"So, you really came to investigate?" gauze narrowed her eyes and stared at each other in the middle of the night.

Although there is no prohibition on investigation, few contestants have ever heard of reconnaissance of the enemy in person. Basically, the school park will help collect intelligence, and if there is a dispute, it will be in trouble.

Michelle looked puzzled and then shook her head.

"Investigation? Er, no..."

"What are you doing here?"

"Really! Captain, you are so stupid! It's not easy for the other party to misunderstand us and push the boat with the water!"


Monica, the most petite girl, scolded, but Michelle suddenly turned her face and retorted: "yes, what's the matter! Just make it clear now, and we'll feel more happy!"

Then Michelle took a direct step forward and reached out to Mu Hantian: "Mu Hantian! What's the relationship between you and Silvia lueneheim? Tell me the truth!"

"Eh?" the unexpected question made Mu Hantian feel at a loss.

"This question... I also want to know." Shaye also narrowed her eyes and looked at the cold day.

"Well... Sylvia and I are good friends."

"You must be lying to us." Michelle doesn't believe Mu Hantian's words at all.

"No, I'm telling the truth."

"Hum, don't pretend. We already know that you made an appointment with Sylvia for the previous cultural festival."

"Yes, yes! Monica, they saw it with their own eyes! They saw you walking together closely!"

The tall girls behind them, Baiwei and Monica, waved their arms and said at the same time.

"Cold day..." yarn night's vision is a little cold.

"This... Really, I'm very sorry." mavrena, a girl who had been timid and silent before, bowed her head and apologized.

"Well, for a brief explanation... Aren't there many women around students in cold weather? Therefore, we are worried about whether Silvia has been cheated... So..."

"You really misunderstood. Sylvia and I have nothing to do with each other. Why can't anyone believe the truth?" Mu Hantian was very distressed. No one believed the truth these days?

"Hum, this kind of speech is a complete excuse." Michelle still doesn't believe it.

"Forget it, believe it or not, I have a clear conscience anyway." Mu Hantian waved his hand and was about to leave.

At this time, Mu Hantian suddenly felt the strong Star Force gathering.

"Danger!" Mu Hantian shouted and pulled Shaye to his side. The members of Lusaka also felt the danger and jumped back.

Then, the wreckage of the building that originally blocked the road flashed a sword and collapsed with a roar.

"Really, it's annoying...!" from the diffuse smoke, there was a harsh sound that was enough to make people retreat.

"Hey, meduronai! It's here, isn't it!" the man who appeared across the wreckage of the abandoned building was a young girl in the opposite tone of rudeness.

About the same age as Mu Hantian and others. He has long hair, his eyes are as sharp as a scabbard blade, and he holds a ferocious sword in his hand.

"Really... Please don't mess around, will you? Rowerica. How can you waste unnecessary energy in such a place."

Behind her appeared a woman with glasses, on the contrary, with a neat hairstyle. She is a little older than the girl just now. She has a correct posture and exudes a calm atmosphere at the same time.

"Don't be wordy. I want to go back quickly. What's more, if you want to go to such a ghost place, you should be blamed."

"What's that kind of ghost place? It's a glorious and memorable place for Lord ribeo. It's natural to want to see it with your own eyes."

"What's the meaning of ordinary ruins? I'm so bored." the girl with short hair cursed.

"Hey, over there! What are you doing? It's dangerous!" tulia protested to the girl.

In fact, the members of Lusaka were almost affected by the collapsed debris. No wonder they complained angrily.

"Ha?" the girl who heard tulia's protest frowned


The next moment, the girl suddenly shortened the distance from tulia and poured a punch into tulia's abdomen. Tulia's body immediately bent into a bow in pain. Then the girl kicked her mercilessly.

"Goo wow...!"

"Don't waste your time talking to me. Do you want to die?" the girl's voice was as cold as seeping from the darkness of winter. She scolded tulia who suddenly hit the wall of the building, and then easily held up the big sword in her right hand.

"Wait, wait...!" Michelle hurriedly tried to stop, but it was too late.

The big sword in the girl's hand was split when the sword peak was about to pierce tulia's chest

"You've gone too far, and this is your fault." Mu Hantian suddenly appeared in front of tulia and blocked her fierce blade with "black furnace magic sword".

Coupled with the gauze night aiming of the pistol type Huang armed, the girl made a tongue and opened the distance at the same time.

"Are mercenary students so grumpy? Should we say that this is leiwofu's student?" Mu Hantian raised the "black furnace magic sword" and said.

The girl, rowerica, the attacker of the villain team, twisted her expression unhappily.

The villains' team is a mercenary student team sent by rayworth black college to participate in the "Griffin star martial sacrifice". They are members of HRMS, a large PMC company related to lovov, and have also determined to advance to the official schedule. Due to their strong strength, they have confirmed their competition content. Mu Hantian certainly remembered the faces of the members.

"That pure star shining weapon... Oh, yes. Remember you are -"

"In the School Park of the star guide hall, the 'White Knight' of the elf sword dance team Mu Hantian and the Shasha palace gauze night. Over there is the Lusaka team of Kui Enwei children's School Park." meduronai, a woman wearing glasses, continued blandly as if following rowerica's words.

"Don't you know the rules? During the competition, the contestants participating in the 'Xingwu Festival' are forbidden to duel privately in places without protective field. Just what you did just now is enough to make you disqualified?"

"Hum! So what? I don't care so much. On the contrary, it's much happier." completely ignoring Mu Hantian's warning, rowerica raised the big sword with both hands again.

"Empty thirst evil sword" -- it used to dominate the "King Dragon Star Martial Arts Festival", and the representative of today's HRMS, ribeo Palett, once used pure Xinghuang weapons in the active service era.

"Even if this is an order, I was not in the mood to play games with these wastes from the beginning..." rowerica's eyes were full of hatred and malicious fire, and her right foot shortened the distance bit by bit.

"Don't stop, rowerica." the person who stopped her was the new figure who appeared through the abandoned building.

The physique is quite strong and the dress is the same as that of rowerica and others. He seems older than meduronai. He is the captain of the villains.

Two more figures appeared behind him.

"Neviwaz, don't get in my way!"

"No. if we lose our qualification here, it will also cause trouble to his highness diluk."

"I'm too lazy to care about the life and death of that fat pig!"

"This means that Lord ribeo will lose face. Rowerica, do you want to humiliate our master?"

The hidden sense of oppression in the speech made rowerica look away angrily. "Oh!"

At this time, tulia rushed past Mu Hantian, holding the neck of the piano and waving the guitar pure Xinghuang armed. The Trident shaped light blade is exposed from the body parts.

"How dare you hit me!"

"Wow, hahaha! Why, you still have a little backbone!" rowerica, who blocked the blow with the "empty thirst evil sword", fought with her fierce eyes and laughed happily.