Cold, clear and tense air - just then, it was suddenly cut by the thunder like sound.

"Hmm? That guy is coming." Mu Han was stunned, and immediately turned his eyes to the sky. There, he saw a flying object draw a straight line in the sky, straight here, and sprinkle purple lightning sparks in the night sky.

Alice Phil was stunned and opened her mouth in surprise.

"... chariot..."

Judging from the appearance, this is an ancient chariot with two heads. It's not a war horse tied to the shaft. It's a big bull with muscles rolling like waves. The ox hoof treads on the void and pulls the luxurious and magnificent chariot.

No, chariots don't just float in the air. The wheels of the chariot roared, and the bull's hooves trampled not on the earth but on lightning.

Every time the ox's hoof and chariot pedaled the empty sky, the purple lightning flashed its spider web shaped tentacles and rolled up the atmosphere with a deafening sound. I'm afraid the magic of lightning can match the blow of Lancer and saber.

Only servant's treasure can be so strange and release such great magic. Needless to think, this must be the third servant to intervene in the duel between saber and Lancer, so he appeared.

Saber and Lancer both looked nervous and said nothing. They stared at the suddenly visiting chariot. Needless to say, Alice Phil's panic, and Lancer's master, who has not yet appeared, must have trembled.

If it is the spirit who is wrapped with such a huge lightning gas, it may be the predecessor of Thor. If Thor is related to the bull, the first thing people think of is the supreme god of Olympus. This chariot can't be called the spirit, but even if it is called the appendage of the spirit, it must be full of powerful threat.

The chariot with its feet on thunder and lightning circled fiercely over Lancer and saber, then slowed down and landed on the ground. It happened to fall between the two heroes facing each other, blocking the two men's sword and gun tips. At the same time of landing, he put away the dazzling thunder light, revealed the posture of a giant man, and stood majestically on the bridge of the chariot.

"Both sides put away their weapons. In front of the king!" the fierce cry was like thunder. The burly man stood in the chariot, looked around, and then introduced himself fiercely.

"My name is Iskandar the conqueror. I took part in the Holy Grail War and got the rank of rider."

Everyone present was really stupid at this time. On the battlefield of the Holy Grail, it is impossible for servant to report his family. His real name is the key to strategy. And the most restless thing is Weber sitting next to rider.

"What are you thinking, fool!" some hysterical voices rang from the strong man. Weber pulled the conqueror's coat and looked crazy.

What's going on? Looking at the two masters and servants fighting together, everyone present couldn't help a burst of sweat.

"It's a hero's job to fight with his name on the newspaper," said rider, with a snap of his finger, directly repelling his master, and then saying it as a matter of course.

Rider glanced at Lancer and saber on the left and right sides and asked, "before you fight each other to get the Holy Grail, I have one thing to ask you. I don't know what your expectations for the Holy Grail are. But now think about it. Does your wish weigh more than the grand wish of heaven and earth?"

"What on earth do you want to say?"

"Hmm? I made it very clear." at this time, rider still maintained his dignity, but his tone had become softer and more harmonious.

"When I came to the battlefield, do you have any plans to give me the Holy Grail? If you give me the Holy Grail, I will regard you as friends and share the joy of conquering the world with you."

"I admire your boldness of self-report just now, but I can't agree to your proposal." Lancer shook his head with a bitter smile, but there was no smile in his eyes. Like a sharp sword, his powerful eyes collided with the eyes of the conqueror who disdained to face them squarely, and sparks splashed everywhere.

"I will take the Holy Grail. This is my oath to the only new monarch in the world. You are definitely not the one who takes the Holy Grail. Rider!"

"Did you prevent me from dueling with the knight in order to state those jokes?" saber then asked Lancer. The expression on her face was different from that of the beautiful Lancer. She didn't even smile. For her serious, rider's proposal itself is extremely unpleasant.

"Conqueror, you've gone too far. It's an intolerable insult to the knight."

Together, Lancer and saber turned their hostile eyes on rider. Rider seemed to be embarrassed, muttering, and unconsciously pressing his fist on his temple.

"Are you going to make a deal with me?"

"Less nonsense!" it seemed that rider was going to say flattering words, and Lancer and saber refused with one voice.

Saber continued with disappointment: "again, I am also the king in charge of the British kingdom. No matter what kind of king, I can't bow my head to others."

"Oh, the king of Britain?" rider may have been interested in Saber's declaration and raised his eyebrows.

"This surprised me. The knight king who is famous all over the world is a little girl."

"Then try to eat the little girl's sword in your mouth. Conquest king!" saber raised his sword while lowering his voice.

Rider frowned and sighed.

"Then our negotiation will break, what a pity, what a pity." Rider found the resentful eyes looking up from his feet at the moment he muttered face down.

"Ah, pain, ah!" Webb's cry crossed the low sky because of the pain of swollen forehead and more tragic regret than the pain. "

"What to do? Don't you really think you can beat saber and Lancer by talking about conquest in the end?"

The burly servant didn't look guilty when facing the master's question, but laughed. "There's a saying that it's better to talk about it than to try."

"Don't you think it's your real name?" said Weber, who was dizzy with anger. With two powerless fists, he hit the standing rider's chest armor and cried.

Seeing this sad scene, Alice Phil neither despised nor sympathized, but felt that she could no longer be silent.

"Are they fools?" on the other side of the dock, Wei Gong Chesi, who was observing the battlefield with a sniper rifle, thought weakly in his heart.

"Cut Si, the situation is wrong. Look at the crane over there! And under the crane!" the voice of dance Mi rang.

"This is... Assassin, how could it be that he should have been destroyed..." looking at the figure with a white skeleton mask on the crane, Wei Gong cut Si was surprised.

"Where... Is it Lancer's master? No, the direction of the sound is wrong, or Assassin's master?" he looked at the black figure on the container, and Wei Gong's eyebrows wrinkled deeply.

The situation seems out of your control... Alice Phil

"Damn it..."

Wei Gong Chesi gnawed his teeth, but he could only watch it change.