"Is it delicious? This?"

I haven't heard rider's voice all day and all night. Even if he becomes a spirit, is it still food that can interest him? Weber couldn't help thinking blankly.

"No, it's terrible. I'm afraid that's the worst part of the Japanese diet."

Hearing Weber's answer, the spiritualized rider seemed to sigh sadly: "boy, do you remember a shop called pancake Zhong Kui you passed by just now in Xindu? The new pancakes there are really unique, but it's a pity you didn't buy them."

"If you still want to eat, quickly return to the state that can be materialized."

The silence spread strangely, but now Weber seemed very calm. Eating eel Bento, the young apprentice magician continued: "Do you know where this is? This is the place to summon you. There is no need to say how high the spirit grid here is. Moreover, the magic array used for summoning that night has not been destroyed. For you, this is the most suitable place for Dongmu. It must be helpful for your recovery efficiency."

"I'll stay here all day today. I don't do anything but sleep, so you can take my magic as long as it doesn't kill me. In this case, it should be very helpful for your recovery."

Rider's spirit body seemed to open its mouth and was surprised. He was silent for a long time. Then he laughed. "Ha ha ha. Since you noticed, why didn't you say it earlier? Well, I'm really sorry."

"Fool! If you don't recover quickly, it's me!" Weber couldn't help getting angry. The always careless rider was embarrassed this time. If you really talk about the reason for this situation, Weber should feel ashamed.

For the reason why Weber is unwilling to keep rider materialized, it is obvious that Weber's magic supply as a master is far less than the magic consumption required for rider's recovery.

Of course, it's a shame for master. He doesn't deserve to manipulate a powerful servant like rider, which is the best proof that he is just a fragile second rate magician. Shame and resentment are the portrayal of Weber's mood now.

So, is it wrong for him to be unable to correctly master his servant state, or is it wrong for rider, who has been hiding the truth and refused to tell himself? If rider directly raised it to himself when he felt that the supply of magic was insufficient, Weber had such an awareness long ago, maybe there would be some way.

After finishing all the Bento, Weber drank all the nutrition he had bought. Then he asked the spirit body next to him, "what's the matter? He didn't talk all the time?"

"No, nothing."

"It's a lie. Just starting a big magic at that level will consume a lot of magic. And once it is started, the summoned army will be an unexpected consumption for you, right?

When I first saw it, I thought it was really a very efficient treasure as you said. The amount of magic you absorbed from my magic circuit in the initial battle with assassin is really a little too little now. "

The excessive intake of nutrients made Weber feel sick. His chest was burning. Weber sat up on the insulation mat, took off his boots and went into his sleeping bag.

"Rider, why don't you use your stored magic instead of the magic that should be borne by me? What's your intention?"

"Well." it seems difficult to explain, rider sighed deeply.

"Frankly speaking, as a servant, I am a pure soul killer. If I involve you with my magic fully open, it will even threaten your life."

"Even then, I'm ready."

Weber looked at the ground and whispered, "I don't want this to be your own war. This is my first battle. If I don't pay blood and sacrifice and win, it won't make any sense."

"Do you know my purpose of winning the Holy Grail? I don't care about what happened after winning the Holy Grail. I just want to prove it to everyone! I just want to confirm! I, Weber, even if I am like this, I can use my own hands to get what belongs to me!"

"But, boy, does that make sense on the premise that the Holy Grail really exists?"

Rider's unexpected words made Weber stunned and speechless.


Does the Holy Grail of Dongmu really exist? It's just a legend. No one has seen it with their own eyes, has it?

Now what does rider mean? Weber couldn't understand it at all, but he couldn't deny his statement. He just nodded.

"Yes, as you said, but..."

"I've fought for something that doesn't know whether it really exists before." rider's words have some pain and sadness, which is far from the domineering spirit in peace.

"I want to see the endless sea with my own eyes. In order to realize this dream, I am constantly fighting in the world. Those who believe in me undoubtedly fought with me and even sacrificed their lives. But until the end, they only saw the endless sea in their dreams.

Finally, at the instigation of some people who didn't believe me, the Oriental expeditionary army was disbanded. But it was also correct. If I continued, my army would be defeated somewhere. When I came to this era, I realized that the earth was actually a ball. It was an excessive joke. In this way, as long as you look at the map, there was nothing wrong The so-called ideal at that time seems to be just a delusion. "

"I'm tired of sacrificing others because of my willfulness. If I can be sure where the Holy Grail is, I'll get it even if I kill you and me. Unfortunately, I don't know whether the Holy Grail really exists. I don't want to make mistakes like the round earth."

But I... even so, I'm still your master. Weber just wanted to defend himself, but he immediately laughed at himself in his heart.

I can't even do the simplest magic supply. Even the weakness of servant, who was strong enough to fight, could not be seen.

It seemed that he didn't see Weber's mind. The spirit rider's voice returned to its usual bright appearance again, and laughed: "boy, naturally, you don't have to say! Well, indeed, your magic circuit is much stronger than that in peacetime, and the earth vein here is also good. You can rest all day in the daytime, and you can do a lot of work in the evening."

Weber himself could feel the amount of magic absorbed by rider through the magic circuit. The burning sensation in the chest just now has completely disappeared, replaced by a violent sense of fatigue. The strength of the whole body seems to have been taken away, and even moving your fingers and opening your eyes become difficult.

"What? A big vote? What are you going to do next?"

"HMM. well, tonight, we should first take saber as the opponent. Attack the castle in the forest again."

"Not to talk to them?"

"Of course not. The alliance is over and all that should be said has been said. It's time to fight with a real knife and gun." although rider's voice is still bold and unrestrained, he can still hear the hidden vigilance.

Even for rider, saber is definitely a strong enemy. He was ready for a fierce battle.