The war with the gods has begun. However, the first thing to start with is the harassment of subordinate races from the gods. Mu Hantian is not only to prevent these harassment, but also the voyeurism of the old rulers.

Enqi can't use his strength. Now he needs Mu Hantian and Gilgamesh to resist the secret intervention of the old dominator.

The bull of heaven is now thrown into the treasure house of the king by Gilgamesh with the lock of heaven. Gilgamesh is also very curious. Maybe the bull of heaven is not a real creature. In the current state of the bull of heaven. That's why you can enter the treasure house of the king.

Mu Hantian and Gilgamesh didn't want to tame the bull of heaven, but failed. The bull of heaven is wild and difficult to tame. At least they can't tame it in a short time. And thanks to the bull of heaven, the lock of heaven tries its best to imprison it. Now it can't be used.

Although human beings are not weak, they are not enough to see compared with the real overlords and other races on the earth. In terms of quantity, human beings are only the most insignificant in this land.

Born from the magma, the dependents of the God of fire, the fire spirit, the skeleton of the forerunner of the gods of the underworld, the tree spirit and tree man to pay for Tammuz.

At this moment, the center of the world quickly shifted to mankind.

Voyeuristic humans are no longer only the old dominators. The demons from the negative and the giant Dragons of the fantasy species are more or less the races that have an agreement with the Protoss.

Mu Hantian and Gilgamesh have to face not only the gods, but also those powerful illusions that have a contract with the gods.

The Dragon wakes up from the earth and makes the sky red. The red dragon winds around the flame and breaks through the ground from the volcanic vein. The Earth Dragon wakes up covered with glittering and translucent earthy yellow material.

Just because of a race, human!

Not to mention the gods, in fact, those fantasy species also know that human potential is terrible. When they develop, they will quickly spread across the whole land, occupy their living places and narrow their living areas.

It is only less than a year since human beings gave birth to babies. For fantasy species, this reproductive speed is what they fear most.

As everyone knows, the giant dragon is unlikely to have children for tens of thousands of years, and even hundreds of thousands and millions of new dragons have not been born.


"The fire fell from the sky! The angry waves of nabistine came!"

When facing the attack of the family members of the gods such as tree spirits and goblins, Gilgamesh and Mu Hantian came to the front line for the first time. Without a word, Gilgamesh completely liberated the end sword Enki.

Although it was agreed with enqi not to liberate the end sword casually. But now is not the time to worry about these. It is necessary to end the liberation of the sword, and it is not a casual liberation.

The descendants of divine beasts sent by the gods were killed by Gilgamesh one after another. Up to now, almost thousands of descendants of divine beasts have been killed.

The torrential flood continued to rage, and the goblins were destroyed at the first time. So was the fire spirit. This flood is not an ordinary flood, but a natural nemesis for the fire spirit.

Only the tree spirits and tree people insisted. On the first day, all the tree spirits were destroyed, and on the fourth day, all the tree people were destroyed.

Before the seventh day of the end of the sword, the strongest flood destroyed all the tree spirits, tree people and fire spirits.

However, originally, the tree spirit, tree man and fire spirit were just pawns of the gods, but the gods did not expect that Gilgamesh and Mu Hantian would be so decisive. They stepped into the battlefield and began to harvest at the first time.

When the gods sent down their combat power, they were helpless about the flood. They suddenly realized that Gilgamesh's final sword was comparable to the weapon of the three gods.

In particular, the water god in charge of water among the gods and the God of ice crystal who competes with the water god are eyeing Gilgamesh's end sword. The two gods who are closest to the level of the LORD God are the leaders of the two teams of the combat effectiveness of the gods sent down this time.

The only solution is to get rid of Gilgamesh, which is what the gods of water and ice crystal want.

Mu Hantian and Gilgamesh are still on the front line.

Standing on the fortress cast in a short time, they saw huge ice crystals and water columns rising into the sky.

In just one day, the God of water and the God of ice crystal made a river flow here.

This is a provocation, but also to show off their ability to change the world. This is the power given to the gods.

The gods were indeed born with the golden key and were born with natural power.

However, the competition among the gods is also terrible. Compared with the whole Protoss of the gods, few can stand out.

For example, the God of fire, only the God who has the strongest control over fire can become the God of fire, and other gods who have the power of fire can also challenge. If they win, they will die.

Tens of thousands of gods and men in Mu Hantian and Gilgamesh's eyes exude a divinity that is only stronger than that of ordinary descendants of gods and beasts.

In addition to being a Protoss, these gods are actually inferior to humans to some extent.

Of course, what we are talking about here is the plasticity and development of human beings.

Human beings are peeped at and feared. Plasticity and development have contributed a lot in these two days. If the gods had not restricted human beings, now the master of this land should have belonged to human beings.

In the middle of the night, there was a bright red spot approaching. In the vision of Mu Hantian and Gilgamesh, a huge red dragon was moving forward at a speed no less than that of vimona.

At the moment when war is imminent, does the dragon also want to intervene in the battle?

Yes, this red dragon is not a subspecies dragon, but a real fantasy dragon!

There is no trace of high temperature. The temperature around red dragon is very ordinary, but it is just like this that proves the strength of red dragon.

Although the gods have signed a contract with the dragon, there are still some wrong eyes, such as the red dragon and the God of fire.

However, with a contract with the gods, it is difficult to figure out whether the red dragon wants to be an enemy of mankind or what it wants this time.

Help humans? At least Mu Hantian didn't think so. If human beings have anything to make the Dragon want, it is the reproduction speed of human beings.

However, if the dragons had a way to achieve the speed of human reproduction, would they wait until now?

Even though humans were under the management of the gods at that time, for the giant dragon, what if it could reproduce like humans, expand its race, and turn against the protoss.

Not only do you admire the cold sky, but also the advance combat power of the gods opposite you are wondering what the Dragon wants to do.

The Dragon fell from the sky on the forest outside the battlefield, and then suddenly disappeared into the air.

Giant dragon, for this race with both body and magic, it is still possible to change its body size by magic.

Of course, the Dragon doesn't like to become anything else, because it's not as happy as it was when it was a dragon.

No matter what it looks like, it is more oppressive for the dragon, because it can't give full play to its strength.