Gilgamesh's impression of ishdar is not good, because ishdar's playing with humans makes Gilgamesh very dissatisfied. But mu Hantian doesn't think she is very annoying. Now she is more like a child. Maybe she has been moved by reading her myth before.

"What about enqidu? Why didn't you see her? I knew the goddess was coming, so I hid in advance!" ishdar asked again, looking left and right, but I didn't feel the breath of enqidu.

"Ishtar, pay attention to your words. This is not your palace. Enqi is all my women. What qualifications do you have to say about her? I didn't beat you out directly, which has given you face. Do you want to arouse my anger?" Mu Han Tian narrowed his eyes and some anger appeared in his heart.

"Be my husband, Mu Hantian. I'm a great goddess. I'm willing to condescend to be your wife. You're grateful to accept it!" ishdar said in a completely proud tone with both hands holding his chest.

"Just you, the witch also wants to be my wife?" Mu Hantian said with a cold face.

"Although I played with those mortals, I haven't let them touch me so far!" there was some explanation in Ishtar's words. I thought Mu Hantian might be concerned about this.

She still doesn't realize that Mu Hantian didn't refuse her for this.

Mu Hantian is not a fool. Everyone calls Ishtar a witch who plays with men, but Ishtar just plays with those men like a puppet.

As a proud God, will ishdar be touched by ordinary humans, or even crossed? Especially among the gods, the goddess in charge of life, no matter how, can not degenerate into mixing with humans.

"You think I'm mind this, don't I know these things? Ishtar, put down your pride!" Mu Hantian's tone was severe.

Yes, Ishtar's appearance and figure are impeccable, but mu Han day is not dominated by his lower body. And there are not no more beautiful women among their own.

Finally, ishdar's pride is to disgust Mu Hantian and thank him? The gods will never change their disgusting posture. This tone is really annoying.

"Is this your answer? Mu Hantian, is it because of enqidu?"

Ishdar's eyes sank and was clearly rejected by Mu Hantian. In addition to making ishdar angry, who has wanted wind and rain since his birth, he also has his own anger of rejection.

It's because of enqidu's, and ishdar's jealousy keeps rising.

"I hope you don't regret today's answer!" ishdar also had the arrogance as a God. He left directly when Mu Hantian refused.

But mu Hantian stopped her. Because he remembered a scene in the epic of Gilgamesh.

"Now you are more like a child, a child who has lost his beloved things. I hope you don't do anything that I can't forgive you!"

"Hum!" snorted coldly, with a gloomy breath around Ishtar.

"Since you refused me, go to hell with that * * *!" ishdar kept thinking.


"If you refuse ishdar like this, I'm afraid she won't give up. Ishdar is more favored among the gods. If ishdar is willing, the gods won't give up!" enqi was worried.

Enqi was very clear about the position of ishdar among the gods.

Is ishdar's own origin, so let ishdar be spoiled among the gods.

Ishdar's father was the God of heaven, the pyramid peak among the real gods.

"Well, am I going to accept her proposal? Enqidu!" Mu Han Tian didn't worry about enqidu. What about fighting with the gods? He would open his own way with his sword, and even the gods couldn't stop him.

Enqi was embarrassed by Mu Hantian's rhetorical questions and couldn't answer them. Yes, she couldn't see Mu Hantian accept ishdar's proposal.

Of course, enqi knew that he would not accept ishdar's proposal with his character of admiring cold weather.

"Well, Enkidu, even the gods will protect us in the cold weather," Gilgamesh said.

"Yes, I will protect you anyway."


"This is the divine punishment of the gods!"

On this day, all the subjects of Uruk knelt on the ground. The huge tree man was moving towards Uruk and destroyed all along the road.

be a trend which cannot be halted!

"It's Tammuz, the God of plants!"

The huge tree man is printed with clear signs, which belongs to Tammuz, the God of plants.

"Tammuz, the God of plants?" Gilgamesh knew that the gods would act, but he didn't expect to come so recklessly.

Don't the gods know that he has great power? Even among the gods, it is a relatively powerful force.

"The virtuous king of mankind, Mu Hantian, do you know what mistakes you have made?"

Great voices echoed in the air.

It's the same.

The first sentence is either that you know what mistakes you have made or that you know what you are doing? I'm tired of hearing Mu cold days. Don't the gods here know to put it another way?

"Today I will bring you to ishdar to judge you. You can't provoke our gods!" the voice of Tammuz, the God of plants, continued.

"If you want the people of your city to live, you should come out to see me. Otherwise, I will turn the city into a sea of trees and let the human beings become the nutrients of the trees!" said Tammuz.

The voice really spread to Mu Hantian.

"Tamez, the God of plants, wants to catch the cold weather. Go and ask ishdar for credit!" enqi said.

Among the gods, this is not a secret. Tamez, the God of plants, is interested in ishdar, the goddess of life, and hopes to combine with ishdar.

Even Tammuz, the God of plants, made it clear to ishdar's father. But that time was rejected by Ishtar without hesitation.

"Ishdar's suitor? No wonder he's so brainless!" Gilgamesh said, looking up at the tree man in the distance and shaking his head.

"So, what's next!" enqi asked.

"Needless to say, since he came to the door, I'm not polite. Moreover, it's a pity that people like him don't fulfill his words!" Mu Hantian patted enqidu on the shoulder, looked at the tree man and turned around.

"I will make him feel what life is better than death!"

Enqi looked at Mu Hantian's back and the huge tree man in the distance. He couldn't help praying to Tammuz, the God of plants, and hoped that he could leave his life in Mu Hantian's hands.