Yuansaka Lin has made a good awakening. Since she is the heir of the demon family, she is destined to take a different path from ordinary girls.

There is a good example around her, which is the greatest, handsome and gentle adult she knows.

In her opinion, her father Shi Chen is close to a perfect figure. Although there are many girls of the same age who look forward to their father, Lin believes that no daughter can love her father as deeply as she does.

When you grow up, you want to be a singer. When you grow up, you want to be a beautiful bride. Lin's peers may have such a wish, but Lin's wish is different.

Occupation is only the second. Her greatest wish is to be a great man like her father.

That is to say, we should choose the path our father takes and choose to accept the fate our Father accepts. Or -- inherit the blood of yuanban family.

But this is only a wish, not a wish. First of all, we must get the consent of master, that is, father. Her father hasn't shown Lin his intention to entrust the family to her in the future. She is a little uneasy at this point. Maybe my father hasn't admitted that he has the qualification to become a magician.

But even so, her wishes never changed, so she was proud of her consciousness.

Of course, Lin also knows much more about the events in Dongmu city than his classmates. Although she can't understand as deeply as her parents, she already knows more truth than most people on the street.

Seven magicians, including their father, are at war. The streets at night lurk a deadly and strange threat. Because he knew the truth, Lin added a sense of responsibility to his heart.

Yesterday, even today, my friend Qin Yin didn't come to school. The head teacher said she was at home on sick leave, but the rumors in the class didn't spread like that. Even if Lin calls her home, the other parents don't want to pay attention to Lin.

Nowadays, the abduction of children in Dongmu city can not be solved by simple search activities. Even if you call the police, it's hard for the child to come back. School teachers, Qin Yin's relatives and friends must not be aware of this, only Lin knows.

Qin Yin has always trusted Lin. Lin will come forward to help her no matter when she is bullied by the boys in the class or when the librarian forces her to work. It is a kind of pride for Lin to be so trusted and respected by his classmates. "Always be elegant" -- every time I help her, it's a good opportunity for Lin to carry out his family training.

Now? Qin Yin must be waiting for Lin to save her. In fact, she can turn to her father, who is a magician, but her father is one of the participants in the "war". She hasn't called in the past few days since she went to the museum in Shenshan town last month, and her mother strictly forbids to disturb her father.

It's like saying "never go out at night". Lin always obeys her parents, but she can't sit back and watch her friends in danger.

And - can't sleep at night, only once. In fact, Lin at that time only knew a little and his thought was not mature.

I do not know whether it is a sense of obligation or the so-called reprimand of conscience. Unconsciously, she was brought into a field that she must not get involved in. But she didn't realize it at that time.

Compared with yuanban mansion with strong border, it's too easy to slip out of Chancheng's room. Climb out of the bedroom window, slide along the balcony pillar to the court, and then drill out of the fence through the small door. It took less than five minutes to run out.

Summon up courage and self-esteem, Lin told himself that he was not those timid ordinary children. She drove away her cowardice and walked to the nearest station. Dongmu Xindu arrived in one stop. The change in his hand is enough to pay the fare.


The night air of Dongmu is really long lost. The cold smell of winter just cools the burning skin.

Lin naively thought, if only he could find the piano sound before the last bus. But in that case, there are only two hours left, which is not enough time at all.

In short, first investigate Xindu. If you go to Shenshan Town, the magic pointer will only point to yuanban mansion, and if you go there, your father may find out.

By adult standards, it's not late at night, but there are very few people on the street. When I go home on weekdays, the road is full of office workers in a hurry. Even at night, the street is still crowded.

After opening the magic pointer cover, Lin was confused by the reaction of the pointer.

"What's going on?"

The needle, which usually only shakes slightly, is spinning rapidly at the moment. She saw this phenomenon for the first time. The performance of the needle as if it were a small animal disorder immediately cast a shadow on Lin's heart.

However, standing alone is not the way. Several adults passing by just now have cast surprised eyes on Lin alone. Let's go first.

There are few people in the distance. Is this really the usual Dongmu city? Lin felt a faint cold attack on his whole body.

In fact, Dongmu city has issued a curfew. Recently, there have been a series of strange hunting killings and abductions. Yesterday, a series of terrorist bombings occurred in Xindu and Gangwan district. The police called on citizens to go out less at night, and smart people followed this instruction.

However, even if there is no curfew, I'm afraid not many people like night outings. Now there is something bad hidden in the night of Xindu, which human instinct should be aware of.

"Ah, sure enough." the red police light lit up in front of him, and Lin hid in the shadow of a building in fear. The patrol car drove slowly looking for citizens walking alone in the street. If you see yourself, the police will not let go. In that case, I can't save the piano sound.

Watching the lights fade away, Lin can finally breathe a sigh of relief.


Lin swallowed the scream that almost came out.

The sound just now came from the deep corridor of the house where he was hiding. Maybe the wild cat ran into a can when turning over the garbage. But it's hard to tell if there's anyone there.

Looking down at the magic pointer in his hand, Lin took a breath of cold air. The pointer was motionless, as if frozen, pointing to the sound.

There's something there, something that gives off strange magic. Isn't that what you're looking for?

It's a good start to find a clue so soon. Lin plans to find all the suspicious places in Xindu and confirm the location of the piano sound one by one. The first place here has been found by yourself.

OK, then go ahead and see what's there.

The underground bar, however, seems to have been abandoned, waiting for its next owner to develop.

"Hiss, hiss ~ ~" a strange voice sounded, like a snake crawling. Lin only felt a chill over him.

"Qin Yin, are you there?" cried Lin with courage. The young voice seemed to spread far away in the dark.

"No, no, no, absolutely not..."

From the depths of the corridor came the breath of something, as if a breath came to my face.

Crying, and weak groans and groans like dying. And a strong smell of blood

There is no sound in the dark. Even if she is inside, she should not be the same as before.

If you really want to find something today, maybe Lin's goal should not be Qin Yin, but her body.

"Don't --"

When everything in the dark appeared in front of Lin, she couldn't help screaming.

"Oh, there's such a lovely little girl coming to me." long Zhijie's satisfied voice sounded. Although the little girl just killed hasn't died, it doesn't matter to kill another one.