then the forest separated and a slightly higher Hill met the two.

The hills opened a hole in the forest, in the fantasy of the moonlight shining on the green hills——

"It's the children!"

The children collapsed on the green ground and fell asleep in a big shape. Pleiades and REM hurried over to make sure the children were well.

A total of six people fell to the ground. Although they were unconscious, they still had body temperature and breathing.

"Still alive - they're all alive!"

Pleiades shouted happily, but REM beside him looked serious.

"No, although I still breathe now, I'm very weak. Go on like this..."

"Weak... Curse!"

On a closer look, the children were pale, desperately repeating short and rapid breathing, cold sweat on their foreheads, and their sleeping faces looked like they were having a nightmare.

"It's not easy to find it, but... Rem, do you have a way to solve the spell?"

"REM doesn't have the ability, but now he must constantly apply healing magic. When the situation is stable, he will move out of here."

"I see. I... damn, I can't help. I'm responsible for guarding the surroundings."

Angry at your inability to do anything. REM didn't say anything to the Pleiades like that, but let the silver light - focus the healing mana on the palm of his hand and begin to heal the children.

Look around to make sure that the children's sleeping faces turn stable under the wave of healing.

"Pleiades...?" the girl who opened her eyes slightly called ang.

The Pleiades took the hand of the girl whose sight could not be focused. "Are you awake? Petra. Well, you are a good child, a strong child. But don't force it. I'll take you back right away and let you say goodbye to the reason for your pain. Now you have a good rest..."

"A person... Still, still inside..."

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Petra tried to convey something intermittently. There was an ominous feeling about the intelligence of this fragment. The Pleiades called Petra again, but the voice could not be transmitted to her who closed her eyes and lost consciousness again.

Stroking Petra's forehead, Pleiades looked at the children driven by anxiety, and then

"Ah, damn... I really didn't see the braided girl."

The six people sleeping on the spot all pestered their children during the day. What they lacked was a girl who let Pleiades meet the puppy and was afraid to come forward.

"Rem, I have to go deep inside, and you have to stay. Because REM's strength is needed to maintain the children's physical strength. The Youth League of the village... Eight achievements will catch up with us entering the forest. Then you will give the children to them and chase me."

"During this period, I go deeper into the forest to see the last child... If it turns into the worst situation, I will return. But if there is still hope, I will try my best to buy time."

"There is no way to predict the threat of the enemy, and the villagers do not know when it will arrive. The worst situation is that REM may not find the Pleiades." it is difficult to accept the Pleiades' judgment, and REM pulls the Pleiades' sleeve to persuade.

Pleiades took REM's fingers and took her hand in turn. "It's okay. You won't lose me."

"What's your basis..."

"According to? Yes." Pleiades smiled, touched his nose with his fingers, and then pointed to REM's face.

"Even if no one else can detect it, only you can detect my smell. The stench wrapped around me, the smell left by sinners - right?"

REM's eyes widened in surprise. "Ang... Why do you know...?"

"Well, I don't know everything. There are too many things I don't know. I've repeated it several times yesterday, today and tomorrow, but I still can't get the expected answer."

"After giving the children to the villagers, I'll meet you right away. Please don't mess around."

"I know. Don't worry."

"Please be careful."

With his back to REM's eyes, Pleiades looked deep into the forest - the direction Petra told before he lost consciousness, and then he walked down the hill.

"Well, it's going to be a big fight, Mr. leyue Pleiades." he said something to cheer himself up, and then he ran.