Sad Chenzhai narrowed his eyes, slowly touched his chin, looked at the person in front of him and said, "even if it's the harbor area, it's the school of the star guide Museum. It's really brave to sneak here, 'wake up the great saint'."

"What, I'm still helping." the other party opens the space window and displays words instead of opening. Female - Arima, Qingyang took off the mask symbolizing the wolf and grinned.

"In the past, the Xingwu charter prohibited students from entering other campuses without authorization. Of course, from the perspective of security, it is not difficult to invade areas outside the central part. Not to mention the intelligence agents of intelligence agencies directly under each school park.

However, in the early days of asterisk, because of the excessive warming of information warfare, there was a serious confusion that could affect the holding of the "Xingwu Festival", so that all school parks complied with this provision. Just because the intelligence agents of other school parks invaded the school, they would inevitably be severely punished.

"What's more, no matter how you intervene in this incident, your dragon will not get any benefit."

"Hahaha! I still say these stupid words up to now." Arima laughed off the warning of sad Chenzhai.

"We are different from the cowards in other places, and the interests of the integrated enterprise have nothing to do with the profits and losses of the school park. Once the 'universal Tianluo' makes such a decision, I will just abide by the orders. In other words, you are not the same? You are not called experts?"

"Hum, how dare you say!"

"To be honest, I'm so disappointed in you. None of you can afford to fight."

"I see. It's you who beat me everywhere."

"But it doesn't hurt. Anyway, I can't continue to waste time on you."

As soon as his words landed, several dark shadows appeared above the parallel cranes. It was overwhelmingly beneficial for him to fight more at the place where his foothold was unstable.

"Then come!" Arima said fearlessly.


Although the harbor area of Xingdao Guan School Park is surrounded by the School Park, it is usually impossible to walk because it is separated by a waterway similar to a canal. If the disorderly way of swimming is not considered, there are three routes.

The first is to use the ship's water route. It will be used when transporting materials from the satellite city on the lake bank or the airport. It is the most common route.

The second is the vehicle route for transporting materials from asterisk urban area.

The last is the underground route connecting the school park. If students want to enter the harbor area, they must only use this underground route.

Mu Hantian, who met Ulysses and others, walked quickly on the underpass side by side with the automatic handling track.

"Thanks to the intelligence of night blowing, we can find here."

"Well, but now we have to find Claudia as soon as possible." Ulysses nodded.

"Eh... Look, is that the exit?" Qi Lin behind Mu Hantian stretched out her wrist and pointed to the front.

Looking at the sound of Qi Lin, there was a faint light on the other side of the channel.

"Anyway, let's go and have a look!"

"Hmm!" the crowd nodded and began to speed up.

"The rain is getting heavier." as soon as she came outside, the rain drops hit her violently made Shaye frown.

It is still some time before sunset, but it is dark around. Huge warehouses, huge cranes and higher street lights stand at the other end of the rain, like strange monsters.

"Well, although we came here smoothly, the harbor area is quite large. We're going to separate."

When Ulysses said this, everyone immediately jumped in all directions. Then, a huge container the size of a house fell where everyone stood just now.

"Sorry, I can't let you move on."

I don't know where this sentence sounded, and then countless containers fell. However, the goal this time is not mu Hantian and others, but like blocking the way of everyone, countless containers are stacked to form a wall.

"Well, can you please go back now?" before long, the figure on the wall overlooking Mu Hantian and others spoke at the same time.

But because the figure covers itself with a windbreaker, you can't see your face.

"I don't know who you are, but if you dare to hinder us, I won't spare you...!"

Ulysses stared at each other with bellicose eyes, but the figure only shrugged jokingly.

"Oh... How can you hurt people so much, 'Hua Yan witch'. Have you forgotten me?"

"What are you talking about?" Ulysses frowned in surprise.

"Long time no see, Silas Norman!" Mu Hantian revealed the identity of the person in front of him.

"What...!" hearing Mu Hantian's name, yulis opened her eyes.

"Oh, it's true that you remember me." the figure slowly took off his hood and showed his male face with bright eyes.

He is Silas Norman, who once colluded with alecante and hid in the dark to attack the top students in the star guide hall, including Ulysses.

"I didn't expect you to be a movie star."

"I don't want to. Since the star guide uses me as a bargaining chip to trade with alcante, I can't expect to be free. If I'm not careful, I'll even be locked up for a lifetime. But later, the star guide took the initiative to trade with me." Silas opened his slender arm and talked endlessly.

"Oh, that's good," Ulysses answered casually as she warned.

Silas was suddenly furious. "Well... It's not good! In the end, I'm still put on a collar and regarded as an abandoned child! Anyway, for the star guide, my life and death are neither painful nor itchy! Although it's better than being locked up underground, I'm tired of this humiliating treatment!"

"It's your fault." Shaye muttered noncommittally.

"But it's not only a bad thing. I've finally got a chance to revenge you, so the warning just now is just a cover. It's a pity if you really go back." Silas grinned and opened his palm, and then several containers floated in the air.

"Oh, is it revenge? Although it's reasonable for you to hate us in turn, you won't deal with everyone on your own?" Ulysses raised her vigilance to act at any time and stared at Silas.

"No, no, no, I'm not so stupid. After all, I was defeated by you. So..." Silas said here, and there were people on the container one after another. Everyone was wearing hoods and couldn't see their faces. The number exceeds ten.

"Are they all movie stars?"

Seeing that Ulysses was stunned, Silas raised his chest and said, "do you need so many people to deal with the top players? And... They are much more experienced than me."

"It seems that she is really an opponent that can't be underestimated." Qi Lin holds a thousand feather cut, raises her vigilance and looks around.

"However, however, we can't help our partners...!" Ulysses started the Huang style long-range guidance armed, followed by the storm like wanyingsu.

"Let it bloom - red round, burning and cutting flowers!"

With the roar of Ulysses, the hot war wheel launched dispersed and attacked Silas and others. Huang style long-range guidance armed forces followed closely and drew a red track in the air. The two-stage multiple long-range attack is a proud trick of Ulysses, who is good at space mastery.

"I'm going to break through by force!"

"Hahaha! That's right!" Silas's laughter was full of evil joy, and he used the container as a shield. Other agents also escaped Ulysses' attack and jumped off the container wall.